Chapter 282

“The blood of a loved one? Comprehend the Tao?”

Lin Xi repeated Shui Yue’er’s words in a daze, her face already dulled.

how come?

impossible! !

Linger would never do this!


Except for this reason, what is the Lin Family’s plot worthy of the Blood Soul Temple?

Moreover, he fell down the cliff that day, it was already a mortal situation.

If I hadn’t picked up the ring and met Ling Lao, I would have already returned to the West.

Then… how did Ling’er survive?

If a coincidence appears once, it is called a coincidence. If it appears twice at the same time…


Suddenly, Lin Xi felt a chill suddenly rise on the soles of her feet.

If this is the case, then this time Bai Ling came to the secret realm…

Is it possible to hone one’s own principles?

and many more!

If she didn’t comprehend the Tao, is this conjecture self-defeating?

When the secret realm opened that day, Lin Xi did see Bai Ling attack Ling Xiao, but he didn’t have a system, and naturally he couldn’t see whether the latter had the principles.

Poor Lin Xi probably didn’t guess that his baby sister had already been entrusted to Ling Xiao by “self”.

“Brother, is that you?!”

And just as Lin Xi was secretly pondering, behind him, a soft sound containing longing suddenly came.


Lin Xi’s original coldness that reached his waist instantly rushed to the heavenly spirit cover, and even his face became pale inexplicably.

Then, he slowly turned his head and looked at the face that had been thinking about it for seven years. At this time, he felt inexplicably terrified, and his heart trembled suddenly.


“Brother!! It’s really you!!”

Bai Ling’s eyes were tearful, even if she had believed it, perhaps the person in front of her was no longer her brother.

Feeling the familiar breath, she still couldn’t help but want to get close.

“You…how did you recognize me…”

Lin Xi’s lips trembled lightly, and she instinctively stepped back, only feeling that things seemed to be getting more and more weird.

Could it be that the Blood Soul Temple left a mark on him?

But why didn’t she come to find herself all these years?

Could it be… the purpose was achieved and he was stocked for a while?

The stronger the sharpening stone, the tougher the knife can be honed!

He understands this truth, but he just can’t accept it. Seven years of lovesickness has been empty, and his beloved has become an enemy! !

“Brother, even if you are a corpse, I will recognize you.”

Bai Ling’s eyebrows clustered slightly, and Lin Xi’s performance at this time had already made her suspicious.

It hasn’t been seen for seven years. Although her appearance has changed a little, if it is her brother Lin Xi, she will definitely be able to recognize her. Now, shouldn’t we cry and hug her in her arms and think about each other?

But now… he stood guard in the distance?

This feeling is unfamiliar, painful, and…angry!


Bai Ling! You have to calm down!

Maybe it’s just been too long, or maybe… I appeared too suddenly.

Also, if it is as Ling Xiao said, then Lin Xi may be a person of respect!

Even if his cultivation base is not there, but the method is by no means the person who breaks the illusion can contend!

She promised Ling Xiao… brother, she must go back alive!

“Become a corpse?!”

Lin Xi’s eyes condensed, as expected!

has a problem! !

Listen, is this what the fuck is talking about?

“Hehe, sister, where have you been in the past seven years? Why did you come to me now!”

But in the end, Lin Xi chose to hide his good emotions.

He can’t mess himself up until he has fully figured it out!

“I… have been practicing in the temple! Brother, how about you, how did you come over these years?”

Bai Ling smiled lightly, but the excitement just disappeared on his face.

Specializing in alchemy, really good.

In the black mountain in the distance, there is a clear flame aura. I’m afraid it’s this… Lin Xi is here for something.

Brother, is it really you?

“Temple? What temple?!”

Lin Xi’s face that had just calmed down turned pale again in an instant.


That’s right!

Everything is in line with what Yue’er said!

“Could it be…Blood Soul Temple?!”

“Hmm! Brother, you fell down the cliff that day, and I was overtaken by the swordsman in white. I thought he was going to die, but suddenly an old grandfather appeared, who rescued me and accepted me as an apprentice.”

Bai Ling smiled sweetly, but a trace of pain flashed through her beautiful eyes.

My brother, he didn’t expect that goodbye would become our farewell.

Some people really turn around and become a lifetime.


Lin Xi’s face was taken aback.


You also met an old grandfather?

Still alive?

Is it possible?

Is there such a coincidence in this world?

That old grandfather did not appear early or late, but it happened when my Lin family was slaughtered clean, the moment I fell off the cliff?

conspiracy! !

This is the smell of conspiracy! !

“Brother? What’s wrong with you?”

Bai Ling looked suspiciously at the constantly changing complexion on Lin Xi’s face, but he became more confident in his heart that this Lin Xi is fake!

“Oh, it’s okay! Ling’er, have you been practicing in the Blood Soul Temple all these years?”

Lin Xi hurriedly put away the gloom on his face, and then showed a gentle smile.

No matter who this Bai Ling is, now that she has brought it to the door by herself, it’s not that she can’t… take advantage of it.


On that day, she had already revealed the killing intent to Ling Xiao. She was afraid that she would appear in front of Ling Xiao again, which would definitely arouse the latter’s suspicion, but…

Hehehe, I am a little expert in alchemy.

Wanting to change your appearance is not a simple matter.

Besides, since this Bai Ling was a disciple of the Blood Soul Temple, he definitely had a hand in covering up his breath or something.

The name of Ling Xiao Lang is unknown to the entire Saint State.

Shouldn’t he refuse the proud girl who has been delivered to the door?

“Yeah, brother, what’s the matter?”

The two brothers and sisters looked like siblings and respectful, but Shui Yue’er on the side had already bloomed with a touching smile on his face.

“I saw my sister provoking Ling Xiao just now. You must know what happened to Young Master Lin Xi? I just don’t know…what is your younger sister’s cultivation level now? That Ling Xiao is an enchanting evildoer…you both showed murderous intent to him, but also How to escape?”

Shui Yue’er looked at Bai Ling up and down, with some inexplicable meaning in the words.

“Huh, what about the evil spirits of Dao Ze? My blood shadow Dao Ze contains the profound meaning of killing Dao. I can’t stop anyone I want to go!”

A hint of arrogance was raised on Bai Ling’s small face, but Lin Xi’s face suddenly became dull.

Gan! !

Sure enough, it is the power of Tao! !

Killing is the ultimate, but the blood shadow is the rule?

I have the help of a powerful person, and I have also integrated the spirit of heaven and earth, and I have not yet understood the power of the Dao. You, a fourteen or five-year-old girl, actually understand the way of killing?

Suddenly, the last trace of doubt in Lin Xi’s heart also disappeared.

Prove the Dao by killing, and enlighten the blood of your loved ones!

It turns out that our Lin family is just a tool for cultivation in your eyes! !

“Brother, why are you here?”

Of course Bai Ling couldn’t guess what Lin Xi was thinking at this time, but just glanced at Shui Yue’er very boredly.

This woman revealed a scent from head to toe, which is not a good thing at first glance.

Also, people are divided into groups!

“Uh, sister, there is a good fortune of mine in this mountain. I am here to get back what belongs to me.”

Lin Xi didn’t mention Spirit Fire, but smiled indifferently.

your things?

“Oh? Why didn’t the brother go up, but hide in this forest?”


Lin Xi’s face sank, nonsense, I want that strength, am I here?

“Hey, my sister doesn’t know something, if I want to take back this good fortune, I still need something, but that thing is not on me…”

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