Chapter 149

“Break the realm? This is your capital? Big brother, I think you have a lot of intentions?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled.

Regarding Zhuge Liuyun’s cultivation base, he had long guessed that a great brother with supreme orthodoxy could not be a person of Xuanqing.

Even the other true biography of the great elder’s home have broken through the illusion. Although the talent of this great brother is not outstanding, it is by no means a waste.

Moreover, he has a stable personality and a tough Dao heart. Such a person, even with less talent and less luck, can often reach the pinnacle of martial arts in the end.

But I didn’t expect that this stable big brother would float away.

It’s not that the Dao is a evildoer, and there is no luck at all. You dare to hit my idea?

“Junior Brother Ling, there is something I want to verify with you. Did Lin Xi really take the spirit fruit?”

Zhuge Liuyun blinked a pair of innocent big eyes, looking innocent and honest.

It’s just this question, how it sounds like a trick.

Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed suddenly.

It’s too obvious, this Zhuge Liuyun dared to show up, he must think he could do it.

But with his deceptive strength, how could it be possible to slay Ling Xiao firmly.

He must have other cards.

There should be no one else who really cares about Tao Ze Lingguo except the fire wolf, right?

Could it be that the two of them joined forces?


A Tao is a spiritual fruit, what is so rare.

Compared with the spiritual fire of heaven and earth in front of him, it can be said that it is not worth mentioning.

Just as the fire wolf, he definitely didn’t dare to offend the Ling clan easily.

He couldn’t afford to offend even any sect that entered this ruin.

But… if anyone dares to bear the charge of killing Ling Xiao, I am afraid that no one will miss this great fortune.

Especially, if this fire wolf originally cultivated the Dao of Flame, if it was replaced by a water wolf, he would not be moved by it.


It was originally a dragon set that couldn’t survive three chapters, but it unintentionally fits the plot perfectly, and there are more opportunities to show up.

“Hehe, Brother Zhuge, are you questioning my character? Besides, a mere spiritual fruit, do you think I will be rare?”

Ling Xiao sneered, her expression a little disdainful.

To be honest, Ling Xiao really didn’t care about a spirit fruit.

Even if there is not exactly the same in the system, it is not difficult to find similar substitutes.

It was mainly Lin Xi wanted, how could he let the Son of Destiny praise his mind.

After all, these good fortunes will trigger new plots for them, either they will become stronger, or the people around them will become stronger.

Of course Ling Xiao would not let this happen.

As for the persimmon, it’s better to be soft.


Zhuge Liuyun’s eyes condensed slightly, and based on his understanding of Ling Xiao, the spirit fruit was probably on him.

It just made him a little bit puzzled, when did Ling Xiao’s temperament change?

In the past, Ling Xiao was arrogant and domineering, and would never put anyone in his eyes.

Although Ling Xiao is as arrogant and domineering as ever, Zhuge Liuyun always feels that he seems to have more city mansions.

Can’t let him continue to grow down! !

Otherwise, even if he hides in the wild Daze, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape the claws of this descendant of the Ling clan.

“Hehe, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t have the channel, the spirit fruit is not on you. Today, you will definitely die.”

Zhuge Liuyun smiled lightly and looked up at the ancient tripod above the hall.

He has a lot of research on Ding.

The weird fluctuations that now envelope the hall were transformed by his destiny spiritual treasure prisoner Tianshen Cauldron.

This ancient tripod was hand-given by the Lord of Ten Thousand Dao Devil and Ten Thousand Thousands of Enemy.

This is also the reason why he got the Hunyuan Ding but didn’t use it.

After all, two spirit treasures with similar functions are of little significance to him.

But the ancient tripod exuding a faint glow in front of him instantly attracted Zhuge Liuyun’s attention.


The cliff is a Taoist artifact! !


He came today to kill Ling Xiao, but he didn’t expect to have unexpected gains.

“Brother Zhuge…Hey, wake up!”

Ling Xiao waved his hand, and saw a thunder light instantly radiant, turning into a palm print out of thin air and falling towards Zhuge Liuyun.

“Huh? Despicable!!”

Zhuge Liuyun’s eyes condensed slightly, and the magic light rushed out of him instantly, faintly turning into a magical shadow and shrouded him.


However, no matter how strong Zhuge Liuyun is, it is only in the early stage of breaking the falsehood, how is it Ling Xiao’s opponent.

Of course, Ling Xiao didn’t use his full palm with his palm, just waved it casually.

Hearing only a clear applause resounded instantly, but the figure of Zhuge Liuyun was directly shot and flew out.

“Brother…Are you awake, don’t think about it.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, but a thought flashed in his eyes.

When he was at the Xuanqing level, he had relied on the demon body to pinch to death a deceptive person who understood the power of the Tao.

Now that he has stepped into the destruction, with his own means, he wonders if he can crush the gods to death?

“Ling Xiao!!! You!!!”

Zhuge Liuyun’s figure slammed heavily on the ground, splashed with dust and smoke, and a thread of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

A clear slap print emerged from his face, with a faint smell of burnt.

Only at this time, there was still no panic in his eyes, but a touch of rejoicing.

Ling Xiao’s talent, he can see everything.

Before that, he still felt that with his strength, even if he couldn’t beat Ling Xiao, he could still hold on for a while.

But now it seems that Invincible Xianzi is really not just talking about it.

But what about this?

What if you can cross the border and kill the enemy?

Is it possible that you can cross the two realms to punish the gods?

You know, now in the holy state, the emperor is the strongest.

The supreme Taoism is controlled by the emperor.

Although there are a lot of strong god kings, they definitely have the qualifications to start sects.

Although the Fire Wolf cultivation base hadn’t really stepped into the Divine King Realm, it was still at the pinnacle of Divine Lord.

Although a barren mountain and wild monster like him, his methods can not be compared with the ancient gods.

But they are also the pinnacle of Shenhou anyway, if they can’t clean up even an ant, then they have to divide the realm of fart.

You dry the air directly, and the fairy kings are all your grandsons.

End of the book!

“Brother, everyone’s time is precious, otherwise someone will scold me again. What are you capable of? Show me quickly.”

Ling Xiao sighed, and counting the time, Qin Leng should almost come out of the illusion.

He didn’t want to miss the next good show!

Hey, sad.

In this world, since then, there will be one less unfeeling Leng Shao, and one more Leng Shao in the back.

“Ability? Haha, it seems Junior Brother Ling Xiao has guessed it. Is the sadness in Junior Brother’s eyes because of his dying repentance?”

Zhuge Liuyun looked at the boy in front of him, especially the trace of regret that flashed in his eyes, which made him feel unspeakable.

Regret or something is really the most comfortable.

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