Chapter 125

I was walking in the sunset, listening to the opera singers singing Beijing tunes.

People are messy and play clowns, and Ye Huang retreats into Changqiu.

Ling Xiao hummed a small tune, looking aimlessly at the flow of people on both sides of the street.

Nian Qingyun’s hands were a bit cold, she was indeed a woman who practiced the ruthless Dao.

She tried to take her hand away several times, but Ling Xiao held her tighter.

“Sunset City, this name is really ugly…”

Nian Qingjun gave a cold snort.

“Sunset City…it’s a bit dirty! That ugly man, look at it, it’s you, come here!”

Ling Xiao casually moved, and a wretched-looking young man by the street suddenly pointed to him with a horrified expression on his face.

“Is the son calling me? The son is calling me!! Lord Lingxiao is calling me!!”

“The son…”

“Go and tell the Lord of Sunset City, from now on, this city will be renamed Qingxiao City, and I will plant peach blossoms on both sides of the street!”

Ling Xiao said faintly, the wretched young man suddenly trembled with excitement, turned and furiously rushed towards the city lord’s mansion.

With his background, don’t say Young Master Ling Xiao, even if the Lord of the Sunset Sun is not qualified to see him!

The pinnacle of life came so suddenly!

“Can you let me go?”

Nian Qingjun took a deep look at Ling Xiao. Many times, she felt that this descendant of the Ling clan…mind seemed a little different from ordinary people.

“Why should I let you go?”

Ling Xiao asked back, and brought his face to Nian Qingjun, so that the latter’s eyes panicked, and he almost shot Ling Xiao.


“Lady, I heard that when you were born, there was a divine beast guarding you, what about the divine beast?”

A hint of deep meaning flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes.

He still felt a little apprehensive about Nian Qingyun’s luck.

Ten thousand is far more terrifying than Lin Xi and Ling Tian, ​​the sons of Shengzhou’s destiny.

It seems that it has exceeded this limit.

Is it possible that she is also the reincarnation of the strong and the rebirth of the immortal emperor?

But Ling Xiao didn’t feel a trace of Suhui breath on her body.

This is a bit strange.

“What does it matter to you?”

Nian Qingjun snorted coldly, and looked at Ling Xiao with an indifferent expression.

“It’s nothing wrong with me, don’t I want to know more about you?”

Ling Xiao chuckled.

This palace goddess is difficult to deal with.

If they were replaced by ordinary arrogant women, as Ling Xiao’s identity, as long as they showed a little bit of diligence, they would fall into an instant.

“I don’t need you to know more, as long as you remember, we won’t have any results at all.”

Nian Qingyun said indifferently, even the expression on her face turned into the absolute coldness that Ling Xiao saw her at the beginning.

Ruthless Avenue, a little headache.

How can this be broken faster than turning a book?

Yunlai Pavilion is located in the center of the sunset ancient city.

It is said that behind this pavilion is the largest business alliance in Shengzhou, the Yunlai Business League.

At this time, in front of the pavilion, countless disciples of the sect who came to Mount Shenshan to experience the sunset had already been surrounded.

“Have you heard that? Just outside the city gate, the two true legends of the Immortal Sect of Cloud Millet joined forces to bully Fu Yunyao of the Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect, and the result was crushed into a dog by Young Master Ling Xiao.”

“Hey, don’t you say that the Cloud Millet Immortal Sect is self-inflicted? This Lingbao has not yet appeared, so it will be destroyed by the group.”

“What’s this? Have you heard that Young Master Ling Xiao just kissed the goddess Nian at the gate of the city, this old man.”

“How can this be called a strong kiss, the goddess is now the fiancée of Young Master Ling Xiao, let alone kiss, hehehe…”

Before Yunlai Pavilion, Tianjiao of various ethnic groups gathered together in small groups, whispering to discuss what happened in Fangcai City.

Although everyone has always known that Ling Xiao is very strong.

But in recent days, what this Ling clan descendant has done can no longer be described as strong.

Crush the contemporary, invincible in the world.

Even a ruthless goddess like Nian Qingyun, now dare to show her affection openly in front of everyone.

What does this show?

It means that the goddess is not ruthless, but you are not scratching enough.


Hearing this, Nian Qingjun let out a cold snort, and a chill instantly swept away. The horrified clan Tianjiao who was talking in a low voice turned pale in an instant.

Especially when she saw Nian Qingyun’s murderous eyes, she almost scared her pants.

“People are right, what are you doing to scare them.”

Ling Xiao raised a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth, and secretly gave a thumbs up to those people.

“Everyone, the auction will begin soon, please come in.”

In the Yunlai Pavilion, a beautiful servant girl, Luo Xiu Tsing Yi, suddenly walked out.

“Master Ling Xiao, please here.”

She walked through the crowd on her own, and came to Ling Xiao in front of the two, leaning slightly.

This sunset city is, after all, the territory of the Ling clan.

Although the Yunlai Business League is known as the largest business alliance in Shengzhou, its background is terrifying.

But in front of the Ling Clan, there was still less deterrence.

Ling Xiao nodded, holding Nian Qingjun Yu’s hand, following the maid, and walking towards the pavilion.

But at this moment, there was a quarrel at the entrance.

“Why can they get in, we can’t?”

I saw a young man in a white coat looking at the two small businessmen standing in front of the pavilion with a flushed face, with a somewhat resentful expression.

Behind him, another girl in yellow clothes rubbed the corners of her clothes with an aggrieved look and looked extremely nervous.

“Sorry, Yun Lai Pavilion has limited seats, two people, let’s wait first.”

The two young men were extremely humble, but what they said was full of contempt.


Of course it is because you are not qualified.

In the early stage of the two soul seas, the little door disciples who had no reputation and background wanted to enter his Yunlai Pavilion, which was just wishful thinking.

“You…you look down on people…huh, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully the young and poor!”

“Let them in.”

Just as the white-clothed young man was ready to leave, a gentle laugh suddenly came from behind the two.

Ling Xiao glanced at the yellow-clothed girl calmly and nodded slightly.

“Huh? Young Master Ling Xiao!!”

The girl’s pretty face was taken aback, then she lowered her head shyly.

From the gate of the city just now, she was startled by Ling Xiao’s domineering display.

It’s just such a peerless son, how could he notice her inconspicuous little disciple?

You know, those who can stand next to Young Master Ling Xiao are all the top proud women of this holy state.

At this moment, Lin Meng was a little dazed, and a little inferior, but there was an inexplicable joy in her heart.

As for why Ling Xiao pays attention to her?

Haha, don’t ask, ask is “fate”!

“Yes! Master.”

The two young men hurriedly bowed, greeted Ling Xiao and Nian Qingjun and walked into the Yunlai Pavilion.

But the young man in white frowned, for some reason, there was always an unspeakable aggrieved heart in his heart.

what is this?

Have pity on me?

Why should I be pitiful, Yin Tianxing?

“Sister Lin Meng…we…”

Just when Yin Tianxing turned his head to look at Lin Meng, he saw that there seemed to be a trace of blur in the girl’s eyes, and his face instantly condensed.

“Junior sister, I don’t think this Yunlai Pavilion has any good things, so why don’t we go in.”

“Brother, I want to go in and have a look… You can take me in to gain insight.”

Lin Meng turned his head and smiled sweetly at Yin Tianxing.

“This… okay.”

Yin Tianxing gritted his teeth, but in the end he said nothing, raising his foot and walking towards the pavilion.

gain knowledge?

Don’t you need spirit stones for long-term knowledge?

I have a hundred steel pebble all over my body. I’m afraid I can’t even afford a cup of tea if I go in…

Yin Tianxing suddenly felt that it was hasty to take the junior sister down the mountain this time!

And seeing her look at Ling Xiao just now, there was obviously some admiration.

This kind of look was only seen when the junior sister looked at herself before!

Damn Ling Xiao! !

“Are you interested in that girl?”

Nian Qingjun turned her head, glanced at the young man beside her, and suddenly asked with her mouth open.

“Huh? What? How could it be… I just thought she was a little pitiful.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, but a hint of deep meaning flashed through his eyes.

Another daughter of destiny.

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