Chapter 349 Great Xia Ancestral Land

In northern Xinjiang, there are 100,000 mountains and mountains.

At this time, in the depths of that territory, there was a large mountain peak covered with green trees and flowers.

I saw a golden figure falling from the sky, easily piercing through the spiritual curtain that enveloped the Qingqiu, and walking towards the distance.


In the mountains, there was a demon energy that squeezed the sky and the earth, and two figures appeared in front of the man in golden clothes in no particular order.

Only in the next instant, the expressions of the two changed at the same time, and they worshipped deeply.

From the beginning to the end, the man in the golden robe didn’t even look at them. He walked straight in front of them and disappeared.

“Zhirou, are you still… unwilling to forgive me?”

Qingqiuhoushan, under a deep mountain stream.

The man in golden clothes stood with his hands in his hands, his face seemed to be covered by Xianxia, ​​his eyes calmly looked at the white clothes sitting quietly in front of him, there seemed to be divine light flashing in his eyes.

“I know, you still blame me for deceiving you, but as long as you tell me… where the tower is, I will give you freedom right away and take you to the middle of the sacred state. Whatever you want… I can give you .”

The man in gold smiled gently, but the woman in white was completely indifferent to this.

“Bai Zhirou, it’s been a hundred years, do you continue to be obsessed with it? Do you think I really care about that tower? Now I am the only one in this world. Without that tower, I am still the Lord of heaven and earth. What I care about is , So far, don’t you have any regrets at all!”

“Good! Good! That’s right, I lied to you at the beginning, but you were just that man’s slave, I did everything for you! But why… in the end you betrayed me!!! And!!! Who is it… Broke your body?!”

The man in gold stretched out his hand, pinched the woman’s chin, and lifted her face.

The golden brilliance shed, setting off a pale and beautiful face, but full of death in the flourishing age.

“Okay! It doesn’t matter if you don’t say it, the taste of Soul Eater Gu is uncomfortable, right? I think how long you can bear it.”

The man in gold snorted and turned around to leave.

“Do you regret it…”

Suddenly, the white-clothed woman opened her mouth and chuckled, with sarcasm between her eyebrows.

“Huh? What can I regret? Now I am the fairy god in the hearts of the world, sitting on the world, but you, really…do not regret it?”

The Jin Yi figure paused and laughed coldly.

“Do you regret that, in order to prevent the Lord from discovering our secrets, I personally put the seal in the sea of ​​soul? When you touch it, it will break, hahaha…If you touch it, it will be broken. If you weren’t imprisoned here, I really… can’t even dream of it.”

Bai Zhirou raised her head, her clear eyes contained endless resentment.

“But now, instead, I want to thank you. If it weren’t for this seal, you would have searched my soul and killed me. Why…pretend to persuade me? Why…I’m afraid that I will kill you. Conspiracy, is it public?”

“Public all over the world?! What’s the matter with the public? Now in Saint State, who is my adversary?”

The man in gold shook his head and smiled, “Oh, don’t think I don’t know. You abolished your self-cultivation to help you reincarnate, right? You have been waiting for its return? What a loyal slave! But… even if you succeed. , What can it do? The Universe of Heaven and Earth is already in my body!”

When the words were over, the man in gold finally no longer hesitated, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

“Lord… it’s me… I’m sorry.”

Bai Zhirou closed her eyes, tears slipping from her eyes.

Above the deep stream, the queen of nine-tailed fox and the ancestor Bai Qian waited quietly, until the golden figure walked out, they worshipped deeply.

“Did she tell you anything?”

“Return to God Lord, no! Bai Zhirou has never opened her mouth in the past 100 years.”

“I will give you another year to find out the whereabouts of that ancient treasure, and dare to steal things from this god. If I don’t kill her, it is a gift to your clan, remember!”

The man in gold gave them a cold look, then lifted his foot towards Yuan Dakaya.

He is not afraid of Bai Zhirou talking nonsense.

Because she knew that once she did that, the entire fox family would be buried with her alone.

Moreover, as he said just now, he is invincible now in the Holy State.

Looking for the tower is just for… the heavenly goodness in it.

Because, sooner or later, his identity will be noticed by the ancient clan, and when that happens, both fame and life will be lost.


“Hey! Zhirou, a silly girl, as the servant girl of the god master, should have been my nine-tailed fox family’s most respected glory, but she…she… actually stole the treasure from the lower realm and made such a wicked obstacle!”

Bai Qian sighed, there was some pain in her old eyes.

“It’s also fortunate that the god is magnanimous, thinking about the old feelings, and just imprisoned her here, and did not involve our clan, otherwise…”

“The ancestors really think… Zhirou is such an unreasonable person?”

The queen of the nine-tailed fox asked softly with her eyebrows clasped.

“Huh? Fooling around! How can I wait for the divine plan to speculate! For one year, no matter what method you use, you have to ask me the whereabouts of the ancient treasure of the divine lord!”

A flash of fear flashed in Bai Qian’s eyes, but she finally shouted in hatred.

whether! !

The reason why Bai Zhirou steals the treasure from the lower realm will always belong to their fox clan, and she must not be destroyed by her alone.

One person fell and saved an entire clan.

This choice does not seem to be difficult to make.

Especially for an old demon like… Bai Qian who has lived for nearly a thousand years.


In the end, the nine-tailed fox queen didn’t say anything, but looked up at the sky, stunned.

I’m afraid, it is the time when the Nine Tails clan to annihilate the clan when the ancient treasure is really found, right?

“Mother…is the one just… God Lord?”

At this moment, in the darkness in the distance, a petite figure suddenly appeared, and a pair of pink eyes seemed to be surprised.

God Lord… how did she visit her nine-tailed fox tribe?

Moreover, looking at the mother’s face at this time, it seems a bit ugly?

She only saw the golden light figure from a distance, and did not dare to approach it.

Inexplicably, she felt a little uneasy.

She didn’t know what the eldest sister did back then, but looking at the direction in which the divine lord had just left, she clearly came from the stream.

Could it be…

“Zhixi, how many times have I told you! Don’t come here, don’t you want me to restrain you to be reconciled?”

The face of the nine-tailed fox trembled, and there was anger in her tone.

“Mother, what did the eldest sister do…”

“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask! Don’t let me go back to rest!”


Bai Zhixi pouted her mouth and turned away, but a touch of cunning flashed suddenly in her eyes.

Void Dao is weird and unpredictable.

Where she wants to go, huh, who can stop it?

After half a month.

On the border of West Xinjiang, in a magnificent ancient city.

It is magnificent, but in fact it is only compared to other cities here.

In the center of the ancient city, there stands a bluestone hall. Although it is not magnificent, it reveals endless recklessness.

Especially the remaining cracks on the wall of the temple, it is even more so that this ancient temple is plain, with a sense of despair and iron-bloodedness.

Ling Xiao and Ye Qingchan were sitting at a tea stall on the side of the street, looking calmly at the endless crowds on the street, chatting with the stall owner beside them.

The corner of Ye Qingchan’s mouth always carried a faint smile.

In just half a month, her pretty face seemed to be a bit less green and more mature.

The most important thing is that her cultivation…seems to have reached the threshold of a god general.

“Old man, this Xuyun City is Daxia King City?”

Ling Xiao held the teacup and took a sip.

In the past half month, the two traveled all the way to the west, and finally came to this Xiaochao in Western Xinjiang.

Although the journey is far away, it’s not boring.

Practice, sleep, fight… Ye Qingchan!

Now Lingxiao’s realm has also stepped into the seventh rank of the god general, which can be called horror.

Beside him, an old man with a wrinkled face smiled and nodded, “Yes, this is the royal city of Xia Dynasty, but it’s not Daxia, Daxia’s national title has been taken away by the thieves now?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

It’s just… very inexplicable, Ling Xiao felt that in this king city, there might be a son of destiny.

The country was seized?

The royal family fled to the ancestral land?

This routine is a bit familiar!

“Hey, this is a long story. Back then, my Xia Dynasty was one of the eight great dynasties in Western Xinjiang. It was located in the most central spiritual place in Western Xinjiang. I didn’t expect… 15 years ago, when the Nine Princes were born, they were changed by the sky. , Prince Sheng rebelled with troops and expelled the emperor to this western frontier… hateful, sad, shameful!”

“Sure enough! Old man, is this Daxia ancestral land? The place where Daxia Dynasty was established?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and the corners of his mouth seemed to have a touch of playfulness.

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