Chapter 134

The reason why the Star Emperor Robe is the Ling Clan inheritance Taoist implement.

It is not only because it contains starlight and looks very irritating.

No, not only because of its terrifying defensive power.

The most important point is that it can completely conceal the aura of the master of the emperor robe.

Even if Ling Lao was a great power in the realm, but now his body is shattered and his soul is damaged. Although he perceives something comparable to the god emperor, he is not omnipotent.

Of course, to be on the safe side, Ling Xiao still changed a fifth-grade magic rune from the system mall to cover his breath and carried it with him.

At this moment he was standing in the dark, looking at the pair of dog masters and apprentices under him, his eyes full of playfulness.

This son of destiny, really is not a good thing.

Every day, I just wondered how to snatch the good fortune of others.

If you grab it, grab it.

Do not forget to say the last sentence after finishing the grab. Since you are in the fairy road, you are fighting against the sky, the earth, and the people.

The Son of Destiny does this by conforming to the law of heaven, as it should be.

This has to be done by the villain, which is another damn, cruel and insidious.

Come on.

You grab it first, and I will grab you after you grab it. Is this the head office?

Ling Xiao smiled gloomily, and under him, Lin Xi had taken out a black puppet from Qiankun’s bag and put the ring on its palm.

For a moment, Ling Xiao thought about taking this ring directly.

Looking at Lin Xi’s current state, I am afraid that he has already established a very deep relationship with the grandfather in the ring.

And to look for that spiritual fire next, Lin Xi might have to rely on him.

It’s not appropriate to grab it now.

After all, even if Ling Xiao robbed him of a thousand luck, Lin Xi still had a thousand on him.

“Old Ling, it’s up to you.”

Lin Xi took a deep breath, and the black-clad puppet immediately swept out of the forest and headed towards the mountain stream.


At the same time, a terrible wave of Shenhou realm surged open instantly.

Under the mountain stream, an angry roar came instantly.

The sky was filled with blazing flames, and the black-clad puppet didn’t hesitate at all, turning around to leave.

“Want to leave, it’s late!!”

The flames scattered across the sky, turning into a wolf shadow.

“Do you dare to kill me? I am a member of the Ling clan!!”

What Ling Xiao did not expect was that the black armored puppet suddenly yelled and fled madly into the distance.

“Ling Clan?”

The Fire Wolf hesitated for a moment, and finally a flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and chased after the black shadow.

Since he is a member of the Ling clan, if he is allowed to escape, I am afraid his hidden purpose here will be exposed.

Even if he finally merged with Dao Ze Ling Guo, he was afraid that he would not escape the palm of the Ling Clan.

So… it’s better not to do two things.

A godly person, dare to be arrogant in front of him?


Ling Xiao looked at the two figures that disappeared in the distance for an instant, then grinned immediately, guessing the sinister intentions of the dog master and apprentice.

It has to be said that the plan of the two of Lin Xi is not inadequate.

First, there was a hint of godlike aura, which successfully caused the fire wolf’s alert and panic.

Then he reported the identity of the Ling clan, which really caused the fire wolf to have killing intent.

Otherwise, once the iron puppet escaped, maybe the next Ling clan powerhouse would be the King Realm.

Lin Xi took the opportunity to take away the spirit fruit and shifted all responsibility to the Ling clan.

Not to mention, this pair of dog masters and apprentices is worthy of the destiny, and the trick of killing people with a knife is quite slippery.

Now in the entire Sunset Mountain, there is only one member of the Ling clan in Ling Xiao.

I’m afraid that even if the fire wolf came to Ling Xiao in the end, he wouldn’t dare to shoot at will.

It can only be swallowed into the stomach by breaking the tooth.

Moreover, this kind of thing is not glorious in any way, and no one will take the initiative to admit it.

In this way, the plan of the two masters and apprentices was completely completed.


Lin Xi had counted a thousand fortunes, but he hadn’t counted Ling Xiao leaving the imprint of his soul on him.

And at this moment, it’s just above his head.

“This pair of dog masters and disciples is as deliberate as here. It seems that the things in this valley are not ordinary. Tao is a spiritual fruit?”

“It’s this time!”

Seeing the fire wolf leaving, Lin Xi suddenly showed a smile on his face, and immediately no longer hesitated, his figure flashed towards the mountain stream.

But also at this time!

He clearly felt a black shadow covering his head, and then, it seemed that a foot had stepped on his head and kicked him directly to the ground.

But that figure fell into the mountain stream with the help of its strength.

“Damn!! Someone unexpectedly!!!”

Lin Xigai’s canths were cracked, but that foot was so powerful that he had no time to react with his cultivation level at this time, and he fell directly to the ground.

“Huh? There is actually a formation?”

Ling Xiao fell into the mountain stream, looking at one of the small red trees and a spiritual fruit on it, a flash of surprise suddenly flashed across his face.

I saw the spirit fruit gleaming brilliantly, and there seemed to be spiritual mist evolving around it.

Suddenly, the spirit mist outside the spirit fruit slowly rose, and then submerged in the spirit fruit.

At the same time, a strange fragrance quietly diffused.

“Good thing, it seems that Master Lin Xi has also calculated the maturity time of this spiritual fruit.”

Ling Xiao grinned and stretched out his hand to grab the spirit fruit.

In this world, what formation can block the power of the Boundary Breaking Stone.

Especially for a god-monster monster, the method it arranged was even more clumsy.

Just when Ling Xiao held the spirit fruit in his hand, a roar of incomparable anger suddenly rang out from the mountains and forests in the distance.

“Who! Who dares to grab my good fortune!!!”

A terrifying orangutan wind came from the sky, Ling Xiao grinned, turned around and glanced at another figure swept over the mountain stream, immediately without hesitation, swept towards the place where the spirit fire appeared.

“Who! Who dares to grab my things!!”

The anger in Lin Xi’s heart at this time was not at all weaker than that of the fire wolf.

After all, this spirit fruit meant to him that there would be one more respectable entourage beside him.

Moreover, he has been planning with the old man for a long time, and now that he is taken away in front of his eyes, how can he be embarrassed in his heart to describe it?

Just before he fell into the mountain stream, he saw a figure in white clothes that had been swept out of it, fleeing towards the distance.

“Damn bastard, I see where you go!”

Lin Xi gritted his teeth and followed Ling Xiao.

But at this moment, a faint doubt flashed in his eyes. Why did this figure look familiar?


In the depths of the sunset mountain, suddenly there was a demon-like atmosphere that straddled thousands of miles.

The god Fire Wolf looked at the empty spirit tree in the mountain stream, and the flames in his fierce eyes rose instantly.

He sniffed the smell in the air, and then chased up in one direction.

“The breath of this spirit fruit is a bit unique, with a hint of avenue.”

Ling Xiao passed the mountains and forests all the way, how he couldn’t feel the breath chasing behind him at this moment, his eyes were full of playfulness.

Ling Xiao’s figure fell from the sky and walked towards Fu Yunyao and the others until there was a sudden noise in the distance.

“Huh? Young Master, are you here?”

Fu Yunyao smiled sweetly, and then took a bitter look at her side.

Ling Xiao followed her gaze and looked over, but saw Nian Qingyun standing outside the crowd alone, within ten feet of the surrounding, no one was seen at all.

At this time, her eyes had returned to the calm and indifference of the past.

Even Ling Xiao got here, she didn’t even look at it.

“Hehe, it seems that our goddess, Dao Xin is very tough.”

Ling Xiao sneered, turned his head to look at the sky behind him, but saw Lin Xi’s figure flashing forward, only after hesitating slightly, he walked towards Nian Qingjun.

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