Chapter 176

“Huh? This breath? Qingchan broke through the realm of Xuanqing?!”

Duan Wuyong’s expression was stunned, and a pair of old eyes flashed with horror.

Only a few days now?

Calculating the time, it seems that Ye Qingchan was taken to the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect by Ling Xiao, it only took five days in total, right?

But this girl actually broke through to the Xuanqing level directly from the virtual spirit realm?

What kind of enchanting speed is this?

I’m afraid that in the whole Saint State, few people can match her.

I found the treasure!

A small chrysanthemum bloomed on Duan Wuyong’s face.

“Hehe, it seems that this aura is that Junior Sister Ye.”

Nian Qingyun’s beautiful eyes chilled, and the figure disappeared instantly.

Even with Duan Wuyong’s cultivation base, he was stunned for a while.

It’s worthy of being a peerless evildoer who has comprehended the Misty Principles.

The body shape is as slim, go and stay freely.


“There is no reason to take the sword that my husband gave back. Doesn’t it seem that I am too stingy?”

Rarely, Nian Qingyun actually said the word husband.

Moreover, her voice was clear and tactful, and it reverberated through the entire Tianjian Mountain in an instant.


It turns out that this goddess was really taken down by Young Master Ling Xiao?

woo woo woo woo.

At this moment, Ye Qingchan stood on the top of the mountain, dressed in a celestial attire.

There was a hint of joy on the beautiful face.

Xuan Qing’s realm is now.

Son, I am trying to catch up with you.

It is hard to imagine that she was the top strength in the Northern Wilderness, and now she has done it in five days.

Especially after fusing the power of Dao Ji that the son gave her, Ye Qingchan seemed to feel that the unknown power in her body was slowly waking up.

Sometimes, she will see many scenes she has never seen before.

The battlefield is bloody, and thousands of miles are frozen.

The golden palace, thousands of people worship.

She had never witnessed these in person, but now, it was filled in her mind like a carving.

Ye Qingchan was very confused.

She wanted to break through the realm quickly, and then go to the son.

But there was a faint feeling that once she truly controlled that power, she would completely lose Ling Xiao.


Not far away, the space suddenly oscillated.

I saw a white fairy shadow floating down, standing in front of her in the land of Zhang Xu.

The same fairy face is picturesque, the same pouring posture.

Especially with the breakthrough of Ye Qingchan’s cultivation base now, the aura on her body has gradually become cold as frost.

It’s just a little different from Nian Qingjun. The coldness in her body is not derived from her temperament, but from her aura.

But the goddess of the palace, as if by nature, is cold and bloody.

The two women looked at each other far away, with a hint of coldness in their beautiful eyes.

Even if Ye Qingchan’s cultivation base is only the first step in Xuanqing, she is not timid at all in front of Nian Qingyun, and even more prestigious.

No need to guess, she also knows who this woman is.

The picturesque content, the chaos of all races, I see you pity.

Except for the fiancée of the goddess, the son, who else would make a special trip to the Heavenly Sword Sect to see her?

But now that she is here, it seems that the son is concerned about himself.

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Ye Qingchan’s mouth.

Her personality is not lonely, but rather naughty.

It’s just that the breath on her body is like the cold spring in the depths of nine days, making her heart lonely for no reason.

Neither of them spoke until Nian Qingyun drew the long sword in his hand.

“Ling Xiao gave you this, he said…you are very pitiful.”

Nian Qingjun turned around and walked down the mountain.

She has got the answer she wanted.

Even if Nian Qingjun is no more conceited, he finally understands today why this Ye Qingchan can be favored by Ling Xiao.

Her coldness is an aversion to the world.

But when Nian Qingjun uttered the word Ling Xiao, she clearly saw the tenderness in Ye Qingchan’s eyes.

Ling Xiao, Wanzong will martial arts, I will kill you, overcome my love, and cultivate my Dao Xin.

Ye Qingchan silently looked at the fading shadow, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Son, really love me very much.

I must work hard to practice and try to get to my son as soon as possible.

As for that power…

Ye Qingchan didn’t believe it, what could make her leave Ling Xiao in this world.

If there is, then destroy it.

Son, even if one day, my body is broken and my heart has no regrets.

In Ye Qingchan’s eyes, Qingguang suddenly flourished.

That is a kind of obsession that will not regret until death.

Fire Cloud City.

Today’s Huoyun City is extremely lively.

Many ordinary folks took to the streets, vying to see the look of the Huoyunzong great elder.

In this small city under the mountain, there are not many people who cultivate immortals. Except for the city owner and a few big families, most of them are ordinary people.

It is said that today, Yin Zhengchun, the elder of Fire Yunzong, brought his grandson here to propose marriage to Lin Meng, the concubine of the Lin family.

How can the people in the city miss such a good opportunity to get up early, wanting to see the honor of the immortal.

Of course, if you are lucky, the immortal will give you some wonderful things for cultivation, maybe you will be able to enlighten you in one fell swoop, maybe you will embark on a misty fairy road.

At this time, outside Lin’s house, an old man in a fiery red robe stood with his hand in his hand, and his old face was full of majesty and arrogance.

This person is Yin Tianxing’s grandfather, Yin Zhengchun, the elder of the Fire Cloud Sect.

He didn’t want to come to such a trivial matter.

After all, to propose to a family in a small city, why should he, the Great Elder of the Immortal Gate, go out in person?

With only an order, no woman has to beg crying and kneeling in front of him.

But today, Yin Tianxing insisted on asking him to come with him, saying that he wanted to give the Lin family a piece of noodles.

“Hehe, the great elder is here, my Lin family is full of glory.”

The Lin family immediately walked out of several elders and bowed to Yin Zhengchun in salute.

Behind everyone, Lin Yuan, the lord of the Lin family, followed with a horrified expression.

Although he had known that Lin Meng was in line with Yin Tian’s quotation, he did not expect that the proposal of marriage today would have alarmed the Huoyunzong elder.

This person’s identity is more noble than the city lord in the realm of Fire Cloud City.


Yin Zhengchun just snorted and walked into the lobby surrounded by everyone.

At this time, all the members of the Lin family were all gathered.

The eyes looking at Yin Zhengchun were full of awe and fear.

The strongest old man in the Lin family was only at the realm of Profound Qing, and in front of this great elder, it wasn’t even a fart.

But for some reason, Lin Meng’s face was inexplicably bitter at this time, and he didn’t seem to feel happy because of such an honor.

“Meng’er, don’t you offer tea to the elder?”

“Meng’er? Meng’er?!”

“Master Ling Xiao, you are destined to be just my extravagant hope.”

Lin Meng looked at the sky outside the hall, with a gentle and handsome face in his eyes.

It wasn’t until someone next to her gently pushed her that Lin Meng woke up from the daze.


Is this stinky girl planning to kill my Lin family?

Many Lin family members suddenly flashed a gloomy look.

Especially a middle-aged woman standing in the hall, with a hint of resentment in her eyes.

A concubine, it’s really bad luck to be taken by Young Master Yin.

Why, are you still unsatisfied? He even showed a sad face.

The Lin family is really old, there are all kinds of birds!

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