Chapter 141

Nian Qingjun’s soul perception is not comparable to Fu Yunyao and the others.

Moreover, in the Taishang Wangqing tactic she has cultivated, there is a secret technique for snooping breath.

Although Ling Xiao had Ling Xiao covering his realm, the tyrannical moment at that moment could not be faked.

This bastard, broke through! ! !

With a “poof”, it broke through!

What an absurd thing is this?

Even in the eighteen years of Nian Qingjun’s cultivation, he had never encountered a monster who broke through the realm like this.

It’s just that since Ling Xiao has comprehended the principles of the Tao, he has already stepped into the deception of his cultivation, right?

Then he broke through…

“Hehe, looking at the appearance of this seal, it should be about to disappear.”

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the place where Shenxiao soared into the sky.

At this time, he naturally didn’t know that Zhuge Liuyun was also at the setting sun.

There are many powerful auras hidden in this mountain forest, which are obviously coming for this heaven and earth spiritual fire.

It’s just that compared to the spirit fire in this ruin, Ling Xiao cares more about Lin Xi’s good fortune and… the reward he can get for killing him.

Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire was clearly prepared for the children of the destiny who had practiced Burning Scripture.

Of course, with Ling Xiao’s talent, if the spirit fire was integrated into his body, he might be able to comprehend the law of flames.

After all, such a spirit creature is the closest power to the origin of heaven and earth.

As for Nian Qingjun, looking at her appearance just now, it is obvious that Dao’s heart has been chaotic.

As long as you use a few tricks, I am afraid that this Taoist goddess will be able to understand the true meaning of too much forgiveness.

“Yeah, isn’t this Young Master Ling Xiao?”

In the distance, there was a chuckle suddenly in the air.

Immediately, a series of scary figures swept from the horizon and fell in front of Ling Xiao and the others.

The person here is dressed in black and has a handsome appearance. There is a ray of brilliant golden light in the eyes of a pair of stars.

Behind him, followed by several teenagers wearing the same black clothes.

It’s just that when they saw Ling Xiao, instead of being half cautious, they were faintly hostile.

“It’s Master Qin Leng of the ancient Qin clan!”

“That’s the Lord Leng who practiced the Unfeeling Sword?”

“Yes, this is the unfeeling Leng Shao in the world.”

“I heard that Young Master Leng was young, but in ancient times the Qin Clan was already second only to the young master of the Qin Clan.”

“That’s not it, in the name of Leng Shao, that is… a memory of a generation. When I was twelve years old, when I first heard the word Leng Shao, I always admired it. When the unfeeling sword came out, who would compete with Leng Shao? ”

“Then who is stronger than Young Master Ling Xiao…”

“This…it’s hard to say, it’s hard to tell…”


Ling Xiao almost laughed out of a pig when he heard the discussion coming from the surroundings.

Unfeeling Leng Shao?

At first hearing the name, I thought I was wearing it back.

This reveals the name of the nobility, and it really makes a lot of memories.

Eight hundred petty luck is worthy of a world of great controversy.

It’s just that these people with little luck, I’m afraid that most of them are still used to gain experience for those real sons of destiny.

“Master Ling Xiao, look up for a long time.”

Seeing the sarcasm on Ling Xiao’s face, Qin Leng still had a gentle smile on his face.

Young Master Pianpian, everyone’s demeanor is fully revealed.

He just turned his gaze to Nian Qingyun who was aside.


For the name of this goddess, no one in the entire Holy State knows.

The cultivator here just now didn’t dare to look at Nian Qingyun, because he was afraid that he could not control his mind. Once he lost his temper in front of Ling Xiao, he would immediately lose his mind and be beaten by Ling Xiao.

But at this time, Qin Cooling smiled openly and gently at Nian Qingjun, which immediately drew a lot of exclamations.

As expected to be the son of the ancient Qin clan, his identity was comparable to Ling Xiao, so he wouldn’t be too scrupulous.

In the eastern borders of Shengzhou, the Ling clan is not the dominant clan. This ancient Qin clan has also been passed down for thousands of years and ranks supreme.

Moreover, it is said that this ancient Qin nationality is inextricably linked with several supreme dynastic traditions such as Yunmi Xianzong.

Therefore, even if he came to the Ling clan territory, he did not tremble like other sects.

Nian Qingyun still looks cold, and is always inexorable and ruthless in front of anyone.

But at this time, Ling Xiao raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, raised her foot and walked to Nian Qingjun’s side, and said coldly, “Miss, forgot how I told you? You have to know, now you are more than just saying Palace goddess, still my Ling Xiao’s fiancée!”

Hearing the anger in Ling Xiao’s tone, the whole sunset mountain fell into a dead silence.


In the entire Shengzhou, the only one who dared to speak to Nian Qingyun in this tone was Young Master Ling Xiao, right?

However, this young man has always been domineering and arrogant, and he never puts Qin people in his eyes. How could Nian Qingjun be rude to Qin Leng today, so he opened his mouth to reprimand her?

“Haha, it’s okay, Goddess Tianrong, I’m so lucky to look up, how can I still be greedy for others…”

Qin Leng smiled a little shyly.

Although he is the son of the Qin clan, he is the opposite of Ling Xiao.

But it doesn’t prevent me from thinking about your woman.

Nian Qingyun!

The most advanced dream in the hearts of all ancient Tianjiao in Shengzhou!

“Remember, when you encounter this kind of dog stuff in the future, just… huh ~ push!”

Ling Xiao spit out sputum, almost spraying it on Qin Leng’s face.

The grievance on Nian Qingyun’s face instantly solidified, and a smile appeared on her face.

She didn’t like the flattering appearance of these clan princes.

Therefore, when I see them, I don’t even want to talk to them.

But she really didn’t expect Ling Xiao to be so direct, that big mouthful of phlegm…he must have been coughing seriously.

So, does he actually care about himself, right?

Even if I don’t trust him or even doubt his intentions, he still…cares about me.

“His hiss.”

After a pause, the whole setting sun in the mountains, the sound of air-conditioning was endless.

Everyone looked at the faint smile on the face of the cold and arrogant Dao Gong goddess. They only felt short of breath, the chest was stuffy, the eyes were dark, and the sky was spinning!

There were even a few disciples of the sect who had a weaker concentration, fainted directly in this faint smile.

Some of the remaining disciples began to slap themselves and bit their tongues, trying to keep themselves awake.

In this way, you can pay more respects to the smile of the goddess for a moment.

Good luck!

The good fortune of the sky!

The world only sees the goddess being angry, when have they seen the goddess laughing?

Today they were fortunate enough to see the goddess Qingcheng smile on this sunset mountain top.


Worth it!

It’s worth the death! !

Even at this time, even Qin Leng stared blankly at the faint eyebrows in front of him, the picturesque fairy face with bright eyes, and a heart that was already trembling.

This feeling is like a pebble falling into Qingyuan, rippling a thousand layers of ripples.

Oh, the goddess.

Since the day I met you, my heart has fallen into a deep lake.

Hard to extricate yourself, nowhere to put it!

I like you.

It’s like the wind has gone for 130,000 miles, regardless of the return date.


Nian Qingyun’s sudden cold snort, like a strand of frost, slipped into everyone’s eyes.

Everyone’s expressions were stunned, and then looking at the young man of the Qin clan, there was already a trace of crimson on his face.


Damn Ling Xiao, why are you worthy of Goddess Tianyan?

Even if Qin Leng didn’t want to admit it anymore, he knew that Qingjun’s smile just now was for Ling Xiao.

At this moment, Qin Leng’s eyes were full of killing intent.

“Huh? Hehe, sure enough… the hatred of the villain is all pulled up by the woman.”

Ling Xiao sighed secretly, and took a deep look at Nian Qingjun, the expression on her face was completely cold.

Unfeeling Leng Shao?


I’m so fucking ruthless, Hara!

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