Chapter 213

“Double shadow, you guard him.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at the Chaos Demon Ape sitting on the same spot, raising his foot and walking towards the depths of Xianzong.

In recent battles, in addition to the 2,000 Qi Luck contributed by Jin Yang, although Ling Xiao could not plunder too much Qi Luck, his villain value reached 70,000.

Obviously, the happiness gained by killing one person is far less direct than killing a thousand people.

Up to now, Ling Xiao hadn’t figured out what the value of Qi Luck was.

But the villain value is the key to his improvement of cultivation base and exchange of spirit treasures.

Now it seems that if you want to grow faster, you have to go to the land of Western Xinjiang.

Moreover, no one knows its appearance in this land of eastern Xinjiang, and everyone pays attention to everything they do.

But when he arrived in Western Xinjiang, those dynasties conquered all day long, even if he heard of his peerless and handsome name, I was afraid that he would not know what he looked like.

There seems to be more opportunities to play pigs.

Furthermore, once the Yunfan and Qin clan were destroyed, no one in the Eastern Frontier was an opponent of the Ling clan. With Ling Tianlin’s majestic talents, he would surely do something by then.

In the final analysis, Dongjiang was ultimately in his old Ling family’s pocket.

As for the Son of Destiny, the Ten Thousand Sects will come to martial arts after half a month, and those who should come will naturally come, and other people with little luck don’t have to bother to calculate.

The Tianyuan Secret Realm is a great opportunity for him to dominate Eastern Xinjiang!

As for the hidden treasure pavilion of Xianzong Yunmi…


With such a large plaque, is this for fear that others will not find it?

Ling Xiao stopped and looked at an ancient palace in front of him. Above the gate, Long Feifengwu was written in three large characters, “Tibet Treasure Pavilion”, which seemed to flow in Taoism, demonstrating supreme majesty.

Also, who would have thought that this party has no orthodoxy, and there will be a day when a home will be stolen?

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, striding in.

According to the plot, there will be a seemingly ordinary old man guarding this holy place of Treasure Pavilion.

The elders are generally super elders, holy masters, parents and uncles, with weird personalities, and they especially appreciate the waste chai disciple with good temperament and average aptitude.

But now, immortal Yunmi has used the power of his sect to conquer the Qin clan, how could he not bring such a trump card.

Therefore, Ling Xiao didn’t spend half of his energy, he kicked the ancient temple in front of him directly.


The rich spiritual energy surged like a sea in an instant, and I saw that in the treasure chest, there were all the ancient books of Lingbao Pills, which were nine stories high.

“Get rich!”

With Ling Xiao’s xinxing, Rao couldn’t help but tremble with excitement at this time. This was far more terrifying than the Si family and Yu family’s background.

With these good fortunes, Ling Xiao is confident that even if he builds a dynasty in Xijiang, it will be easy!

Three thousand beauties in the harem, proclaiming themselves emperor, think about it, it is really a little exciting.


It was just that before Ling Xiao was thinking about it for too long, a black shadow swept out of his crotch and swiftly towards the pavilion full of pills.

“Huahua!!! You stop me!!!”

Ling Xiao’s expression changed, but in the end he was a step late.

Seeing Huahua’s mouth wide open, he directly swallowed all of the man-loud medicine into his body.

Gan! !

You bastard, you just…make people want to get out of the pot! ! !


When Ling Xiao chased him, he saw that the flowery belly was as big as a ball, and there was a touch of satisfaction in the eyes of a pair of dogs.

“Huh? Good smell!”

But before Ling Xiao was angry, there was another calm voice behind him.

The figure of Feng Ling appeared out of thin air, standing in front of the stone case where the spiritual materials of heaven and earth were placed.


Ling Xiao wanted to cry without tears, and watched Feng Ling put the spiritual material placed on it into his bag, and disappeared in front of him in a flash, without looking at him from beginning to end.


Are they all demons?

Why is it that Lao Tzu has worked so hard to plan for good fortune, so you can claim it for yourself so frankly?

Does your conscience really hurt?

Ling Xiao looked up to the sky and cried out sadly, but in the end he didn’t dare to hesitate anymore. The ancient ring in his hand lit up with a mysterious light, and all the ancient Lingbao books in the treasure pavilion were included in it.

Until Ling Xiao’s figure walked out of the temple, the treasure chest behind him, except for the golden plaque on the door of the temple, was still as bright as a mirror.


The double shadow and Miyong’s figure fell from the sky, with a touch of joy on their faces.

Especially Miyong, the breakthrough of realm, to him, is the great fortune of heaven.

“Let’s go, the Qin clan, the show should be about to begin.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, took the two into the ancient pagoda, and lifted his foot down towards the mountain.

I left gently, like… no one knew I had been here.

Supreme Orthodoxy?

Son of Destiny?

In my Ling Xiao’s eyes, they are nothing but stairs leading to the summit.

One thought can determine his life and death!

Qin nationality, Chijin ancient city.

Today’s Qin nationality holy land seems to have lost its former prosperity.

I saw that above the thousands of miles above the sky, a series of terrifying figures stood with their hands in their hands, shocking the world.

In front of the main hall of the Qin clan, Emperor Qin looked cold, and his eyes seemed to be shining with the scorching sun.

He raised his head and looked at the white robe figure in front of the crowd, deep in his eyes, full of scents.

In just one day, the blood of the Qin nationality’s thousands of miles of territory flowed into a river of blood that was killed by the Yunmi Sect.

If he hadn’t recalled the strong in the clan early, I am afraid that the Qin clan would have become a polished rod today.

But even so, tens of thousands of monks still died in this disaster.

This is no longer a dispute between the two supreme orthodoxy, but a disaster for the entire realm of cultivation in Eastern Xinjiang.

But… to cut off the inheritance, this hatred is not shared.

Although Yun Mi did it, it was Qin Wei and Qin Leng who survived in the end.

Unconsciously, the Qin clan seemed to be the culprit in this disaster.

“Emperor Qin, your Qin clan is rampant and innocent, and you have broken my cloud millet inheritance. Today, you will use your clan to die, replace my disciple to rest in peace, and extinguish my cloud millet anger!!”

Immortal Master Yun Mi screamed coldly, pressing with one hand, and the world was gloomy for an instant.

The endless spiritual energy rolled and turned into a giant shadow of thousands of feet, encompassing the entire Qin clan.

I have to say that Immortal Cloud Millet Sect is eagerly awaited as the righteous path of Eastern Frontiers, and the strength of Immortal Cloud Millet Lord is extremely terrifying.

Even Emperor Qin had a hint of surprise in his eyes at this time.

Seven-Rank God Emperor!

The strength of this Immortal Master Yun Mi was one rank higher than him, and two ranks higher than the other emperor of the Qin clan.

If this battle continues, the Qin clan… is in danger.

“Immortal Yunfan, disciple fighting for the front, are you not afraid of violating the heavens if you slaughter creatures like this?”

Emperor Qin shouted angrily, covered in golden light like the sun, above his head, there was an ancient formation blooming divine glory, directly blocking the palm of the fairy lord Yun Mi in midair.


The sky trembled, and countless Chijin City cultivators fell to the ground in pain, and their seven orifices were bleeding. Under the collision of this offensive, they broke their heart veins and died.

“The disciples fight for the front? Emperor Qin, don’t you want to be arrogant, the disciples fight for the front? With your Qin family heir, Qin Wei, how can I kill my Yunsi Saint Son?”

Immortal Master Yun Mi sneered, and on one palm, the dazzling spiritual light bloomed again.

“Sacred Son of Cloud Millet, he fundamentally…”

Emperor Qin gritted his teeth fiercely, just about to explain.

Beside him, Qin Wei has already taken a step forward and exclaimed in a cold voice, “Yes, the son of Yunfan was indeed killed by me. I only blame him for his arrogance. Immortal Lord Yunfan, don’t look down on people, you abuse Killing innocents, cruel and innocent, if you fight today, my Qin clan will fight with you!!”




Emperor Qin stared blankly at Qin Wei beside him and the elders of the Qin clan who were angry, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

My son, you… something is wrong!

When is this, you fucking still having a rhythm?

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