Chapter 209

“Too much? The son…what…what is too much?”

Qin Wei looked blank, especially when he saw the indifference in Ling Xiao’s eyes, he suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart.

“Haha, Young Master Ling Xiao, thanks to your righteous action today, otherwise my younger generation of the Qin Clan will really fall here.”

“Yes, the son is righteous, if you need it in the future, just say hello!”

“There is no retribution for the kindness of life-saving, son, please wait for me to worship!”

After seeing Ling Xiao’s sky-reaching methods, these Qin Clan children really felt awe in their hearts.

“Master Ling Xiao, look… Since Jin Yang is dead, shouldn’t we go out too?”

Qin Wei raised his head and looked at the ancient cauldron exuding a faint glow in Midkong, with a faint flicker of guard in his eyes.

With Ling Xiao’s strength, wanting to kill him is almost a matter of one sword.

Moreover, Ling Xiao appeared today, he always felt a little too coincidental.

He didn’t have time to think about it just now.

But now I calm down, as if I feel something…something is not quite right.

“Are you happy too early?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently and looked down at the dozen or so Qin children who were alive.

These people are all the arrogances of the Qin nationality and their status is respected.

In other words, each of them has the possibility of competing with Qin Leng for the position of successor.

Now that Lord Leng has sincerely surrendered. Although the taste of his surrender seems to be a bit wrong, he can use it with confidence no matter what.

After all, the system’s judgment will not go wrong.

As for Qin Wei…

Hehe, this supreme orthodoxy conquest requires one person to bear the charge.

Otherwise, once it attracts the attention of the sacred religion, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no more changes.

“Happy? Too early?”

Qin Wei’s eyes condensed suddenly, and he looked at Ling Xiao with some horror, “What do you mean by this son?”

“I will give you two paths, either die or let me plant a soul mark and become my slave.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, and his white clothes were slender and dustless, just like a fairy.

What he could say made Qin Wei chill to the bones.

“So… is this your real plot? First kill the cloud millet, and then punish the Qin clan?”

Qin Wei lowered his head and chuckles, his face down.

He should have thought that this descendant of the Ling clan suddenly appeared, and he would definitely not be well-intentioned.

However, every step he took was reasonable, and people couldn’t find the slightest flaw.

“I killed you, there is still a way to take you as a slave, but it’s a bit more troublesome, what do you think?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and the thunder light outside his body suddenly surged, and the irresistible general trend smashed thousands of miles, like the ancient god of thunder.

“I am willing to be the slave of the son!!”

“I do!!”

All the children of the Qin clan were suddenly overwhelmed to the ground, hissing loudly.

At this time they had no ambition to compete with Ling Xiao.

In other words, their Dao Xin had been completely shattered with the fall of Jin Yang.

In this immortal way, Dao Xin is broken, it is no different from death.

What the remnant asks for is nothing more than living.

“You, don’t deserve to be my slave.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, keeping his eyes on Qin Wei.

“I!!! Willing!!!”

It wasn’t until a long time before the surging thunder intent became more and more awful that Qin Wei gritted his teeth and knelt down in front of Ling Xiao.

“However, I hope you can let them make a living.”

“Open your heart.”

The soul light in Ling Xiao’s eyes was prosperous, and an ancient soul seal instantly condensed and formed, and fell towards Qin Wei’s sea of ​​knowledge.

The latter took a deep breath, with a touch of unwilling resentment in his eyes, but in the end he didn’t stop him anymore, letting the seal dissipate.


A strange feeling came from the bottom of my heart instantly.

At this moment, Qin Wei understood that he was no longer himself, but just a puppet and soul slave of Ling Xiao.

Even his own behavior is completely under Ling Xiao’s control, and he only needs a thought to kill himself.

“Go ahead and kill them.”

Ling Xiao glanced down at the Qin child who was crying on the ground, and suddenly opened his mouth.


Qin Wei’s expression was dreadful, his canthus was cracked, and he looked at the young man above his head with grief and indignation.


But Ling Xiao only moved a thought, and Qin Wei felt an irresistible force controlling his body and walked towards the Qin Clan’s children.

“No…no…don’t the son!”

“No!! Help!!”

In the ancient tripod space, the screams are endless.

Ling Xiao just looked at the countless corpses on the ground calmly, and finally moved his mind and exchanged a magic talisman from the system.

“I killed them because they saw my secret. Don’t worry, as long as you are obedient, I promise that the Qin clan will not be destroyed.”

Ling Xiao handed the magic talisman in his hand to Qin Wei, “The power contained in this talisman can be used to cut the gods, you keep it for body protection.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao waved his palm, and saw that Green Demon Ancient Ding buzzed and disappeared.

The heavens and the earth regained their clarity, but the traces of blood rippling around, as if to remind the world at all times, there had been an amazing…slaughter here.

Qin Leng still stared at the midair with indulgent eyes, where Qin Wei had already killed all the Yunxiao disciples, and Ling Xiao finally stopped the offensive.

Shengzi Yunmi looked at the dozens of Qin Clan Tianjiao around him with cold eyes, his whole body flickered, and the power of Dao Ze was burning, as if he had fallen into a madness.

The blood rain fell from the air, and this battle was extremely tragic.

Even several times, Qin Leng wanted to jump forward and join the battle.

However, his injuries were severe enough that he had to give up in the end.

Until the last child of the Qin clan fell to the ground, the sacred child Yunmi suddenly laughed up to the sky, exploded his soul body, and rushed towards Ling Xiao and Qin Wei.


The heavens and the earth were dark. When Qin Leng looked up, the Son of Cloud Millet had disappeared, and Qin Wei was also full of blood, with a wilting breath.

This two battle of Tianjiao has only come to an end.

Qin Wei’s figure came from the side and patted Qin Leng’s shoulder lightly, his eyes seemed to have deep meaning.

“Let’s go.”

“Ling… Where’s Young Master Ling Xiao?”

Qin Leng was shocked all over his body, especially the blood marks on Qin Wei’s body, which made him have a kind of sincere admiration.

As expected to be the descendant of my Qin clan, this battle is bound to become famous in the East.

“The son… is gone.”

Qin Wei sighed, turned his head and glanced at the mountain of corpses, and finally gritted his teeth and waved his palm from the sky.


The sky was full of smoke and dust, and countless bones connected to this dead city completely turned into dust.

“Big Brother…you…”

“Here is their best destination.”

at the same time.

Cloud millet fairy sect.

Immortal Master Yun Mi looked at Ling Tianlin and the others who had disappeared with cold eyes, and his eyes were clear and thoughtful.

Just now, the Ling clan expressed his intention and was willing to join forces with Yun Mi to destroy the Qin clan, but he refused.

Although the fairy lord Yunfan didn’t know how sincere the Ling clan actually was, the tragedy of the praying mantis catching the cicada and the oriole has never stopped for thousands of years.

This muddy water is really getting muddy.

“The Immortal Lord!!”

At this moment, outside the hall, a cry of sorrow suddenly came.

Rao was based on the disposition of Immortal Master Yun Mi, and the emperor’s body couldn’t help but tremble slightly at this time.

“The Immortal Lord!! The three elders and the Shengzi Ming cards… are all broken!!”

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