Chapter 232

“Ling… Junior Brother Ling Tian.”

Ye Xun’er looked at the gloomy youth in front of him, bent over to pick up the black robe, and called out softly.

At this moment, there are many emotions in her heart.

There are rumors in Eastern Xinjiang that Ling Xiao, the descendant of the Ling clan, was murderous, especially cruel to this half-brother.

Some even say that Ling Tian was turned into a waste one night when he was ten years old, and it was also a gift from Ling Xiao.

But just by seeing both sides, Ye Xun’er knew that the world was wrong.

Ling Xiao’s love for Ling Tian was deep and obscure, even domineering and brutal.

Perhaps a peerless evildoer like him is not very good at expressing this love.

But no matter what, Ye Xun’er, an outsider, felt the heart of loving brother hidden under Ling Xiao’s cold and cruel appearance.

Father, like son.

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to persuade Junior Brother Ling Tian.

This junior is good everywhere, but his personality is too persistent.

Why don’t you cherish such a good brother?

If you don’t cherish it, people can’t help but want to cherish it.

“Sister, thank you very much today.”

Ling Tian took a deep breath and bowed to Ye Xun’er.

“Oh, this jade talisman, for you…”

“Haha, Junior Brother, in fact, you should be thankful, not me…”

Ye Xun’er smiled happily and reached out to take the jade talisman.


A gloom flashed between Ling Tian’s eyebrows, how he couldn’t hear the deep meaning of Ye Xun’er’s words.

But… let him thank Ling Xiao?

The enemy who dug his Danhai?

ridiculous! absurd! !

You haven’t experienced my pain, what qualifications do you have to persuade me to be good?

Ling Tian’s face gradually became gloomy, and Ye Xun’er’s beautiful eyes suddenly flashed lonely.

Sure enough, it seemed that I couldn’t knock on Junior Brother Ling Tian’s heart door for a while.

“Junior Brother, accept this black robe, it’s a divine tool.”

“If you like, keep it for yourself.”

Ling Tian turned around and walked forward without looking back.

“Do you really want to see me die in someone else’s hands? Ling Tian!! Don’t you see it? I don’t want you to be hurt! I don’t know what kind of grudge you have with Ling Xiao… But promise me, protect yourself…”

Ye Xun’er’s eyes were reddish, and Ling Tian’s sudden indifference made her a little sad.


At this time, the young man’s footsteps also stopped in place.


How can I be willing to watch her hurt me again and again?

The scene of the talent was deeply imprinted in Ling Tian’s heart.

Ye Xun’er’s desperate figure, like a moth.

But… how could I let her plunge into the fire?


“I don’t want to care about your business, but I think it should be very tiring to hate someone. The reality of this world is really invisible to the naked eye sometimes. I just want you to be happy.”

Ye Xun’er raised his hand and threw the black robe to Ling Tian, ​​then turned and walked towards the side of the street.

The latter just stood there in a daze. After a long time, his eyes gloomily put the black robe on him.

“Ling Xiao! You can lie to others, but you can’t lie to me. Don’t worry, when I have the ability to kill you, I will let the entire Dongjiang know your hypocritical face!”


Just when Ling Tian raised his foot and wanted to chase Ye Xun’er, there was a strange buzzing in his mind.

Immediately, a misty and vast voice quietly resounded.

Xian Jue: Zhu Tian Nine Swords!


Unmatched sword intent rose into the sky, faintly, still mixed with a trace of evil aura.

Ling Tian stood there blankly, glanced at the ancient stone sword in his hand, a flash of ecstasy suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Xian Jue? !

Here, Ling Xiao left Ling Tian and the two and went directly to the most luxurious five-day restaurant in the center of the city.

From a distance, he saw Fu Yunyao standing downstairs, waiting eagerly, with a hint of eagerness on her pretty face.

“Little Lord!!”

“Huh? Things are done?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows, nodded slightly, and walked toward the restaurant first.

“Go up and say.”

“I’ll open the wing, young master…”

Fu Yunyao’s Yinya bit her red lips, her face a little shy.

“It’s just that there are too many people in Enlightenment City in recent days, and there are only two wing rooms left.”

“Oh it’s all right.”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled and strode forward.

“Huh? Young Master…Could it be…tonight…”

Fu Yunyao looked happy and hurried to chase Ling Xiao.

“After a while, kill the people in the next room, there will be three.”

Just when she was secretly guessing in her heart, Ling Xiao’s indifferent voice came from before.


Fu Yunyao’s face sank, and there was an unspeakable loss in her heart.

It seems that since the young master came back from the Four Desolations, he has never touched himself again?

Could it be that…the goddess…too much money?

“Let’s go, where did Lin Xi go?”

Ling Xiao pushed open the door and stood in front of the window, watching the figures coming and going on the street.

Ling Tian’s performance today is in line with what he expected.

Swinging a sword, killing people, cutting everything off, and gradually falling to the killing road.

Son of Destiny, completely blackened.

Think about it, it’s a little exciting.

Moreover, from the system prompts, Ling Xiao also clearly knew that Ye Xun’er was in awe of herself now.

There is such an established heroine by Ling Tian’s side, blowing some ears from time to time, afraid that he won’t bend?

No, I’m afraid that his mind will not change?

“Lin…Lin Xi? Young master, you mean, that young man just now, is Lin Xi?!”

Fu Yunyao’s beautiful eyes condensed, and a hint of surprise flashed across Qiao’s face.

She is naturally familiar with Lin Xi’s name.

At the beginning of the setting sun, I antagonized the son again and again.

It’s just… he doesn’t seem to come out of the ruins, right?

Originally, Fu Yunyao thought that he was mostly dead inside.

“Well, where did he go?”

Ling Xiao nodded, turned around and walked back to the room. Fu Yunyao immediately filled him with tea, standing aside and gently kneading his shoulders.


Ling Xiao closed his eyes and let out a soft moan.

Not to mention, the character of Fu Yunyao’s maidservant defines herself well.

People must learn to be satisfied, otherwise they will only get tired and tired.

“Young Master, if that person is really Lin Xi, then he can be regarded as hugging his thigh now.”

Fu Yunyao smiled softly, and a pair of jade hands stroked Ling Xiao’s neck, gently twisting.

“Oh? How big are your legs?”

Ling Xiao looked playfully, and reached out to hold Fu Yunyao’s jade hand.

“Are you older?

“Hehe, son, Lin Xi went to see Xia Chen, the son of Yuanyue. Looking at the two of them, they seemed to have known each other a long time ago, but that Xia Chen was too strong and I didn’t dare to get too close, but…it seems to have heard that the Holy Land of Yin Fan The saint is with him now.”

Fu Yunyao fell into Ling Xiao’s arms along the way, her pretty face turned red, and her eyes were blurred.

“Sage Son of Yuanyue? Saintess of Yin Fan? Oh? So, Lin Xi has met a lot of good friends recently.”

Ling Xiao grinned, his eyes getting more interesting.

It’s getting more and more interesting, the brothers of the Son of Destiny, have they appeared one by one?

It seems that this time, I have to think about how to bring them… Tuan Mie.

“Young… Young Master, um… I…”

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