Chapter 157

“Oh, my head is a little dizzy…”

Ling Xiao’s body trembled, and then fell down on Nian Qingyun.

It’s just that Nian Qingjun was fooled once, and how could she be fooled again, the figure dodged immediately and hid aside.


Ling Xiao’s expression condensed, and finally he could only shake his head, with a puzzled expression, “Hey? It seems to be all right.”

“Ling Xiao, the ruins have also come out. Shouldn’t our matter be resolved?”

Nian Qingyun’s face sank, and there was an instant flow of coldness above her body.

“Hey! Lady, are you too impatient? I have just been injured by a strong god, so you are anxious to follow me. Even if you win, isn’t it the same as victory?”

Ling Xiao sighed, her expression a little lonely, “Well, since you are so anxious to kill me, let’s do it. If you can die in your hands, I am willing to die.”


Nian Qingyun’s pretty face was taken aback, but in the end he didn’t really do anything to Ling Xiao.

He was right, the seal just now really fell on him.

Although most of the injuries on Ling Xiao’s body were not so serious, the palm of the master of the gods would not be so easily resolved.

It’s not fair enough to win him now.

“Hmph, your injury is nothing more than a skin injury. With your realm, it can be healed in half a day. I’ll wait for you.”

Nian Qingyun stood on the sidelines, showing no intention of leaving.

“Hehe, okay, wait for me for a while, lady.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently and turned to Fu Yunyao and the others.

“Sister Fu!”

“Little Lord!”

Everyone suddenly bowed and saluted.

“I will come back tomorrow, but there is something in front of me and I need you to do it for me.”

Ling Xiao deliberately lowered her voice, and whispered a few words in Fu Yunyao’s ear.

When Nian Qingjun saw the intimacy of the two, her face became colder and colder.

“Huo Yunzong? Well, don’t worry, Young Master, I will go now.”

Fu Yunyao’s pretty face was taken aback, and then nodded, but there was a bit of resentment in her beautiful eyes.

“Lady, let’s go?”

Ling Xiao turned around and grinned at Nian Qingyun, before the latter resisted, he directly grasped her jade hand and headed towards the sunset city.

This matter, he should also go back to the sect.

After all, Zhuge Liuyun had to report his death to the Sect Master.

As for Nian Qingyun… I think she will probably have some experience in the eastern borders of Shengzhou.

With the dragon and phoenix jade key given by Ling Tianlin, Ling Xiao was not afraid to find her.

The next step is to make good preparations for the Wanzong Huiwu.

As the most grand event in Eastern Xinjiang, I don’t know how many sons of destiny will appear in Wuzhong?

Ling Xiao smiled wretchedly, and Nian Qingyun’s pretty face suddenly showed a touch of nausea.

“You let me loose!!”

“Lady, listen to me. In fact, that girl…was my guard that day…”

“Hey? Madam, how do you turn your face and turn your face? My injury is not healed yet, you… ah… don’t slap your face, don’t slap your face…”

In the eastern frontier, in a dilapidated small city.

Lin Xi’s figure appeared in front of a dusty house.

Here is the former Lin family.

Only with the destruction of the Lin family back then, this house has become a well-known murder house.

To be on the safe side, Lin Xi has not returned for seven years.

Just as Lin Xi opened the door and walked into the lobby, his eyes suddenly condensed!

At this moment, the old house, which was originally messy and dilapidated, had been cleaned up in order.

Although the tables and chairs were also covered with dust, it was obvious that someone had been here! !

Lin Xi’s body began to tremble uncontrollably, and in her mind, scenes from when she was a child emerged one by one.

At that time, sister Ling’er was very weak and cold. Every time she was at home, she would nest in Lin Xi’s arms, like a quiet kitten.

In the blink of an eye, seven years have passed.

Ling’er, you should grow into a slim girl too.

Will it be you?

In fact, Lin Xi understood that when his father turned around and stopped the man who was chasing and killing him, and gave his brother and sister a chance to escape, I am afraid…mostly it was cold.

And now Lin Xi wanted to come, even though the realm of the strong man was not high, he was only in a state of breaking delusion, but the same way he was in his body, it seemed to be…unmatched swordsmanship.

“Huh! Ling Clan, Ling Xiao, you wait for me, as long as I enter the Tianyuan secret realm and get that good fortune, I will destroy your Manchu!”

Lin Xi snorted, killing intent in her eyes.

Son of Destiny, I like swearing the most.

Don’t tell me, this oath can generally be fulfilled.


Of course it’s because of their hard work!

But instead, Lin Xi’s expression became gloomy again.

He left in a hurry just now, there was no time to take back the Green Demon Ancient Cauldron, so it would be cheaper for that damn Ling Xiao!


Thinking of the terrifying thunder on Ling Xiao’s body, even at this time, Lin Xi still had some lingering fears.

“Ahem… Old Ling, wake up!”

Lin Xi took a deep breath and passed a touch of divine consciousness toward the ring.

The rise of waste wood, why can it rise?

It’s definitely not because of his unusual talent and terrifying background, but because he has a good grandfather.

There is nothing good without grandpa.

“Huh? Xi’er? Where are we? Your realm…you have broken through!!”

There was excitement in Ling Lao’s voice, but when this scene fell in Lin Xi’s eyes, there was a flash of sarcasm immediately.

Still pretend with me, OK, I’ll see how long you can pretend.

Fortunately, just now in the underground ancient hall, he used some tricks to make Ling Lao fall into a lethargy.

Otherwise, once they are allowed to join forces, I am afraid that Lin Xi is really doomed this time.

The grandfather behind you, hehe, is really kind!

“Old Ling…I was calculated…”

Lin Xi sighed, her tone unconcealedly lonely.

At this moment, his emotions weren’t fake, Ling Xiao’s appearance made his smooth fairy road suddenly become more ups and downs.

Although Lin Xi had encountered many difficulties in the past, this time it was even more dangerous.

Especially now, Ling Lao seems to have secretly joined forces with Ling Xiao, which is a great challenge for Lin Xi.

It’s just seven years of life and death experience that has long forged his tough and flawless Dao heart.

He believes that in the end, he will be able to step on Ling Xiao’s corpse to reach the top of the Immortal Path.

“Is it calculated?”

Ling Lao’s voice is a bit weak, and he always feels that he feels weak at this time, and he can’t even display his spiritual consciousness.

“Ling Xiao took away the Heart of Undying and the ancient green magic cauldron…”

Lin Xi gritted his teeth fiercely, and suddenly clenched the palms of both hands.


Old Ling exclaimed, but at the end he couldn’t help sighing, “The descendant of the Ling clan is indeed a lucky person, this troubled world is full of evildoers, Xi’er, you have to be more careful in the future.”


Are you complimenting Ling Xiao?

Sure enough, old stuff, you have changed your heart!

But if Ling Xiao heard these words, he would laugh out of shit again.

He has a chicken luck, he is just a reaper of luck.

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