Chapter 295


The ancient seal fell and instantly enveloped Ye Xun’er and Ling Tian.

Even if they tried their best, the life path that enveloped the two of them at this time still gradually dimmed.

At the same time, Ye Xun’er’s face was inexplicably rosy.

As if back to light, sad eyes.


Ling Tian looked at the silver teeth in front of him biting his eyes tightly, his mouth was gradually overflowing with blood, the expression on his face was slowly dull, desperate, hideous, and finally turned into a twist of resentment!

How he couldn’t feel it, Ye Xun’er’s vitality was slowly dissipating.

His heart trembled fiercely for a moment!

“Xun’er!! What are you doing?!”

“Xun’er… You finally agreed to call me Xun’er.”

A bloody smile bloomed on Ye Xun’er’s pretty face, “Junior brother, live well.”

“No!! You stop now!!”

Ling Tian seemed to have thought of something, and shook Ye Xun’er desperately, with blood flickering in his eyes.

“Hurry up and stop!!”

“Junior Brother… The ultimate meaning of life lies in guarding… it can only be used once in a lifetime.”

Ye Xun’er shook his head slightly, a touch of resoluteness in her beautiful eyes.

“No… Xun’er! You stop! Stop!”


Why in this world, bad people are rampant, and good people are being slaughtered?

Why! !

Why is it that I should stand on the top of this eastern Xinjiang and be admired by thousands of people, but now, I have to watch my beloved stand in front of me again and again!

Why! !

Why is the sky so unfair to me!

What did i do wrong?

what should I do?

Hatred, anger, at this moment, it is no longer possible to distinguish why.

Since this world is evil, I should… slaughter all the people in the world!

If the sky is unfair, I will attack the sky!

If Dao is unfair, I will kill Dao!

If the common people are injustice, I will… punish all souls and rebuild samsara! !

Inexplicably… outside Ling Tian’s body, blood began to entangle.

Not like spiritual power, nor blood.

It’s a…the power of Tao!

Finally, at this heart-piercing moment, he realized it!

At the moment when his eyes were red, he awakened the most original principle!

Slaughter Road! !

There is no justice in the world, there is a way to kill.

Only by killing can we break all the evil barriers, achieve the self, and achieve…the world is the only one!


The ancient Zhuxian sword began to buzz, and the blood from the corners of Ye Xun’er’s mouth kept gushing, dyeing the boy’s eyes and hair red.

Zhu Tian’s Nine Swords had never been cultivated, but it turned out to be because… not enough hate! !

Ling Tian lowered his head and chuckled. Gradually, the laughter became louder and more ferocious, and together with the heavens and the earth, they began to darken.

Above his head, a cloud of blood gathered, like a tornado, piercing through the sky and the earth.

“Junior Brother! Wake up, if this continues, you are going to be enchanted!”

Looking at Ling Tian with a cold expression in front of him, with confusion and evil in his eyes, Ye Xun’er’s face was pale, and the aura on his body completely wilted.

“Enchanted…what about it?”

Ling Tian raised his head, a pair of twinkling eyes flashed with monster blood.

“He’s right, the sword should kill all enemies.”

“Kill all evil, you are justice!”

“The fairy… the devil… are all in my mind!!”


The whole world, for no reason, set off a bloody wind.

Ye Linger’s expression froze, and the blue light outside finally dissipated, her delicate body trembled lightly, and she fell directly into Ling Tian’s arms.

And the ancient seal on the head finally crashed down, but stopped inexplicably three feet above the young man’s head.

At this moment, behind Ling Tian, ​​there seemed to be a fairy shadow sitting quietly.

The endless sound is heard, but there is only one word left in the ears.




“You all deserve to die!”

Ling Tian gently placed Ye Xun’er on the ground and stroked her cheek with his palm.

“Junior Brother…Don’t…I don’t want you to become a demon…”

Ye Xun’er still kept pouring blood out of her mouth, her life path was exhausted, and her vitality was gradually dissipated at this moment.

The last warmth is willing to exchange your life for you to look back.

However, Ye Xun’er miscalculated after all.

She never dreamed that she tried her best to overdraw the forbidden technique used by her life, which shattered Ling Tian’s Dao Heart and completely plunged him into the killing Dao.

She could have not died, but she…fallen willingly.

She only hopes that it will be longer and longer, Lord Ling Xiao… should be coming.

Inexplicably, Ye Xun’er smiled.

She stretched out her hand, trying hard to hold Ling Tian’s palm, but in the end she slipped down weakly.

At the corner of his eyes, a drop of clear tears slipped down, shocking.

Together with the smile on the corner of her mouth, it will be frozen forever!

Brother, see you in the next life.


Ling Tian raised his head, trying hard to scream, but didn’t make a sound.

In an instant, his hair turned white.

Bai is dazzling and cold, unforgettable!

It wasn’t until this moment that Ling Tian realized that he had neglected so much beauty because of hatred in his entire life.

Find a child!

I know!

I know you don’t want me to live in hatred! !

Find a child! !

I know, I know you just want to make me happy! !

Find a child! !

I’m wrong!

I don’t hate anyone anymore, come back…

How about coming back! !

I don’t need anything, come back! !

come back! !

I beg you!

Tears began to surging, and the bitter taste flowed to the mouth.

However, it failed to wash away the blood and killing thoughts in the young man’s eyes!

“Do not!!!!”

The situation has changed drastically, covering thousands of miles of sky.

That is the color of blood, the oath of Demon Lin!

In the distance in the air, Shangguan Qinghe and others looked at the young man who turned into a demon, their eyes condensed slightly, and there was an inexplicable panic in their hearts.


It’s just…Even if he was more upset at this time, he still gritted his teeth and shouted coldly at everyone.

Obviously, Ye Xun’er’s death had completely angered Ling Tian.

Even compared to Ling Xiao, the evil spirit on the second son of the Ling clan at this time was even stronger.

Beside him, the seven ancient Tianjiao hesitated slightly, and the spiritual light all over his body instantly surged towards Ling Tian’s anger.

Only at this time, the young man was still sitting next to Ye Xun’er, gently touching her face, laughing and talking.

He lives, but he is dead.

In the past, all sorts of things appeared before our eyes.

The girl’s smile is like a demon.

The more he thought about it, the more painful he became, the more painful he became, the more he hated it, and even the blood glow outside his body turned into a dark color strangely.

“Xun’er, wait for me, wait for me to kill all these bastards, and then go with you.”

Life is meaningless.

What’s the fear of life and death?

Ling Tian smiled gently, kissed the girl’s forehead lightly, and then got up and looked at the seven people who came by.


The world seemed to be silent for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a loud sword groan resounded suddenly throughout the secret realm.

Even the countless Dongjiang Tianjiao far away in the sky felt inexplicably cold at this time, and looked at the place covered by a cloud of blood with an expression of trepidation.

There is a demon in this secret realm? !


Ling Tian opened his mouth and said only one word in a cold tone.

Behind him, the eyes of the ancient fairy shadow suddenly opened, and the fairy light was shining.

Just like the lingering ray of clarity in the depths of the Magnificence, and like the last ray of light in the nine days of dying.

There is only one sword left in the world.

Coming from the open sky, cut to the sky.

The expressions of the eight ancient Tianjiao changed drastically, and the spirit treasures in their hands flashed with dazzling brilliance, and they brazenly moved towards the sword.


only! !

The Lingbao, which is usually unparalleled in power, was like a mustard under this sword at this time, and it shattered at the touch of a touch.

A ray of blood mist bloomed brilliantly along where the sword light passed.

The eight deceptive evildoers were actually killed by Ling Tian…a sword!

But at this point, the sword shadow hasn’t dissipated, but went through the hole towards Shangguan Qinghe in the midair.


Shangguan Qinghe’s face changed drastically, and he felt like a pair of eyes were watching him.

It seemed that no matter where he hid, he couldn’t avoid the power of this sword.

“A rubbish, even if the Tao is next to him, how can I do it!!”

After a scream, I saw Young Master Hunyuan suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

The black and white colors flow on it, revealing a… as if from the old days of recklessness!

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