Chapter 145 Insidious Layout

It was just that the Qin disciples were surprised that even though Xu Youwei at this time was unmatched in spiritual power, it seemed that… he didn’t really want to kill them.

Hehe, it seems that Xu Youwei is still afraid of our Qin people!

“Senior Brother Xu, we don’t want this artifact, how about we just let it go?”

Just when the disciple’s voice just fell off, the light in front of him was bright, and the world in front of him was completely darkened.

At the same time, in the depths of this ruin.

Qin Leng looked at the surrounding sect disciples with indifferent eyes, raised his hand and put a flame demon flower in the palace into his bag.

“Master Qin… Your Qin people have been slaughtered!”

A wretched voice suddenly came from the crowd.

Qin Leng’s face was taken aback, his gaze swept away, and his whole body was surging away from him.

It was only based on his cultivation base that at this time he was unable to detect who was just speaking.

But at this moment, a flash of horror suddenly flashed in his eyes, and the figure disappeared in the same place in a flash.

Damn it! !

Who on earth dare to slaughter my Qin children.


In the far hall, Xu Youwei’s face suddenly raised a sneer, and the spiritual light in his hand suddenly burst, directly splitting the last Qin disciple into two.

The blood mingled with the internal organs, but Xu Youwei’s eyes suddenly flashed a touch of sarcasm.

“Who!! Who dares to slaughter my Qin people!!!”

Qin Leng’s figure just appeared at the entrance of the hall.

He looked at the corpse of the tribe that had split from it, his face was already distorted.

“Damn!!! You damn!!!”

The immortal sword in Qin Leng’s hand was unsheathed, and a wave of unparalleled fierceness spread out in an instant.

It’s just that the white figure in the hall grasped the pitch-black dagger on the blue case, turned and fled towards the distance.

“You are… Xu Youwei!!”

Seeing the clear and luminous figure all over, Qin Leng’s eyes suddenly flashed with surprise, but it turned into a monstrous anger in an instant.

“Xu Youwei!!! You damn it!!!”

There was an instant scream from the entire historic site, which made many Xiaozong disciples feel a chill in their backs and a throb in their hearts.

Listening to that voice, it seems to be the unfeeling Leng Shao of the Qin Clan?

Isn’t this Qin family always befriended the Yunmi Xianzong?

Why did the two of them suddenly get involved?


In the middle of the ancient hall, a strange wave suddenly spread.

Immediately afterwards, countless sect disciples only felt hot in their hearts, as if their entire bodies were about to break apart.

“Damn it, that spirit creature is about to be born!!”

“This volatility is not something I can compete with!”

“Fine, there are those great Taoist disciples here. If they go, they will die. Let’s go.”

Many disciples murmured secretly, but in the end they really didn’t know how to resist the strange scorching sensation, and they withdrew from the ruins one after another.

Of course, some of them were not afraid of death, gritted their teeth and walked towards the middle of the ancient temple.

In a world of great controversy, evildoers proliferate.

Although they don’t have the qualifications to shine, they sometimes have to fight for their lives if they want to achieve something.

This world will never be fair.

People born king abound.

But who says that mortals don’t have the aspirations to become kings?

only! !

Just as the disciples exited the ruins, they inexplicably discovered that at the entrance of the ruins, a group of tyrannical figures stood with their hands behind them.

The white robe on his body is bitter, and the whole body also has a general trend to overwhelm the world.

“You guys come to my Ling clan territory, don’t know what is going on?”

An old figure walked slowly from the sunset city, his eyes were calm, but the aura on his body seemed to have reached the level of Shenhou’s pinnacle.

“It turned out to be the City Lord of Sunset, the City Lord can rest assured, I am waiting to come here, not for good luck here, the son of the Qin clan, Qin Leng, killed my Xianzong true biography, today he must follow us back to the Yunsi Xianzong!”

The first Xianzong elder gave a cold cry, his expression on his face was already killing.

If it hadn’t been for Ma Liang’s own eyes, they would have never believed that the young master of the Qin clan would dare to kill his Yunxiao disciple.

The two avenues have a long history, and they are among the highest in this land of eastern Xinjiang.

It was only when Ling Xiao worshipped the Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect and had a faint tendency to unite with the Ling clan, and only then did the Yun Xiao and the Qin clan be mutually friendly.

But I didn’t expect that this friendship didn’t last long, and it was broken by a mere Qin prince!

For the sake of good luck together, he did not hesitate to kill the nine disciples of Yun Mi, and one of them was true biography.

If the two powers have nothing to do with each other, and the disciples are fighting for the front, the elders would be inconvenient to take action.

But Emperor Qin, the lord of the Qin clan, had just visited the Immortal Sect of Yunxiao and determined the direction of the joint development of the next two great non-inheritances. But when he turned his head, did Qin Leng slaughter his nine disciples?

With this tone, the Cloud Millet Xianzong naturally couldn’t swallow it.

It’s just that this matter was Ma Liang’s words, Immortal Master Yun Mi was also cautious, and first investigated his spirit.

After confirming that Ma Liang was not under the control of others, the elders were dispatched just now, and they were bound to capture Qin Leng back to the Sect.

“Oh? What happened?”

The real name of the lord of the sunset is Ling Ping, but he is a slave of the Ling clan.

At this time, seeing that the killing intent on the faces of the elders of the Yunyu Xianzong did not seem to be fake, the guard on their faces disappeared a lot.

“Hehe, then Ling will not bother a few people.”


These two cases have always been hostile to the Ling clan. Now that they bit the dog, Ling Ping is naturally happy to watch the excitement.

He only hoped that Qin Leng would not die in the hands of Young Master Ling Xiao!

Otherwise, there will be no evidence against each other when the time comes. How can the two tribes fight each other?

Of course, what he could think of, would Ling Xiao not think of it?

At this moment in the ancient palace, Ling Xiao looked at a distance with a smirk, the young man who kept swinging his sword, his eyes were full of mockery.

Beside him, the double shadow stood respectfully, with a trace of heart palpitations on the beautiful face.

The Lord’s mind is really terrifying.

He first pretended to be Qin Leng, killed Xu Youwei and the others, and deliberately awakened Ma Liang, and happened to see this scene.

In this way, the cloud millet fairy sect’s hatred for the Qin clan is naturally full.

Next, she pretended to be Xu Youwei again, and killed all the children of the Qin clan, attracting Qin Leng.

In this way, the reunification of the two main roads has completely fallen into a dead end.

But you think this is the end?

no no.

In the end, Ling Xiao ordered her to set up an illusion, led Qin Leng into the country, and transformed all the disciples of the Yunxiao Immortal Sect in it, and then was killed by Qin Leng one by one.

In this way, this plan can be regarded as a perfect ending.

After all, if Qin Leng insisted that he did not kill anyone, I am afraid that Ma Liang alone would not be convinced of the two main roads.

Moreover, with the means of the Lord of the Qin Clan and the Immortal Lord Yunmi, I really intend to abandon the two of them to prove their innocence, and it is entirely possible to search for their souls.

Ling Xiao’s plan was wonderful. Qin Leng didn’t even know that he had fallen into an illusion, so he would probably think that he really killed someone.

As for why the murders were made, the two have their own opinions.

It’s nothing more than that.

Controversy for good fortune, see the fortune.

But in any case, Yun Mi died of a true biography. This incident can be large or small, depending on the two cases of love, whether it is deep or not.

Of course, even in the end this matter ended with Qin Lengfu.

I am afraid that in the future, the two avenues will have suspicion and mutual suspicion, and they will no longer be united as before.

Is the villain’s insidiousness beyond the imagination of mortals? !

I can’t kill? Not ferocious enough? Can only tease girls?


What Lao Tzu is playing is the pattern!

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