Chapter 201 Qin Clan’s Bloodliness

Cloud millet fairy sect, in the hall.

A figure shrouded in Xianxia sat on the temple, and the white robe outside her body was glowing with divine light.

“Lord Immortal, can’t hesitate anymore, the Qin people are really deceiving people too much! My two ancient vassal cities were slaughtered and cleaned by them overnight, even the mundane!”

Under the main hall, the elder of Xianzong Feng Baiyang looked ferocious, and the power of a god emperor frightened the sky, roaring like a dragon.

“Yes! Immortal lord, the people of the Qin clan are really despicable. Seventy-eight disciples of my Xianzong who have been practicing outside have disappeared, and one of them is a true biography!”

The elders all agreed, especially the few elders who came to the Qin Clan that day, and there was a clear sense of war on their faces at this time.

Emperor Qin, the Qin clan, deceived people too much! !


Above the main hall, Immortal Yunmi sighed lightly, and the space trembled suddenly, as if the Taoist sound was heard.

There are many supreme orthodox traditions in Eastern Xinjiang, and the Yunmi Xianzong is absolutely second to none.

And being able to achieve the position of Immortal Lord, one can imagine this person is terrifying.

“The Qin Clan is arrogant, and its heart can be condemned, but the elders have thought about it, is there anyone behind all this?”


When the elders heard this, the expressions on their faces changed.

Yes, whether it was Xu Youwei’s killing or the massacre of his vassal forces, it seemed weird in every way.

However, the pictures remembered in Ma Liang’s soul are real and clear.

Everyone didn’t believe that anyone in Eastern Xinjiang could turn the soul in front of the emperor without leaving the slightest clue.

So they instinctively believed that all of this was carefully planned by the Qin people.

But…what good is it for the Qin in this way?

“The Immortal…Recently, the Qin clan has spied a letter, saying that the Qin clan has strong people visiting, which is quite mysterious. Do you think the Qin clan…has new allies?”

“Even if the Qin clan is united with people, the two main roads will go to war. It will definitely be a waste of life. Although Emperor Qin is arrogant, he will not be so disregarded of the overall situation. Then, Ming Yang’er will lead the true biography of Xianzong to go to the ruined ancient city. Check it out! If it is really done by the Qin clan, huh!”

Immortal Master Yun Mi coldly snorted, and everyone felt a tremor in their hearts, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

There is an unwritten rule in the Holy Land.

Disputes between disciples, the forces behind should not intervene.

Nowadays, Immortal Sect Yunfan is sending his disciples down the mountain with great fanfare. Even if the Qin nationality knows it, he will never send a strong person to kill him. It can only send his peers to fight for battle.

Otherwise, once this rule is broken, the conquest that the Qin people will face is definitely not the only one.

Hopefully, this dispute can be controlled by the young disciples, and this is also an experience for them.

“Three elders, you follow far away, just in case of accidents.”

In the end, Immortal Master Yun Mi was really unreasonable, and raised his head to face a god-king elder.

At the same time, the Qin Temple.

Emperor Qin was sitting on the dragon chair with a cold face, his eyes closed, as if the sunlight flickered, shocking the world.

“Emperor, the two ancient tribes of my Qin vassal were massacred by people. It’s hard to swallow this tone!!”

“Emperor, Yun Mi’s war posts are in our hands. If we don’t act, I’m afraid that the entire Dongjiang will laugh at our Qin people.”

“Yes! Emperor!”

“I heard that the two cities on Yunmi were also wiped out. Can you know about this?”

Emperor Qin’s eyes condensed slightly, and there seemed to be a gloomy cluster of gloom between his eyebrows.

The situation in Eastern Xinjiang has become more and more complicated.

The big hand invisibly seems to be pushing the Qin clan to the end of destruction.

“Emperor! Those two cities were destroyed by me!”

In the main hall, a white-haired old man suddenly walked out, and he had already stepped into the realm of gods.

“Huh? You are not right.”

Emperor Qin’s face was stunned, and a chill flowed across his body in an instant.

“Hehe, Emperor Qin may not know that among the children of the Qin clan killed by Yun Xiaozhu, there is my only grandson! This hatred will not be reported… Why do I want to cultivate this body!!”

His Royal Highness the elder’s eyes were bitter, and his tone was full of unwillingness.

“If it weren’t for the emperor’s order, no troubles were allowed, I would kill Yun Mi and ask for an explanation for my grandson!!”


“Haha, sad, my Qin family has passed on for thousands of years. When did I be so humiliated, if my grandson was not as skilled as humans and was killed by others, I have nothing to say. Start, this crime, you should be punishable!”

The elder’s mouth was full of words, and all the Qin elders who were talking about were embarrassed, but the fighting spirit in their eyes became more and more surging.

“Yeah! What Elder Qin Yun said is reasonable! The Immortal Sect of Cloud Millet is simply deceiving too much!”


“Elder Qin Yun, I understand the pain of losing your grandson, but if you act like this, doesn’t it make my Qin people fall into death? Once the strong Yunxiao came to the door and used this as an excuse to start a war, how would you let my Qin people end up? ?”

“Hahahahahaha! What the emperor said really chills my heart! How to end it? I, Qin Yun, was born and died for the Qin clan, and now…hahahaha! Well, since the emperor doesn’t know how to end it, today I would die for my Qin clan to linger!!”

When the words fell, the elder named Qin Yun suddenly waved and slammed on the top of his head severely.

A strong god is begging to die, even Emperor Qin never fully reacted.


The blood immediately fell to the ground, and the strong bloody atmosphere instantly filled the entire Qin clan hall.

At this time, all the Qin clan experts looked at the figure lying in a pool of blood dumbfounded, with a touch of bitterness and horror in their eyes.

What a heavy feeling between grandparents and grandchildren is it to make Elder Qin Yun’s blood spattered here?

Or could Elder Qin Yun just want to awaken the blood of the Qin Clan by death?

Thinking about this, many people looked at Emperor Qin with a hint of disappointment.

Thinking of his Qin clan in the East for hundreds of years, he did not expect to be bullied to the head now.

The most important thing is that Emperor Qin’s attitude at this time is really chilling.


Emperor Qin’s face became more and more gloomy, especially the scene of Qin Yun’s suicide hall, which made him feel that the gears of fate seemed to have begun to work.

The invisible force makes him unable to resist at all.

The elder of the Qin clan avenged his grandson and slaughtered the two ancient cities of Yunfan.

Because of dissatisfaction with Emperor Qin’s attitude, he finally killed himself with a chill.

The whole thing is reasonable and impeccable.

But Emperor Qin still felt that this was just the beginning of a conspiracy.


“Elder Qin Yun, no matter what the Qin clan, your life will never be ruined in vain!”

The elders began to appeal softly in the hall.

If it were in the past, they would never dare to provoke the majesty of Emperor Qin, but today…

Clan righteousness is heavier than heaven and earth!

What cloud millet and sun millet, even if the holy religion deceives others, now these Qin elders can also fight!

People are inherently dead.

What is the difference with death!

Elder Qin Yun!

You are the backbone of my Qin nationality!

It’s the war song of my Qin clan’s awakening! !


At this moment, no matter what decision Qin Emperor makes, all the bloody Qin clan powerhouses are ready to die for the clan’s prestige!

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