Chapter 280 You Are My Sister

“Who are you, and why do you keep hitting me again and again?”

Ling Xiao frowned and shouted softly.

“Hmph, Ling Xiao, aren’t you arrogant? Why, are you scared?”

Bai Lingyu embraced his chest, stood in front of Ling Xiao and laughed coldly.

A slightly childish face, with a touch of childish pride.

At this time, she probably also forgot how Ling Xiao broke her gun with two fingers.

Over the years, Bai Ling has been honing his practice in the temple.

Although he killed a lot of people, he never went out alone like this.

Moreover, the people she killed were all brutal and vicious in the words of the master, who either bullied the good and the tyrant, or slaughtered the commonplace.

In short, there are reasons to kill.

At first she also resisted, but then she understood that if the wicked don’t kill, it will be a disaster for the world.

She is saving people by killing people!

If it hadn’t been because the master was unprepared to sneak out this time, I’m afraid she didn’t know that her brother had actually offended this descendant of the Ling clan.


How can a person who has never really experienced the dangers of the human world know how terrible people are?

“Afraid? I have always done things in Ling Xiao, and I have always had grievances and grievances clear and upright. I asked myself, why did the girl assassinate me again and again?”

Ling Xiao worried about her neck, with a righteous and awe-inspiring appearance.

“Be open and upright? You…You are also open and upright if you grab someone else’s sweetheart and humiliate others?!”

Bai Ling looked at Ling Xiao angrily, raised his hand to hold the black gun that fell to the ground, “Hmph, no matter what you say, anyway, you are dead today!”

“Grabbing someone’s sweetheart? Humiliating others? I don’t understand this. My Lingxiao character, no one in Dongjiang knows. Have you ever done such a treacherous thing? Isn’t the girl admitting to the wrong person?”

Ling Xiao’s voice was full of emotion, and his tone was excited.

If you are someone who is not familiar with him, you really think he has been greatly wronged!

“Acknowledged the wrong person? Huh, is Nian Qingjun your fiancée? But I heard that she seemed to have a sweetheart before?”

Bai Ling sneered, blood was seen on the black spear in his hand.

“Nian Qingjun? So you said… Brother Lin Xi!!”

But just when Bai Ling’s black spear was about to be inserted into Ling Xiao’s chest, the latter’s words from Brother Lin Xi changed Bai Ling’s expression.

“What’s your name… Lin Xi?!”

“It turned out to be for this! The girl didn’t know something. Lin Xi and I were brothers who lived and died in trouble. We were in the Ling clan at the beginning, and it was also a play performed by the two of me.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and sighed, looking sad.

“Act? Do you mean that Lin Xi deliberately sent his sweetheart into your arms? Ling Xiao!! Do you think I am a twelve or thirteen-year-old child?”

Bai Lingyin’s teeth clenched tightly, and his pretty face screamed angrily.

“Hey, this is a long story, but why does the girl care about me Lin Xi…brother? Could it be…”

“I… I want you to take care of it! It’s a long story, so don’t talk about it!!”

Bai Ling obviously didn’t believe what Ling Xiao said, and the black spear suddenly pierced out, taking Ling Xiao’s heart directly.

“Brother Lin Xi is dead!!!”


Bai Ling’s pretty face turned white for an instant, and there was a strong panic between his eyebrows.

“What are you talking about?! My brother…what’s wrong?!”

“Your brother? It really is you!!! You are my sister!”

A touch of excitement suddenly appeared in Ling Xiao’s eyes.

If it hadn’t been for his body shape at this time, he would have rushed up and held Bai Ling in his arms.

“Who is your sister! Say! What happened to my brother?”

Bai Ling’s beautiful eyes were red, and the black spear in his hand was pointed diagonally at Ling Xiao’s neck.

“Hey, brother Lin Xi and I met on an ancient battlefield. We shared tribulations, met each other late, missed each other, shared life and death, and were in harmony with each other…”

“Say the point!!!”

Bai Ling was almost crazy. Originally, she only thought that Master was the most nagging person in the world.

But now that she saw this descendant of the Ling clan, she realized that she was wrong!

“He told me that when the Lin family was destroyed, he fell off the cliff and accidentally encountered a remnant soul to help him cultivate, otherwise you think… how he survived.”

Ling Xiao sighed, seeming to recall a deep past.

“Could it be that my brother…by that remnant soul…”

“Hey, at first, the two of them were considered to be in harmony. They practiced together, and even the remnant soul taught your brother many cultivation methods, but when his cultivation level is restored, your brother gradually discovered that his spiritual consciousness seems to be out of control. NS…”


“Until one day, when he suddenly came to me and told me this secret, it was too late. Of course I wanted to help him solve the remnant soul. But, your brother said that the remnant soul was a realm before his death. Not only is he unable to break free, but the entire Holy State is afraid that no one is his opponent, so he can only temporarily trap him in an ancient god ring!”

“But…your brother can’t let go! Can’t let go of Nian Qingjun, can’t let go of you! I’m afraid that Nian Qingjun will not follow you… By the way, your brother has repeatedly told me that he must find you and treat you as his own sister to love, Linger, is that you!”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were red, and she was about to cry.

He did hear Lin Xi’s name Ling’er, but he didn’t know the full name.

But this Ling’er fell into Bai Ling’s ears, but she instantly trembled and almost cried out.

In the temple, everyone knew that she was called Qianmo, and no one knew her real name.

Linger, only brother Lin Xi and father would call it! ! !

“So… he deliberately acted on the advantage of being wise and clear, and deceived Nian Qingjun, actually he just wanted to entrust her to you?”

When Ling Xiao called out the word Ling’er, Bai Ling was actually a little shaken.

Especially the details described by Ling Xiao are really lifelike, and the tears on his face don’t seem to be fake!

It turned out that he was actually his brother’s brother! !

A good brother worthy of entrusting his wife and sister! !

If not, how could his brother mention his name to him?

Even if the Ling clan was powerful, the Lin clan was destroyed, and even her master could not find any clues.

How could the Ren Ling clan’s methods be as powerful as the Blood Soul Temple?

“Dip, the girl of Destiny is shaken. Congratulations to the host for getting 300 luck and 3000 villain points.”

“Not only that!!!”

Ling Xiao sneered in her heart, but there was a touch of sadness on her face.

“The soul is cruel, and he threatens Brother Lin Xi from time to time, saying that if he dares to reveal his identity, he will kill all the people he cares about!!”

“So… he pretended to break with you… and took all the consequences silently?”

On Bai Ling’s face, tears rained down on the dead leaves on the ground, making a crisp sound.

“No! Your brother… he broke his soul and his memory! This feat made me cry for seven days, six nights and three and a half hours!”

“But I, Ling Xiao, is a person who is greedy for life and fear of death!!”

“Even if the remnant soul is terrible, it was in the realm of honor before death, I will avenge this brother Lin Xi, take advantage of his cultivation has never recovered, and kill him in this secret realm!!”

Ling Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely, and the power of his body rushed into the sky, attracting countless storms and punishing thunder to heaven!

“So…is this the truth?!”

Bai Ling looked at Ling Xiao with complicated eyes. At this moment, the young man in front of him seemed to exude golden light, sacred and stalwart.

If Bai Ling had a hint of hesitation before, then she was really willing to believe what the young man said at this time.

Otherwise, why should he tell himself that Lin Xi is here?

If what he said is false, as long as he finds brother Lin Xi, everything will come to light?


Outside Ling Xiao, the scarlet chain quietly dissipated, and the latter’s figure rushed to Bai Ling almost without hesitation, embracing her fiercely.

“Sister! I finally found you! I finally lived up to Brother Lin Xi’s will and found you! Promise me not to leave me!”

Ling Xiao put his head between Bai Ling’s hair, a touch of drunkenness on his face.

I have confirmed the smell, it is a silly loli!

“Ling…Ling Xiao…Brother, I…”

The sadness on Bai Ling’s face instantly solidified and turned into a touch of shame.

Only from the bottom of my heart, he was moved by the friendship between Ling Xiao and his brother.

“Sorry, sister, I was so excited! But now…the Lin…remnant soul is in the secret realm, you must not leave me, otherwise if he meets…”

Ling Xiao took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and sighed softly.


Don’t leave…by your side?

Inexplicably, Bai Ling’s eyes suddenly flashed with coldness.

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