Chapter 188 Young Master Like Jade

“Junior Brother Ling Tian…”

Ye Xun’eryu clenched his hands tightly and looked at the stubborn figure worriedly.

From that day when she mentioned the Zhuxian Ancient Sword, this little junior showed a keen interest.

However, Ye Xun’er thought that with Ling Tian’s talent, it was impossible to have the opportunity to covet the ancient sword of Zhu Xian.

But she was wrong!


She really did not expect that this gentle and elegant second son of the Ling clan was so stubborn in his bones.

Perhaps this is the so-called, there is no time for Taoism.

For a moment, Ye Xun’er felt a different kind of emotion.

This kind of sentiment, she has always resisted and disliked, especially Yu Yuntian’s behavior in the past few years has really made her a little tired.

Inexplicably, on Ling Tian’s body, she unexpectedly felt short of breath, and her heart trembled.

Supreme swordsmanship, strong background.

The most important thing is that he looks handsome!

Compared with Ling Tian, ​​Yu Yuntian is simply a countryman, rude and rude. You know jealousy all day long. Why have you never thought about polishing your morality and cultivation?

Like the jade son, the son is like jade.

That said, it’s someone like Junior Brother Ling Tian.

At the corner of Ye Xun’er’s mouth, a smile was raised unconsciously, showing extraordinary elegance and stunning time.

Beside him, Yu Yuntian looked at the fascinated little junior girl, already holding the cage with both palms.

In the eyes, there is an indescribable complex gloom.

Junior sister Xun’er, you are mine and no one can take it away!

Ling Tian, ​​even if you step on the top of the Immortal Road, in this Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Sect, I am the Sect Master, and I have 10,000 ways to kill you!


The earth-shaking momentum fell from the sky, like a nine-day Milky Way, slumping thousands of miles away.

And Ling Tian’s figure finally stood firmly on the last step.

One step forward, that is, the Taoist tool of the Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land, the ancient sword of Zhuxian.

Take a step back… it’s life!

The wind is uneven, the waves are not calm, and the heart is still unstable. An island locks a person!

Ling Xiao, I will use this sword to sacrifice my seven years of enmity! !

Ling Tian yelled at the sky, and the soles of the feet that had just dropped stepped forward again.

Above his body, Dao Ze’s blue light suddenly prospered, rushing straight into the sky, attracting thousands of miles of cloud waterfalls to fall from the sky.

The white clouds stirred and the wind swirled through the sky.

Tao is prosperous! !

Dao Yin chants for thousands of miles!

And in that storm, the young man’s figure was like a sword, and his white clothes followed the wind with a grin, and the white and slender palm was finally held on top of the ancient sword.


The sky and the earth changed suddenly, and in just a few moments, black clouds filled the sky.

Countless Lei Mans winding across the sky, seemingly punished, want to prevent this sword from being born.

Xu is because Ling Tian has exhausted his strength, or it is because Tiandao is unwilling to make him bear this ray of immortal cause and effect.

I saw his palm clenched tightly, but he was unable to pull the sword out of the ancient platform for a long time.

The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords is silent.

Everyone looked at the figure standing on the top of the mountain, with a hint of loss deep in their eyes.

After all, did it fail?

Even if Ling Tian’s talent is against the sky and possesses supreme swordsmanship, that Zhu Xian… has his own arrogance, which is beyond ordinary people’s ability to tame.


A sigh came leisurely, and everyone’s eyes gathered on Ling Tian.

So that before the fairy road, suddenly a figure walked slowly, and they didn’t even notice it.


It wasn’t until the monstrous sword chant resounded again, and the dark clouds were faintly shattered, that everyone discovered that before the immortal road, a figure in white clothes was standing with his hand holding his hand, stepping ten steps, sweeping toward the top of the peak.


“Am I wrong?”

“There seems to be a figure there?”

“who is it?!!”

“Such a speed… even more enchanting than Ling Tian?!”

“How is it possible? Why is this person so strange? He doesn’t seem to be from my Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land?”

“Isn’t it possible? My sword road cannot be climbed by anyone who is not a sword. He can attract thousands of swords, it must be…”

“It’s Ling Xiao!!! It’s Ling Xiao!!!”

“What?! It turned out to be that Demon King! What is he going to do? Forcibly breaking into the sword? What a courage!”

For a while, the entire Ten Thousand Swords Sacred Land became a mess, and even a few elders had already used their spiritual powers, and wanted to capture the young man who climbed the mountain.


At this moment, the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords suddenly gave a cold cry, with a gloomy surprise in the eyebrows.

How could this little bastard suddenly appear in his Ten Thousand Swords Land?

Also, what is the so-called after he climbed Wanjianxian Road?

Is it possible that he also wants that Zhuxian Ancient Sword?

However, this Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Road is the inheritance of the holy land, and naturally, no one can walk if they want to.

Above the gods, if you enter, it is a sign of emergence, leaving behind the sword to wait for the destined disciples.

In other words, at this time, the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords does not want to stop Ling Xiao, but just looks at the entire Holy Land. Who can catch up with the former on this sword road?

Walking like flying, without hindrance.

This scene fell in the eyes of many holy land disciples, and instantly caused some illusions in their hearts.

Is this still Ten Thousand Swords Fairy Road?

Is it possible that we take a different path?

Quite suddenly, many disciples actually showed a posture of eagerness to try, and obviously felt that they could do it again.


Wan Jian yelled endlessly.

At this time, everyone seemed to feel that these ancient swords weren’t cheering, they were more like a sorrow.

Especially when Ling Xiao’s figure walked by, that ancient sword that had been buried for many years had a faint posture of being born on its own.


The whole sword road began to tremble for no reason.

An ancient sword with a handle, trembling and struggling, seemed to break free from the shackles of this sword path.

But Ling Xiao didn’t care about this.

The law of swordsmanship he merged was directly plundered from the white-clothed swordsman.

To be honest, Ling Xiao didn’t know how far the latter’s cultivation level had reached.

But when he is in the Four Desolations, his realm is bound to be suppressed at the deceptive level.

In this way, it will not be resisted by the way of heaven.

One side of the world, one side rules.

Above the break, that is, the peak of the Four Desolations, you can emerge as “Xiang” and step into the Holy State.

However, no matter what realm the swordsman was in his lifetime, in short, the kendo principles of Lingxiao’s integration are already in the realm of great achievement.

If it hadn’t been given to Ye Qingchan, it would have even been close to Consummation.

It is naturally not an exaggeration to attract a different phase between the world and the earth in this way.


In this way, it seemed that he had really crushed a very powerful character to death without knowing it.

Of course, Ling Tian didn’t know what happened behind him.

At this time, all his attention was focused on that Zhuxian Ancient Sword.

It’s just that no matter how hard he tried, the sword seemed to grow in this sword path.

“Could it be… you and I really missed it!”

Ling Tian sighed, the exhaustion all over his body suddenly flooded like a river.

It was just that when his eyes were dark and he was about to let go, a warm palm suddenly shook his hand.

It was a slender palm that was as white as jade, and the temperature from it instantly dispelled all the haze in Ling Tian’s heart.

For a moment, he actually felt an inexplicable peace of mind.

Until he turned his head and saw the familiar face that had been lingering in his mind for seventeen years like a nightmare! !

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