Chapter 178

Before counting interest.

Over the Huoyun City, the demon energy surged, and the black cloud pressed down.

In the direction of the city lord’s mansion, a towering figure instantly rose into the air, the breath of the whole body dispersed, and it had reached the state of breaking delusion.

“I don’t know what the lord is doing here?”

Fire Cloud City Lord Qi Dongqiang stood in the air, staring in horror at the terrifying dragon shadow winding hundreds of miles in front of him, and there was already no blood on his face.

Big demon! !

This breath is a great demon!

It’s just… what is this dragon strong man doing suddenly coming to him in Fire Cloud City?

This is the eastern frontier. Birds don’t shit, they want wealth but no wealth, but they want treasure without treasure.

Could it be that this adult… came to eat people?


Qi Dongqiang felt that his pants were all wet, but the moment his voice fell, the figure of the magic dragon disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, a figure of a young man in a white robe walked slowly from mid-air, with an absolutely cold expression on his face.


Qi Dongqiang rubbed his eyes, until the young figure walked in front of him, the doubt on his face completely solidified.

“You…you…you are that…ling…ling…”

Qi Dongqiang stammered for a long time. He was so shocked that he even forgot Ling Xiao’s name. He knelt in the air with a thump, shaking his whole body constantly!

“I don’t know if the adults are coming, Xiao… Xiaoqiang has missed a long way to welcome him, and I hope that the adults will forgive me!!”

At this moment he could feel that his pants were really wet.

A big monster of the demon race came, and he still had a trace of courage to face it.

After all, this Fire Cloud Sect is dependent on Tianshui Gate to survive, and although that one is not the supreme sect, it is also an ancient sect anyway.

If you want to come, the demon dragon doesn’t dare to be too rampant here.

But this one in front of him, but the biggest demon king in the entire East, kills people and drinks blood, commits adultery and looting and other things with his hands.

Qi Dongqiang not only got wet pants, but also his face.

woo woo woo woo.

But at this moment, Ling Xiao didn’t even care about him at all. With a swept away of his consciousness, his figure disappeared in the same place instantly.


Before Qi Dongqiang breathed a sigh of relief, the distant space fluctuated again.

Then Tianshui Gate Master Water Scenery and the figure of Huoyun Sect Master appeared in front of him together.

“Guru, sect master… Brother Huoyun, why are you here?”

“Hmph, it’s not the bastard of Yin Zhengchun, now, he has hurt the old man miserably!”

Shui Jing wanted to cry without tears. Originally, he was cultivating in the door today, and he felt a horrible devilish air passing by from a distance, so he raised his head and took another look.

In the end, it didn’t matter if he looked at it, he almost scared his soul out.

I saw the descendant of the Ling clan, chasing the Taoist Huoyun towards here.

How could Shuijing dare to neglect, he immediately used means to stop the Taoist Huoyun, wanting to uphold justice, kill him in order to apologize to the son.

I didn’t expect…

“The door… the owner…”

“Close your mouth! I’ll say a number and prepare one hundred thousand spiritual stones, which will be used to make amends for the son!!”

Shui Jing took a deep breath, and didn’t give the Huoyun City Master a chance to cry for poverty, and hurriedly chased Ling Xiao to the Lin family.

At the same time, hearing the chuckle coming from the top of their heads, all the Lin family’s faces were taken aback, and they immediately scolded.

“Who, who dares to scream in my Lin family!! Don’t want to live anymore?”

If it were in the past, they would not dare to have the courage, but at this time, Sect Master Yin Zhengchun of Huoyun is sitting in control, and they are still afraid of a hammer?

But at this moment, when he heard the gentle and low voice, Lin Meng’s face was suddenly taken aback, and her beautiful eyes widened in an instant.

Such a familiar voice!

how is this possible?

Is it… the son?

The son actually came?

Do not! !

It must be an illusion, how could the son be a mountain girl for me…


Beside him, Yin Tianxing trembled and suddenly limp to the ground.

“Huh? Tianxing, what’s the matter with you?”

Yin Zhengchun looked dumbfounded, and then shouted angrily, “Damn, where’s the rat generation, dare to be presumptuous in my Fire Cloud Sect!”

“Sect Master Huoyun is here, don’t hurry up to see you!!”

Lin Yuan also shouted angrily, the demeanor of the head of the family was undoubtedly evident.

But at the moment when his voice fell, a white figure suddenly appeared out of thin air. Although there was no fluctuation on his body, the pair of deep eyes suffocated the entire space.

“You…who are you?”

Like Lin Yuan, how does the Patriarch of the small city know Ling Xiao’s appearance?

But at this time, Yin Zhengchun’s old face was instantly sluggish.

Then, directly in the shocked eyes of the Lin family, he knelt on the ground with a thump, slapped himself frantically.

“Damn the old man, damn the old man!”

“Papa Papa!”

The whole lobby was silent, except for Yin Zhengchun’s slap in the face, which was particularly pleasing to the ear.

Grand Elder, is this… pumped?


The space fluctuated, and the water scene and the figure of the Huoyun Sect Master emerged.

Just before Lin Yuan and the others bowed to see him, they were stunned to see that the two great cultivation giants who were overwhelming here were kneeling in front of the young man.


Lin Yuan rolled his eyelids and fainted to death on the ground.

And the remaining members of the Lin family also collapsed to the ground one by one, their faces already pale.

They don’t know Ling Xiao, but they know Shui Jing.

This is a well-deserved god in the Huoyun Mountain Realm, and his majesty must not be offended.

But now, the god in their eyes actually knelt towards a young man.

And looking at the look on his face, he kneeled with pride!

“It’s really an honour for my son to be here, it’s just today’s matter…”

Before the water scene’s voice could fall, Ling Xiao had already raised his foot and walked in front of Lin Meng, with a gentle expression, “I heard about your wedding today, so I rushed to have a look.”


Lin Yuan, who had just been awakened by his clansman, almost fainted to death on the ground when he saw this scene.

No, I can’t faint!

Even if I die today, I have to save the Lin family!

“Quick… come on, take care of me, and help the son!”

“The son… the son…”

Lin Meng’s eyes were red, and all the grievances in his heart disappeared out of thin air at this time.

She never thought that the son would come, when she was the most humble and desperate.

“Why are you crying? Today is your overjoy. I didn’t prepare any gifts…”

Ling Xiao still smiled gently, in his mind, the beautiful voice of the system has slowly resounded.

“The son!!”

Lin Meng gritted his teeth, turned his head and glanced at the frightened Yin Tianxing beside him, and suddenly knelt in front of Ling Xiao.

“What are you doing?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, but a touch of playfulness flashed in his eyes.

The prostitutes of the tribe are so tame.

Look at what you have never seen before.

If Nian Qingjun is as simple and well-behaved as her, would Ling Xiao take medicine again and again?

Although Rijiu’s love is a bit comfortable, it’s easy to be empty if there are more.

“My son, I don’t want your gift, I just ask you to take me away!”

“Dip, congratulations to the Lady of Destiny for her complete submission, the host’s luck value increased by 500 points, and the villain value increased by 5000 points.”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for triggering additional rewards and getting a Qi Luck Plunder Card.”

“Huh? There are additional rewards? Is it because Lin Meng completely surrendered?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, but when this scene fell in Lin Meng’s eyes, her face paled in an instant, and sour tears shed.

Sure enough, the son was only on a whim and didn’t want to really bring me by his side.

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