Chapter 257

“I know that the marriage contract between you and me is just a marriage between the elders, dictated by interest, and even in your heart, I am just a tool of love.”

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly, his god robe had long been dyed blood red, and the blood dripped down his fingers on the bluestone battle platform, making a clear sound.

Tick ​​to tick.

“That’s it, fast, deeper, and pierce a little deeper!!”

Lin Xi and Xia Chen already had tears in their eyes at this time.


They never dreamed that this descendant of the Ling clan, whom they had always regarded as a great enemy, was so unexpectedly… about to pass away?

The spray of blood, like a spring, is really… so beautiful!

Look… even Nian Qingyun was crying with excitement.

Presumably she didn’t expect that she could kill Ling Xiao so smoothly, right?

I saw that the sword gradually penetrated Ling Xiao’s chest, and the latter’s face was obviously with a strong unwillingness to surprise, but in the end… it was completely frozen.

Ling Xiao! !

Pawn! ! ! ! !

Nian Qingjun turned her head, looked at Lin Xi not far away, and laughed softly, “Lin Sang, in fact, what I love… has always been you.”


At this moment, Lin Xi’s heart trembled, and her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably, collapsed, and cried bitterly!

“This fool… how did he get here alive?”

Lin Xi’s expression stunned until there was a sound of discussion beside him, and his eyes regained his clarity.

Looking up, he saw that many ancient Tianjiao around him were looking at him with guard and contempt.



“What are you doing!!! You can’t die!!! You can’t die in someone else’s hands!!!”

At this time, Ling Tian looked at the blood-sucking young man in the middle of the battle platform, holding the cage tightly with the palms of both hands, and the power of the whole body was almost surging out uncontrollably.

Beside him, Ye Xun’er folded his hands together in front of her chest, tears were already seen in her beautiful eyes.

It’s so touching! !

It’s so touching!

It seems that Young Master Ling Xiao is not only very good to his family, but also loyal to what he loves, and has a deep affection.

Inexplicably, Ye Xun’er suddenly felt a little… envious of Nian Qingjun, and when he looked at the coldness on Ling Tian’s face beside him, he suddenly snorted in his heart.

I don’t know when this idiot will be able to open his mouth?

“Qingyun, although you know that you want to kill me and hate me, I… still want to tell you…”

Ling Xiao slowly released his palm, letting the sword deepen a few minutes, his face was already a little pale.

“The floating world is three thousand, my love has three, the sun and the moon and the Qing. The sun is the morning, the moon is the evening, and the Qing is… the evening and the evening!”

“If I can’t live with you in this life, I won’t go anywhere, just let me… die under your sword and live in your heart, okay, Nian Qingyun?”

Ling Xiao slowly closed his eyes, but under his skin, there was always a faint light of thunder.

Even under his tongue, there is a Baiyu Dan pill hidden.

With Nian Qingyun’s temperament, if you want her to trust her completely, she must play hard.

Otherwise, I am afraid it is difficult for her to change her mind in a short time.

Of course, the seemingly ruthless tactics are all under Ling Xiao’s control.

Consummation of Lei Ze, is it that a Nian Qingjun can easily break open?

Even to be on the safe side, Ling Xiao had already put the system-rewarded Nine-turn Resurrection Pill into his mouth and wrapped it with spiritual power to prevent accidents.

The villain, of course you have to be foolproof.

“Liar…you liar…”

Nian Qingyun bit her silver teeth tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks slowly.

Only in the end, she retracted the long sword, did not say a word, turned and walked slowly down the mountain.

On the winding stone road, the white figure hobbled step by step.

The world is sad, and the breeze also cries.

The green silk rises, one by one, outlines…Who is smiling?

You remember that day, at the summit of Dao Palace, the master instructed that love in the world was like bone-eroding and poisonous.

The way of slicing is done, and the falling is no more.

Why is joy and pain today?

Days and nights.


Is it really possible to…

“Dip! Heart of Destiny, Dao, Heart is broken, and sentiment is born. Congratulations to the host for getting 1,000 points of luck and 10,000 points for villains!”

“Finally broken.”

Ling Xiao grinned…No, with a wry smile, he lowered his head and glanced at the sword mark on his chest, his eyes filled with joy.

Daoxing’s broken heart is only the beginning, and then, he will let Nian Qingyun… completely sink.

Gan! !

Why! !

At this time, Xia Chen’s expression was already completely sullen.


Why did Lao Tzu also say love words, but was slapped ten feet away by that Nian Qingyun slap.

Ling Xiao talked about love, but messed up the heart of the goddess?

Ling Xiao is always injured now, do you want to… take advantage of his illness and kill him?

Just when Xia Chen was hesitating secretly, a figure in the crowd suddenly took a step forward and sneered, “Master Ling Xiao, it’s done pretending, I want to sit in the first seat, don’t you have any comments?”

The person here is dressed in black and handsome in appearance.

“My son does not kill the unknown.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, there are always people in this world who think they can do it.

Do I look like a stepping stone?

Everyone wants to step on their feet when they meet?

“The one who killed you today, Young Master of the Jade Blood Gate, Han Bi!”

The black-clothed youth’s eyes condensed slightly, the ancient sword in his hand was unsheathed, and he rushed towards Ling Xiao.

“It’s the unique knowledge of the Jade Blood School, the final form of Jade Seventy-Three Swords!!”

Suddenly there were bursts of exclamation from the crowd.

Although this Han Bi is not the top in Eastern Xinjiang, but how…he is very old.

He is now forty years old, and his cultivation has already entered the stage of breaking delusion, which is a bit taller than those young evildoers.

Although he did not comprehend the principles of the Tao, his strength should not be underestimated.

The sky full of sword shadows fell from the sky, like stars die, exuding unparalleled fierceness.

Even with a very long distance, many ancient sect Tianjiao felt cold all over, and their hearts became more shocked.

It’s worthy of being the eldest brother in this session.

Although this sword does not contain the principles of the Tao, it is definitely comparable to the strenuous blow of a strong man.

Especially at this time, Ling Xiao seemed to be injured very seriously, you see, his face is pale.

This sword, I’m afraid it’s not easy to pick up.

“That’s it?”

But at this moment, what surprised everyone was that the descendant of the Ling clan still hadn’t moved half a step, and looked calmly at the figure that had fallen in the air with that expression.

Until the ancient sword in Han Bi’s hand reached half a foot in front of his forehead, Ling Xiao’s figure was slightly to the side, seemingly easy to avoid the incomparable sword.

At its feet, a whirlwind of wind swayed quietly, followed by…

In everyone’s shocking eyes, above Ling Xiao’s arm, a thunder light suddenly lit up.

Even that Han Bi didn’t have time to stop, so he hung upside down and was smashed into the chest by Ling Xiao’s fists.


The clear sound of bone breaking, together with the sound of Han Bi’s figure breaking into the wind, came in an instant.

Everyone only saw a figure like a meteor across the battle platform, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

At the same time, the blood was spilled all the way, leaving a long mark on the ground.

Before he landed, Han Bi had already lost his vitality.

The ultimate meaning is so straightforward?

Finally… passed away?

Quiet, full of the entire peak of enlightenment.

There was a strong fear on everyone’s face.

too terrifying! !

Even if he was seriously injured, the combat power that Ling Xiao showed at this time still changed the expressions of all Tianjiao present.

Even Xia Chen and the other evildoers from the East, at this time, there was a touch of unspeakable shock in his eyes.

Invincible Xianzi! !

Young prince! !

This Ling Xiao is really strong enough… to crush a realm?

“Does anyone still want to die?”

Ling Xiao swept across the crowd with clear eyes, but anyone who looked at him lowered their heads in fear.

It turned out that people really just couldn’t fight back just to please the goddess.

With Ling Xiao’s method, I was afraid that even if he read Qingyun Dao’s mystery, Dao would not be able to hurt him at all.


Very neatly, there was a sound of swallowing saliva on the Qianzhang battle stage.

Ling Xiao just shook his head and smiled, turning his head to look at the Great Profound Dao Master.

“I am the second, my ex-wife is the first, and my…brother Lingtian is the third, do you have any opinions?”

Gan! ! !

Arrogant! !

Dare to love this is not yet compared, you alone set the ranking of this battle?

Fortunately, there are only three people ranked. If there are five people and ten people, is it your siblings in fourth, your Ma Tsai in fifth, and your maid in sixth!


In the end, everyone maintained the same tacit understanding, no matter how much hatred in their hearts, they did not dare to show the slightest bit of hatred.

For fear that Ling Xiao would be dissatisfied again, they died on the spot with a punch!

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