Chapter 220

The powerful sects were anxious to leave, how could Ling Xiao not know their intentions?

Now that all the Yunfan powerhouses have fallen here, even the Immortal Master Yunfan disappeared.

The inside story of the Xianzong sect…

Hehe, wait for them to hammer open the guardian formation…


Was it unexpected?

“Before the ancestor of the Qin family was dying, he asked me to take care of the Qin clan, and…I must protect the only descendant of the Qin clan, Qin Leng.”

Ling Xiao sighed, her eyes sad.

“I didn’t want to intervene in matters of the Qin clan originally, but my ancestors said that I had to take up this responsibility. Now, I recommend Master Qin Leng as the new clan leader of the Qin clan. Do you have any opinions?”

“Qin Leng? Patriarch?”

A group of Qin elders looked at each other, one of them looked gloomy and shook his head slightly, “This is not right!”


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corners of his mouth.

“Now that the disaster of my Qin clan has just passed, the position of clan leader must be held by a prudent elder. Besides, Qin Leng’s cultivation base is too low, how can he convince the crowd?”

The old man of the god general was neither humble nor overbearing, as if he had never seen the gloom in Ling Xiao’s eyes.

“Qin Li, I haven’t asked you to settle the account yet. I didn’t expect you to jump out and behave!”

At the moment when the Qin clan elder’s voice fell, I saw a Qin clan god suddenly take a step forward, his hand flickered, and he directly squeezed that Qin Li into his hand.

“Huh, this Qin Lifang is eye-catching with the strong Yunxiao, and hides selfishness. Now even dare to refute the last words of the ancestors, and keeping it is a curse! Although my Qin people are facing difficulties now, as long as we unite as one, we can surely overcome them. Overcome difficulties!”

The elder Shenhou’s voice was loud and passionate, and instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

When the words fell, his figure retreated into the crowd, leaving the stage to Ling Xiao alone.

“Hehe, this elder… is the backbone of the Qin clan.”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled. Although he didn’t know if this person was a dark child of the Ling clan, he obviously helped him frighten some disobedient Qin people.

Today, there are still two great kings of the Qin clan. The gods are already top-notch combat power, how bleak!

Ling Xiao couldn’t help crying at this time, he shouldn’t.

You shouldn’t have killed the Si family in the morning, you should wait for them to take refuge in the Qin clan. Presumably, today’s expression will be quite exciting, right?

“Do you have any comments?”

Ling Xiao’s gaze swept across the audience, but everyone who stared at him had a touch of horror in his eyes.


Dare I have an opinion?

Can it live, isn’t it fragrant?

“Well, since everyone has no objections, Master Leng, you are the lord of the Qin clan from today.”

Ling Xiao smiled and nodded gently at Qin Leng, who had a dull expression on his face, but he didn’t even react for a while.


The lord of the Qin clan?

I just took a damn set of dragons and only took dozens of chapters to sit on the throne of the lord of the Qin clan?

Looking at Shengzhou, it seems that there is no master of Taoism who is twenty years old, right?

Before I knew it, I became the first person again?

All of this is like a dream!

In a word, thanks to Young Master Ling Xiao for his righteousness, Bo Yuntian, for taking me to the pinnacle of life!

Qin Leng was a little dazed at this time, but the sadness in his heart seemed to dissipate a little bit.

“Welcome my new master of the Qin clan as he succeeds!!”

The remaining two god kings of the Qin clan immediately bowed their heads, and all the Qin clan members bowed down and worshiped.

It was just when they were sighing in their hearts, Qin Leng’s next move made their expressions freeze instantly.

“Uh, today, thanks to Lord Ling Xiao, we have been able to overcome all difficulties and continue. Since I am the new master, I declare that from today onwards, the Qin Clan will take refuge in the Ling Clan and become a vassal of the Ling Clan!”

Gan! !

The entire Qin nationality holy land is suddenly silent!

Everyone looked at the figure of the young man who showed worship, and said nothing for a long time.

This is better than… just this vote?

My Qin nationality’s thousand-year foundation, just handed it over to the Ling clan? !


A trace of surprise also flashed across Ling Xiao’s face.

He knew that Qin Leng had completely surrendered to him in his heart.

But he didn’t expect that he should hug his thigh so eagerly.

Qin Leng, you are wise!

“This… hehe, Qin clan leader, is this true?”

“Haha, take it seriously, Lord Ling Xiao, in the future, the Qin clan will be diehard loyal to the Ling clan!!”

Qin Leng Chunfeng was proud and shy.

Finally, being able to follow Young Master Ling Xiao justifiably, no longer had to worry about the identity of the Qin Clan’s child.

“Well, since the Qin clan leader insists, then I represent the Ling clan and accept you, father, why don’t you send a capable elder to help the Qin clan leader deal with the Qin clan’s funeral?”

Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at Ling Tianlin.

The latter’s eyes condensed slightly, and then he nodded gently, “Okay, two clan elders, you will follow the Qin clan leader, in case there is a cloud of evil and thieves, and instigate the relationship between the Ling clan and the Qin clan.”


In the crowd, the two god king and powerful men immediately walked out, bowed and bowed to Ling Tianlin, and strode to Qin Leng’s side.

“The son… is so thoughtful, he actually sent someone to protect me.”

With tears in Qin Leng’s eyes, he bowed deeply to Ling Xiao.

“I have fought the battle of justice, I have done the way that should be done, and I have kept the way that should be kept. As for the crown, someone will guard me, everyone, goodbye.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, took a deep look at Qin Leng, then turned and swept towards the horizon.

After all, he didn’t dare to ask for the body of Emperor Qin in person.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this group of Qin people, who are sad and frustrated, will turn back on the spot.

The Ling Clan and the powerful people of the Danyuan Holy Land also turned around and disappeared in front of everyone.

The thoughts in the eyes of the 10,000 enemies turned hundreds of times, but in the end they didn’t stop for a while, raising their feet and chasing them towards Ling Xiao.

Feelings have been fighting for a long time, but my Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect hasn’t caught anything?

“Xiao’er, over there from the fairy sect of Yunfan…”

Ling Tianlin stood beside Ling Xiao, hesitant to speak.

The figure of thousands of enemies behind him also stepped on.

“Father, suzerain, the most urgent thing is to take the vassal power of Yunfan into account. As for the good fortune on Yunfanxian Mountain… I’m afraid it’s too late.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and the eyes of the two god emperors suddenly condensed.

That’s too late?

Could it be?

Based on the two people’s understanding of Ling Xiao, even if he said such words, I am afraid that he was already prepared.

“Di Ling, to the south of Yunsi Mountain, my Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect has accepted it, and the north is handed to you Ling Clan, how about?”

Ten Thousand Enemy’s face was calm, but there was a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

“Hehe, just according to what the lord said!”

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the figure wanted to leave.

“Hey? Father, suzerain… wait a minute…”

“Xiao’er, what’s the matter?”

The two emperors frowned slightly, and looked at Ling Xiao with doubts.

“Uh… Immortal Master Yun’s hammer, I look very fond of it… One more Taoist tool, I also have one more life-saving means. You two don’t want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person?”


Ten thousand enemies gritted their teeth fiercely, and finally took out the purple gold hammer in Ling Tianlin’s indifferent eyes, threw it towards Ling Xiao, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

But Ling Tianlin just smiled indifferently, and his figure also disappeared.

“Uh, you guys are in a hurry!”


Can you not worry?

So I don’t need to think of anything again. Didn’t the Laozi fight this battle in vain?

Ling Xiao shook his head, stepped away, and walked in the direction of Wandao Magic Mountain.

This is the matter, and it is time to prepare for Wanzong Huiwu.

With the villain value accumulated on him, it shouldn’t be a problem to step into the realm of the gods.

At that time, who will be his rival for the entire young generation in Dongjiang?

Xia Chen? The strong take home?

Lin Xi? And his sister who doesn’t know where to hide.

Haha, it’s a harvest again.

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