Chapter 206 Master of Rhythm

With Ling Xiao’s spirit level and the star emperor robe on his body, let alone this group of delusional disciples, it is impossible to discover his aura even if he is a strong god king.

At this time, the attention of the two Dao Tong disciples was on each other.

Therefore, no one paid attention to the figure who slid up the city wall from the side and stood at the back of the Yunxiao disciple.

“You children of the Qin clan, you just like to clamor, and we have the ability to come up with a fair fight!!”

“Hehe, I heard that in the sunset city that day, your Yunfan disciple was crushed into a dog by Lord Lingxiao of the Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect, and the dog barking knelt on the ground for a day of schooling. It seems that Lord Lingxiao is very discerning. I can see your essence at a glance!”

Under the city wall, Qin Leng sneered, with a faint joking in his eyes.

If anyone here wants to really go to war, he is probably the only one.

After all, all kinds of stigma were all on his head.

He really wants to crush this group of hypocritical righteous disciples with his own hands and rectify his name!

It’s just…Qin Wei doesn’t move, and of course he doesn’t dare to act rashly.

He still wants to keep this dog’s life, looking forward to the day when he meets Young Master Ling Xiao again.

“Qin Leng, you have a human face and a beastly heart, who are you scolding a dog! Believe it or not, I tore your mouth!”

“The scolding is your group of dogs. Come down if you have the ability. Grandpa is standing here. Who of you comes down to fight with me!”

Qin Leng laughed wildly, as if he had clearly seen the situation in front of him.

Most of the two disciples today could not fight, otherwise he would not dare to be so arrogant.

It was just that at the moment when his voice fell, he saw that above the city wall, suddenly a disciple of cloud millet flew out and swept down the city wall in a weird posture.

Suddenly, the atmosphere suddenly solidified.

The disciples on both sides looked at the figure rushing out in anger, and there was a touch of panic in their eyes.

Even the disciple who was in the air had a blank expression on his face.

I’m gonna!

Who kicked Lao Tzu? !

This…this is not the result I want! !

You say that by practicing cultivation, you can survive.

Efforts can prove the truth! !

Why at this time, I was full of blood and suddenly felt a little cold?


I’m all down now, so I can’t lose the aura of my fairy sect, right? People…who hasn’t died?

Which turtle grandson is it that wants me to die! ! !

Suddenly, there was a spirit light on the disciple cloud millet, which shocked the world.

“Senior brothers, kill!!”

Behind everyone, there was also an angry roar.

And those Yunfan disciples who were still in a daze state, instinctively used their spiritual power, and swept under the city wall one after another.

No way, this slogan has been screamed, doesn’t it seem that I am brave after hesitating?

At this moment, the aura of heaven and earth flickered, and the sound of killing was deafening.

The two sides who had originally babbled instantly started a terrifying battle.

You see, there are people listening to this rhythm.

A person with a believable rhythm…


They will lose a lot of happiness.

Qin Wei and Yun Mi Shengzi stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded, and swallowed fiercely.

Especially Yun Mi Shengzi, looking at the direction behind him with furrowed brows at this time, seemed to want to see which dog beat had brought the rhythm and provoked this endless struggle.

At this moment, Ling Xiao’s figure had already retreated ten miles away, his eyes calmly looked at the two fighting parties, and the corners of his mouth had a faint smile.


The roar resounded through Cangyu.

Countless auras fell like stars on the ground, crashing down.

The sky and the earth seemed to be darkened, and a round of blood ran across the sky, sprinkling thousands of blood.


In the end, Yun Mi Shengzi sighed lightly, stepped out, and an afterimage suddenly appeared behind him, like a floating light illusion, mysterious and unpredictable.

At this point, even if he had the intention to avoid the battle, he couldn’t retreat.

“Qin Wei, come to fight!!”

“You treat me as afraid of you!”

Qin Wei’s eyes condensed slightly, gritted his teeth fiercely, turned into a big day, letting out the endless light, and killed Jin Yang in one step.

There was a fishy wind in the world, and the figures of Qin Wei and Jin Yang finally collided.


The divine glory was scattered, and the wind screamed.

In this first head-to-head encounter, the two obviously didn’t do their best. It’s just that Qin Wei still took a few steps back before stabilizing his figure.

“It’s your turn.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and looked at the distant mountains. Xiao Tu seemed to be affected. He swept from mid-air as a long eagle. The moment he landed, the spirit sword in his hand chopped off the head of a Qin child.


Facing the sudden helper, the disciples of Yun Xiao didn’t care.

The Qin is insidious, and it is normal to have a few enemies. People who come to help are sure of their victory.

“Okay, you Yunxiao Xianzong, you even hired foreign aid! Brothers, kill!!”

Qin Leng looked at the strange figure with stubborn eyes, with the unfeeling sword in his hand unsheathed, just like a peerless young man.


His sword was very unfeeling, but when the disciples Yun Mi saw him here, they were bitter and bitter, and all kinds of spiritual seals fell one after another. In just a short breath, he hammered out two liters of blood.

“I’m Gan! I think you are deliberately targeting me!!”

Qin Leng’s white shirt was instantly stained red with blood, and he never dreamed that this group of disciples of Yunsi would really dare to fight the Qin clan.

But at this time it was useless to regret everything, and now Qin Leng finally understood why Ma Liang was so scared that day and passed out.

At this time, he also wanted to faint, but in his current situation, I was afraid that even if he fainted, he would probably be hammered several times.

Young Master Ling Xiao, I am afraid today…I really want to see you again in the next life.

If, if I were bolder that day, and if I look at you more, I will… die without regret.


Just as Qin Leng was crying up to the sky, an angry shout suddenly came from the distance.

Immediately, a strange wave swept away, causing the space to be turbulent.

Xiao Tu’s face was cold, like an ancient soul-cultivation, his whole body blooming with endless soul light.

In his hand, a soul seal was suddenly printed, crushing the void in an instant, and smashing it at Qin Leng!


Unmatched fiercely descended from the sky, the ancient seal has not yet fallen, and the entire land has been suppressed to a depth of ten feet.

“It’s over.”

At this moment, Qin Leng’s heart trembled.

Just for a moment, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

If it weren’t for Young Master Ling Xiao, he was afraid that he would have already died at the top of the sunset peak.

Living for many days now is a gift from the son.

In this life, I am the Qin family, and I cannot repay my great favor.

If my soul returns to this in the next life, I will follow my son on the mountain and river!

The spirit sword in Qin Leng’s hand bloomed with profound brilliance, and he severely chopped down towards the soul seal.

Only by his means, how can he resist this shocking blow.

The Unfeeling Sword Duan Duan collapsed, and Qin Leng’s figure fell like a broken paper kite into the ground.

At this time, he did not see the slightest panic on his face, as if he had an epiphany about death.

Only deep in the eyes, there is a faint flash of nostalgia.

Master Ling Xiao, wait for me to return!


Sen Leng’s soul shrouded the world, and instantly drowned Qin Leng’s figure.

But when the latter closed his eyes in despair, he clearly saw a stalwart figure, facing the seal, rushing straight away.

Behind him, there are thousands of miles of stars, the sun and the moon are shining, and the endless fairy lights are scattered.

This scene, like a carving knife, once again deeply embossed in Qin Leng’s heart.

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