Chapter 297: Finally Coming

“Big black monkey? Iron bump?”

Huo Xiang’s face was taken aback, and he slowly opened his eyes. The next moment, his face suddenly solidified.


Is this him… called a monkey?

“Haha…hahaha, it turned out to be the son of Lingxiao. I heard the name of the son a long time ago, like a thundering, chivalrous and unparalleled. When I saw it today, it was really…Sansheng was fortunate.”

Huo Xiang laughed, his expression extremely enthusiastic.

But Ling Xiao only shook his head and smiled, “Ten breaths, I don’t want to see flesh on him!”

“Ling Xiao! Don’t be rampant, this is a secret realm, kill me and wait, the Huo Clan will not let you go!”

Suddenly, the Huo Clan Tianjiao shouted angrily!

Just before he could say anything, the figure of the demon puppet came to his eyes in an instant, the hammer in his hand was raised high, and then it fell fiercely.


Suddenly, the young Tianjiao who was full of shame and anger disappeared in the same place in an instant, leaving only a beach on the ground.


The remaining few people rolled their eyes and almost fainted on the ground.

“The son! Go and save the goddess Nian, I just saw her being chased by Xia Chen!”

Fu Yunyao suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed.

“Xia Chen? Killing Nian Qingyun?”

What only made Fu Yunyao feel incredible was that at this time Ling Xiao’s face was only showing a touch of playfulness, and he didn’t even mean to be anxious.


A son of destiny who has a thousand luck left, to chase and kill a daughter of destiny who has more than ten thousand luck?

I’m afraid he was stabbed to death by thunder inexplicably before the knife was pulled out, right?

“The son…”

“It’s okay, it’s fine, it’s solved, Yun Yao, you go to the entrance and wait for me, don’t act alone anymore.”

In the end, Ling Xiao didn’t delay any more time, after all, Ling Tian still rushed him to influence.

Otherwise, once the opportunity is missed, I am afraid I don’t know how long it will take to wait.

Hearing this, Mi Yong’s mouth suddenly grinned, and his mouth was full of sharp teeth, which directly scared several Huo ethnic youths to pee.

However, Ling Xiao’s figure appeared in front of Huo Xiang instantly, his eyes flickering, and he directly broke into his sea of ​​knowledge.

Memories passed by quickly, and the Young Master Huo Clan didn’t display an offensive from beginning to end, so he collapsed to the ground.

It wasn’t until Ling Xiao and others walked away that the corners of his mouth were drooling, and he grabbed the mud from the ground and stuffed it into his mouth.


“The son…”

Fu Yunyao turned her head and glanced at the battle puppet behind Ling Xiao, her beautiful eyes seemed a little surprised.

“Go, wait for me at the entrance.”

However, Ling Xiao didn’t explain anything, he just put away Mi Yong and the demon puppets, and swept towards the place where Ling Tian and the two were.

Now the three ancient tribes in this secret realm, two sides have been controlled by him, and one side is afraid that it will be fierce at this time.

What rule restrictions are no longer useful to him.

It’s just that Miyong’s identity is special, so it’s better not to expose it lightly.

Otherwise, once someone sees it, there will be catastrophe.

The villain must be cautious anyway.

As for Nian Qingyun…

Even if she was not Xia Chen’s opponent now, the latter would never be able to kill him.

Let her suffer a bit to feel the sweetness of love!

It wasn’t until Ling Xiao’s figure appeared above the valley where Ling Tian was that his eyes condensed suddenly.


Is it so tragic?

I saw that Shangguan Qinghe was kicking on Ling Tian’s head in that place where the rocks were scattered, seeming to be vicious, but did not display any spiritual power, apparently deliberately humiliating.

Not far away, Ye Xun’er lay calmly on the ground, eyes closed.

When I feel carefully…

I’m gonna! !

Is it all cold? !

how is this possible?

Ling Xiao’s face was taken aback, with Ye Xun’er’s luck, he shouldn’t have died here so easily.

Besides, she didn’t see any injuries on her body. Could it be that she committed suicide?

Also, what happened to Ling Tian’s gray hair?

Actually…a little handsome?

Five thousand luck!

The law of killing, the law of kendo!

The two ways are close to you!

My stupid brother, you never disappoint me!

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, stepped out, and walked towards Shangguan Qinghe.

“Ling Tian! Aren’t you very hungry? Come on, kill me again!”

“Do you really want to die with Ye Xun’er? Dream about it. Later I will bring her body back to the Ancient Hunyuan Sect, find the young master of the ancient puppet, train her into a puppet, and stay by my side !”


Ling Tian gritted his teeth fiercely, his face was already completely distorted because of resentment, and the blood kept spilling, but he finally didn’t have the strength to hold the sword.

His chin has been removed by Shangguan Qinghyuk.

He couldn’t even die at this time! !

“Huh! The humble ant, dare to cut my arm, I will cut you off today!!”

At this time, Shangguan Qinghe’s shoulders had turned into pitch black strangely.

Even his vitality has some signs of decay.

Obviously, although Ling Tian’s sword failed to kill him, the immortal karma contained in the sword was slowly eroding his body.

More importantly, he couldn’t resist this kind of power!

“No!! I changed my mind. I want to unload Ye Xun’er to make you a puppet, so that you can’t enter the reincarnation!!”

Shangguan Qinghe smiled sullenly, and suddenly grasped Ling Tian’s neck, and put him next to Ye Xun’er’s corpse like a dead dog, and threw him on the ground casually.

Then, he picked up the ancient Zhuxian sword and stood in front of Ye Xun’er. Sen sneered, “Junior Brother Lingtian, she seems to have died for you, right?”

“It seems that I really love you.”

“You said, what’s the point of the moment she procrastinated for you?”

“Actually… I really didn’t plan to kill her, I just want to kill you.”

“Hahaha, haven’t you seen the beautiful body of Junior Sister Ye? Come on, let’s see it together, just as I give you good luck.”

“Do not!!!”

Ling Tian was powerless to roar, and the killing intent in his eyes was like ten thousand years of absolute ice, cold and terrifying, and cold to the bone.

But no matter how hard he tried, it was in vain in the end.

Suddenly, Ling Tian thought of Ling Xiao!

Thinking of the sound transmission note the latter had given him.

If you weren’t that wayward at the time, would the situation be different today?

Dan Hai is important?

If Ye Xun’er can be saved, why not give him my life?

Is hatred important?

If from the beginning, as he said, slay all enemies, would Xun’er not burn Dao Ze, and die in my arms?

Do not! !

As long as he can appear now and keep Xun’er’s body, I am willing to let go of all my hatred and die with Xun’er!

Ling Xiao! !

Did you hear it?

I beg you, show up quickly!

Ling Tian screamed weakly, but there were tears in his eyes.

He knew that everything was too late.

Because of his stubbornness, he lost the most precious person in his life.

“Keep your eyes open and enjoy the last part of your life.”

Shangguan Qinghe grinned, and the ancient sword in his hand suddenly fell.

But at this moment, he clearly felt an inexplicable chill suddenly rising from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, a cold voice came slowly from the top of his head.

“Shangguan Qinghyuk! You really…don’t give up if you don’t die.”

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