Chapter 204

“My son, the rest is up to you.”

The ghost turned around and looked at the outline of the ancient city in the distance.

Obviously, Ling Xiao’s order for Ling Emperor to go to Yunfanxianzong must have a profound meaning.

I am afraid that next, this conquest between the supreme orthodoxy will be completely kicked off.

His existence, not to mention other sects, even the people of the Ling clan, don’t know much.

Occasionally, a few people have heard of his name, and they never guess that his cultivation has reached the emperor realm.

And even if someone had seen him take a shot, they were almost dead.

The world only knows that there are three emperors in the Ling clan, but they don’t know that there is another emperor hiding in the dark.

The handwriting and plot are naturally arranged earlier, so that they can be used to turn things around at a critical time.

At this time, among the distant mountains, a white figure came slowly, behind him, Xiao Tu respectfully trailed half a step, his expression a little nervous.

Not because of the purpose of the two’s trip, but because he saw Ling Xiao, he felt scared.

By now, anyone who knew Ling Xiao’s plan had guessed that the battle between Yun Mi and the Qin Clan was caused by the Ling Clan descendant alone.

It takes a lot of courage for a person to break the illusion and dare to plot the two supreme orthodoxy. What’s more frightening is that no one doubts him yet!

What is the Supreme Orthodoxy?

There are only seven or eight Taoist traditions in Eastern Xinjiang that dare to claim the supreme. But as for all the supreme Taoist traditions, the masters are all powerful gods. Needless to say, the cultivation base is terrifying.

But now…

Vaguely, Xiao Tu felt that perhaps following the young master was also a good choice.

At the very least, don’t worry about being killed by him.

“When you get to the place later, let go of killing, you can kill anyone, don’t worry, you can use spirit abilities or anything.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at Xiao Tu calmly.

Now that the latter’s cultivation base has stepped into deception, it is difficult to break through in a short time.

In this way, it would be better to hone your xinxing in the killing, and the cultivation base, it is always necessary to create the perfect skills in the killing.

For the strong to fight against each other, the realm of cultivation is one of them, and the second is of course means and strategy.

Otherwise, you see, how can the Son of Destiny in those books kill the enemy across the border and come back against the wind, of course, because… he is the protagonist and has his own aura.

Since this Xiao Tu’s enemy is a saint son of the supreme orthodoxy, I am afraid that the means of cultivation must be extremely terrible.

It is impossible to kill. If Xiao Tu can save his life in Wanzong Huiwu, he can use methods in the next secret realm to punish him.

Hearing this, Xiao Tu’s eyes condensed, and he suddenly guessed in his heart.

Listening to the young master’s tone, this is a plan…never let go.

Fengtian City is now a dead city. What you will encounter later is more likely to be the Tianjiao evildoers of the Yunmi and Qin clan…

In that case, the young master intends to break the inheritance of these two traditions?

“How did you and Yuanyue Shengzi become enemies.”

Ling Xiao was not in a hurry, after all, he still had to give the children of the Qin Clan some time to rush.

What he had to do was to take advantage of the chaos to kill people and punish these two disciples in one fell swoop.

No mess, how to kill?

“Back to Young Master… That Yuanyue Saint Son whose real name is Xia Chen is my adopted son from the Xiao family…”

A trace of killing intent flashed in Xiao Tu’s eyes, and his whole body aura gradually became cold.

“Xia Chen? Adopted son? Hey, proper protagonist settings, you continue to say.”

Ling Xiao suddenly became interested. Some of the Tianjiao evildoers he had seen recently, although they were carrying luck, were somewhat less, and there was not much pleasure in plundering them.

But this Xia Chen is a person with a story.

“This Xia Chen originally had a mediocre talent, but she has a sinister personality and is very good at pleasing others, so…it’s quite popular with women. My elder brother Sean has a childhood sweetheart…”

Xiao Tu sighed, looking like he wanted to talk but stopped.

But at this time, Ling Xiao’s face showed a sudden look.

Next, I was afraid that it was the little sheep. It was wrong. What kind of method was used by Xiao En to frame Xia Chen.

Unexpectedly, the latter awakened the adventure and killed the Xiao family.

Haha, another bad street routine.

But let alone, it’s really pretty.

I just don’t know whether Xia Chen was awakened by the bloodline, or just happened to be taken away by a strong man with the same name and surname.

“and then?”

Ling Xiao stopped and looked at Xiao Tu with interest.

“The eldest brother envoy, fascinated Xia Chen, put him and the city lord’s daughter on a bed, and then notified the city lord’s family…the result…”

“Xia Chen was rushed to the city lord on the spot and slammed a palm on the sky spirit cover, blood splattered seven feet, but he didn’t expect…he…he didn’t die, and he laughed wildly and said many inexplicable things.”

A trace of heart palpitations flashed across Xiao Tu’s face.

Although he was not in the clan at the time, he later inquired about the reason for this incident from the Hui clan.

It’s not right for the eldest brother to hate because of love.

But that Xia Chen’s wolf ambition to slaughter the Xiao family’s 89 lives and three dogs and ten chickens is cruel!

Xiao Tu had to avenge the blood and blood.

“Oh? What did he say?”

In fact, Ling Xiao had roughly guessed what Xia Chen said.

It’s just that he really didn’t expect to meet this template’s Son of Destiny so soon.

“What I said specifically, almost everyone who heard it died, but probably it seems that the emperor is not dead, or the saintess of Chiluo, your heart is too cruel, God Emperor Qingyang has vainly regarded you as a brother, and you will wait for me. , It’s all crazy words…”


The strong take home! !

Fortunately, it is not the rebirth of the fairy king!

How should I put it, no matter how strong the strength is, the person who wins the house will not have too much luck.

After all, his physical body is broken, maybe only a trace of the remnant soul was retained with the help of the strange treasure, and he was picked up by some unlucky guy, and he was lucky enough to unintentionally activate it.


Unlucky moments of death, the god emperor woke up and resurrected, brewing a terrifying revenge plan.

Generally speaking, this god emperor was often unmatched in combat power during his lifetime, crushing the same realm, and being appreciated by beauties. At the same time… there is also a treasure in the sky.

And his remnant soul also escaped because of this treasure has been retained.

And the ones who killed him were basically the best brothers, and then combined with the most trusted woman to sneak attack on him. The purpose was naturally the treasure in him.

Of course, in the end, when the god emperor seizing the house returned to the gods, he would surely discover that the saint of Chi Luo was actually being persecuted.

The emotional drama between the two of them was once again, and even the saint was guilty and willing to die.

Vigorous and tearful!


In this way, Xiao Tu is worthy of luck.

At the very least, he is still alive now.

Otherwise, if you were in the clan at that time, it would be hard to escape the evil hand of the god emperor.

Just… God Emperor Qingyang? Saint Chi Luo?

These two names are very unfamiliar. Is it possible that this strong man is not a person in this world?

Now it seems that this world is indeed quite big.


Ling Xiao grinned and bowed to the readers across the screen.

Thank you!

Let’s keep working hard together!

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