Chapter 342 Big Brothers Gathering

The ancient dragon lizard itself contains a strand of true dragon blood.

Rumor has it that the ancestors of Yuanyue traveled so far, seeing that there was a big demon entrenched in the mountains, he wanted to cut the demon to prove the way.

But I didn’t want to, this demon was extremely defensive, but his intelligence was impenetrable, and only then moved his heart to subdue.

Seeing the spiritual veins of the fairy mountain here, the vegetation is full, so I have the idea of ​​opening a sect.

It’s just that although this dragon lizard has a terrifying body and spitting out spiritual veins for cultivating, for hundreds of years, the spiritual wisdom has not grown much. It is probably only the appearance of a six or seven-year-old child. Apart from a deep sleep, there are no other hobbies every day.

Therefore, even the outer disciple of Yuanyue Holy Land, I don’t know that there is such a monster guarding the way in the Zongzhong!

It is precisely because of this that it has only become a trump card in Yuanyue Saint Master’s hand today.


Until the demon shadow walked to the sky above the hall, a pair of blood-red eyes looked at everyone in the Ling clan, flashing monstrous and fierce intent.

Its behavior is completely ordered by Yuanyue Holy Master, or in other words, it is a kind of instinctive surrender.

But the more it is, the more it proves that it has nothing to worry about, and once it is done, it will never die.

This is one, peerless fierce demon.

“God Emperor Monster Beast?”

Jin Peng frowned slightly, and there seemed to be a flash of fear in his eyes.

The dragon bloodline, the wisdom is not open.

Although there are drawbacks, but… more fierce.

“This is what you rely on in Yuanyue Holy Land?”

Ling Tianlin smiled indifferently, and the void behind him seemed to waver lightly for a moment.

The existence of ghosts is also a secret to the various sects in Eastern Xinjiang.

To put it bluntly, for a Yuanyue Saint Lord, Ghost Shadow alone is enough.

“Hehe, since Emperor Ling is going to fight, my Yuanyue Holy Land is naturally doing my best, but your Ling clan powerhouse is here. I don’t know if Ling clan…

Yuanyue Saint Lord is fearless, and the trump card in his hand is more than this god emperor great demon?

It’s just that… the Ling clan is strong, and the two great roads will be conquered, and both will lose out.

If Ling Xiao knew something good or bad, knelt down to admit his mistake, and then took out some spirit treasures and stones to compensate, he could reconcile Yuanyue Holy Land.

“This will not bother the Lord, Xiaoer…”

Ling Tianlin smiled slightly, seeming to seek Ling Xiao’s opinion.

At this time, I saw a flash of playfulness in the latter’s eyes, and he whispered, “Huahua.”


Above the void, a mighty dragon suddenly appeared, and a snaking black shadow appeared on the volley, standing above Ling Xiao’s head, a pair of fierce eyes, with a faint mist.

At this moment, that drop of Holy Dragon essence has not been completely refined, but the realm of Huahua has reached the threshold of the gods.

But even so, at the moment it appeared, the demon energy outside the dragon lizard’s body shrank instantly and almost collapsed.


The monster lizard with its teeth and dancing claws suddenly softened its legs and lowered its head when it saw the terrifying ghost shadow winding hundreds of miles above its head.

Even the golden eagle next to Ling Tian’s eyes flashed with shock.

The original Huahua bloodline is invincible in this world.

Especially at this time, it merged with a sacred dragon essence blood.

The kind of demon power that radiated at will, even Ling Tianlin and other powerful god emperors couldn’t help their eyes condensing slightly.

Real dragon? !

“you you…”

Sage Master Yuanyue looked at the dragon lizard who was crawling in the air with four limp legs, and his face was already gloomy.

He never dreamed that beside this descendant of the Ling clan, there was a real dragon powerhouse standing beside him.

Although this magic dragon aura is not strong, but the demon aura is really frightening.

“Ling Xiao! Do you think that you can do whatever you want? Humph.”

Sage Master Yuanyue gritted his teeth fiercely, his hands flickered, and suddenly an ancient formation appeared on the top of his head.

Among them, evolving sun, moon and stars, rivers, seas and rivers, unparalleled Taoism shrouded, and instantly enveloped the entire Yuanyue Holy Land.

“Yuanyue Sacred Land Inheritance Taoism, Taixuan Mountain and River Map.”

This time, Ling Tianlin’s eyes flashed solemnly.

He knew the existence of this picture.

This ancient Taoist artifact can not only evolve the mighty power of heaven and earth, but also imprison all creatures, which is extremely tricky.


A single piece of Taoism wanted to deter the Ling Clan, which was obviously a bit whimsical.

“Door, I also have it.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and the magic knife appeared in his hand.

“act recklessly!”

Sage Master Yuanyue waved his palm, and saw the ancient landscape of mountains and rivers rising in the wind, and instantly enveloped everyone in the Ling clan.

The sky and the earth seemed to be plunged into darkness, and immediately afterwards, there were celestial mountains and clouds floating in front of you, and it was obvious that everyone had entered the picture.

From beginning to end, Ling Xiao did not move, and Ling Tianlin did not move either.

To destroy the Yuanyue Holy Land, this picture had to be broken.

“Everything changes, do not depart from its ancestry, break it with strength.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently. Behind him, countless Linghui suddenly lit up, and saw a series of offensives whizzing through the sky instantly, falling towards the fairy in the picture.

“Hahahaha, in this picture, everything is in vain! Ling Tianlin, today if you can make Ling Xiao kneel in my sacred shrine to repent for ten days, I will consider letting you off the Ling clan!”

The Lord Yuanyue sneered, but at the moment when his voice fell, he saw a flash of light in the sky.

A great sword of Qinghui slashed through the sky and fell, pressing down on him.


Lord Yuanyue’s complexion changed drastically, beside him, Great Elder Yuanyue Li Cangshan waved his palm, transforming his seal out of thin air, and shook that shocking sword forcibly.


The terrifying spiritual wind dispersed in all directions, sweeping many holy land disciples around the ground.

At this moment, above the sky, a group of figures showed their figures, leading one person in black and white robes.

It is the Misty Palace Master, Xu Ruyan!

“Di Ling, I will help you break through this formation!!”

When the words fell, behind him, all the Dao Palace elders used their spiritual power one after another, and a great momentum of heaven and earth squeezed down, causing many holy land elders to instantly change their expressions.

This Taoist Palace finally arrived at the most critical moment.


The Lord Yuanyue didn’t dare to hesitate at all. The ancient seal in his hand changed, and the big picture of the mountains and rivers that had imprisoned the Ling tribes suddenly scattered out of thin air, directly turned into a fairy curtain, shrouded in the top of the holy mountain.


Countless streamers smashed down, even with the cultivation of Yuanyue Saint Master, at this time, he felt the whole body’s vitality and blood rolling, and his aura gradually wilted.


“Holy Lord, don’t panic, my ancient puppet sect is here to help you.”

Just when the people in Yuanyue Holy Land were resentful, there was a flash of spiritual light above the sky again.

I saw a trail of ancient and gloomy aura slowly stepping on, standing in front of everyone in the Misty Taoist Palace.

Among them are two emperors and five kings, as well as three demon puppets with no breath on them, but fierce and mighty.

One gold, one silver, a man with long black hair and a withered face.

“Four puppets of ancient puppets?”

The more fun in Ling Xiao’s eyes, it seemed that someone was impatiently coming to give him good luck.

“Hehehe, so lively, Xiaoer, have you forgotten to be a teacher?”

In the void, there was a sudden surge of demonic energy, like the roar of the sea.

Immediately afterwards, 10,000 enemies and a group of Demon Sect elders all arrived, staring at the people on the top of the mountain with bitter eyes.

“Dare to kill my daughter-in-law, today Yuanyue Holy Land will be destroyed.”

The coquettish scolding resounded from the horizon, and Xuanyuanyue came with a frosty face and held her hands.

The red clothes outside the body are particularly conspicuous in the night sky, like the arrival of a female emperor, instantly turning the gloom on the face of Yuanyue Saint Master into a hideous!

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