Chapter 211 Let’s Steal Home

“Wei’er…you…you mean, that Ling Xiao desperately resisted Jin Yang’s death blow?”

Emperor Qin’s expression was dull, a faint surprise flashed in his eyes.

Burning Dao, self-explosive spirit.

The dying struggle of a peerless heavenly arrogant is beyond all people’s resistance.

Even if Ling Xiao Dao is standing by and with many methods, this move can still be regarded as dangerous.


Is it possible?

The people of the Ling clan have always regarded the Qin clan as a mortal enemy.

Can the enmity accumulated over thousands of years be put down overnight?

Even when the Si family had just revealed their intentions, they were punishable by the Ling Xiao family.

Why now, he actually gave up his life again and again to save his Qin children?

When Qin Wei and Qin Leng died, the inheritance of the Qin clan was also broken.

For the Ling clan, there are infinite advantages.

What is he conspiring!

Emperor Qin couldn’t figure it out, but he always felt that the big invisible hand was pushing the entire Qin clan to the end bit by bit.

“Yes! Father, Young Master Ling Xiao is righteous, Wei… ashamed of it.”


Emperor Qin slumped down on the golden chair. Since Ling Xiao had no problem, the problem must lie with Immortal Sect Yunxiao.



Outside the hall, a strong Qin clan suddenly rushed over, his face full of panic.

“Are you here?”

Emperor Qin smiled bitterly, and all the 31 true legends and Tianjiao died in Canghai City.

If Immortal Master Yun Mi can still swallow this tone, it can only show that he… has a really big throat.

“Emperor! The strong cloud and millet come here, wherever he goes…no grass will grow!”

Your Highness, the strong Qin clan knelt on one knee, his tone hesitant.

Although before, all Qin elders were willing to fight.

But until then, when the war spread and the lives were overwhelmed, they didn’t realize that this battle was so dangerous and cruel.

Thousands of living beings died of enmity, and every time the fairy lord Yunmi waved his hand, he could destroy a city!

“Recall all the strong Qin people and defend Chijin City!”

Emperor Qin was not ashamed of a side man, although he had not dared to easily go to war with Yun Mi before.

But by this time, he was completely calm.

Since the beginning of this battle, then… there is no way out.

No matter who made this plan, the Qin clan has reached the point of life and death!

War, there may be a silver lining.

Explain, already pale and weak!

Here, Ling Xiao left Canghai City and headed directly towards Yun Mi Xianzong.

At the beginning of the troubled times, the Yunmi and the Qin clan have been immortal.

The chess player is already in place, and what he has to do is, of course, to steal the home while they concentrate on playing chess.

In the end, this disaster was caused by the Yunmi and the Qin clan. As for who made a profit in it in the end…

If you want to come to Shengjiao, you will also understand that this fairy road is full of people who are profit-oriented.

“Little Lord!”

Xiao Tu’s figure fell from the side and bowed to Ling Xiao.

Looking at the young figure walking slowly at this time, the eyes of this Demon Sect True Legend were full of awe.

Shengzi Yunfan, known as the strongest immortal son in Eastern Xinjiang, did not expect that he actually died in this small wilderness town today.

A generation of evildoers died.

Although Xiao Tu hadn’t seen how he died, but seeing Young Master’s light appearance, obviously he didn’t waste too many methods.

“You go back to the sect for the time being, and tell the lord, Shaoan, don’t be impatient, and when the strong cloud and millet hits Chijin City, we will send the strong demon sect to go.”

The coldness flowed in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and he stepped out, Huahua’s figure whizzed out in an instant, carrying him towards the distant mountains.


Xiao Tu bowed, not getting up for a long time.

But from the bottom of my heart, I couldn’t help but sigh. The two supreme traditions are afraid that they are really going to die in the hands of the son.

Who can think of it?

A 17-year-old boy who was unreasonable had changed the pattern of Eastern Xinjiang with one hand.

The Yunmi and Qin clan were destroyed, and the entire eastern frontier, who else was the Ling clan opponent?

Invincible boy… Invincible clan.

The land of eastern Xinjiang.

Suddenly the mountains and rivers collapsed.

All Saint Zong ancient clan powerhouses looked at the arrogantly distant and slaughter Yun Mi Immortal Lord, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

The sky-covering spirit seal fell from the sky, and the whole land instantly shattered.

The wailing and screaming sounded endlessly, but those elders who came from the fairy gate Yunmi ignored them, cut out the fairy sword in their hands, and slaughtered all the people and forces related to the Qin clan along the way.

The sky is dim and blood is like clouds.

The earth of eastern Xinjiang is overwhelmed by clouds and rain.

And at this time, before the Yunfanxianmen, a figure in white robed stepped forward, slender and tall, with a natural rhyme.

Now the fairy lord Yunfan and Feng Baiyang have led all the elders to expedition to the Qin clan.

This Xianzong collapsed into an empty city.

Even if you leave an elder to take care of the nursing home, you will be at the highest level of the god king if you want to come to the realm.

It’s just that Ling Xiao was a little surprised that Immortal Master Yun Mi was also cautious, and started the guardian array early.

I saw a ray of light spreading from the top of the mountain, wrapping up the entire fairy gate, revealing a sense of indestructibility.

It’s just that although this formation is mysterious, how could it be able to stop Ling Xiao.

The Boundary Breaking Talisman given by his mother at the time was the ultimate treasure of the Danyuan Holy Land, and it was also a supreme thing in the eyes of the Holy State.

This mortal is successful in cultivating, and he can be protected by heaven and earth and ascend to the holy state.

Throughout history, how many people from the Holy State can easily fall into the realm?

Baizhixi has a special status, and Xukongdao is known as a rare encounter in a thousand years.

The white-clothed swordsman came from the Blood Soul Temple, and the suppression of the cultivation base still revealed the strangeness.

Except for these two people, I am afraid that there is only Ling Xiao, relying on the divine object breaking talisman to go through the four wilderness waves.

It’s just that, although the Boundary Breaking Talisman is terrifying, it has its limitations after all.

Shuttle through the world, the power has been destroyed, and now it can only break through an ordinary barrier.


Ling Xiao also has a system-rewarded Super Array Breaking Talisman!

But this Array Breaking Talisman can only be used once, which is far less durable than the Boundary Breaking Talisman.

It seems that I have to take some time to study and study how to restore its power.


The brilliance flickered, and Ling Xiao’s figure instantly passed through the large formation and appeared on the top of Yunsi Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, a breath of the god king shrouded from the sky in an instant, firmly locking his figure.

First Grade God King?

Hehe, it seems that Immortal Yunmi is also quite confident in this guardian formation.

“Who would dare to break into my cloud millet fairy sect!!”

A white figure fell from the sky, followed by dozens of Xianzong disciples.

Ling Xiao glanced, okay, a group of stinky fish and shrimps.

No wonder this Immortal Yun Mi was unbearable for a moment, and he directly led the strong to kill the Qin Clan.

Obviously, the 31 Yunsu disciples who died in Canghai City are all inherited from this sect.

“This elder, are you always confused, am I called Chuang? Didn’t I walk up with integrity?!”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and the elder was obviously taken aback for a moment.

It seems…it makes sense!


“Once this guardian formation is opened, even if the immortal master returns, I must open the formation before we can enter. You…you…how do you know you?”

The elder in white frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly screamed.

“Ling Xiao!! You are Ling Xiao!!”

Young Master Demon Sect, Ling Xiao! !

How did he avoid the big battle and go up the mountain?

Is this formation flawed?

It shouldn’t be, this formation was left by the ancestor Yun Mi Kai Shan, how could he be broken open by his ant ant?

The most important thing is that he hasn’t even noticed it yet?

“Oh? It turned out to be like this, okay, then I have a showdown. That’s right, I’m a little expert in the formation of Shengzhou, who has studied the formation for five thousand years, and the Dao No. has broken for a while… so is Ling Xiao!!!”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised slightly, and the magic light in his eyes suddenly appeared, just like the great demon of Nine Nethers, suddenly descending into the world.

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