Chapter 113 Ancient Secret Realm

“What’s this? If it’s the heyday of the old man, just refining a pill at your fingertips can help you step into the realm of breaking delusion.”

Old Ling snorted coldly, he was really not bragging.

Regarding the alchemy master, looking at the history of Shengzhou, it will never exceed the number of five fingers.

Moreover, the burning scriptures he cultivated can directly fuse spirit fire into the body.

What is needed for alchemy?

Of course it was Dan Lu.

No, of course it is flame and talent.

Ling Lao’s spirit fire power is unmatched in the world, and it’s normal to have a few god emperors licking dogs behind him.

such a pity.

When encountering unsatisfactory people, misbelieving in disciples, eventually leading to death and disappearance.

“Haha, don’t worry, old Ling, I will definitely work hard and enter the emperor realm as soon as possible, and then I will be able to help you find alchemy materials to reshape your physical body.”

Lin Xi raised his head and ate the pill, and there was a burst of spiritual energy from his body. Then, his appearance and voice, including his cultivation base, changed a little.


Although Ling Lao always likes to brag, but he does have a lot of good things.

Ling Xiao, you wait for me.

Sooner or later, I will step on you!

Do not!

I will make you a corpse puppet, and serve Laozi with tea every day!

“There are still two days left at most, and that Dao Ze Ling fruit is expected to mature, Xi’er, we have to make some preparations in advance.”

Ling Lao’s tone was a bit agitated.

Dao Ze Ling Guo, as long as it can be fused and refined, there is no need to curl up in this broken ring every day.

“Okay, don’t worry, Ling Lao, I will definitely get the fruit for you, but…”

Lin Xi suddenly lowered his voice, and stopped talking a little bit.

Although he was going to step into the realm of the god emperor sooner or later.

But by then, I am afraid that Nian Qingjun will be hacked by Ling Xiao.

He really couldn’t stand his own woman, following behind the Ling Clan Young Master.

Therefore, he must find an opportunity to kill Ling Xiao first.

As for the bloody feud between the Lin family and the Ling family…

Humph, when I rule over the world and command the ten thousand clan, a mere Ling clan will not be wiped out with a wave.


With Ling’s old mind, it was easy to guess what Lin Xi was thinking.

“You want to kill Ling Xiao?”

“Yes! Old Ling, in today’s battle, Ling Xiao will eventually become my demon. If he can’t be killed, I’m afraid it will affect my mood.”

The son of destiny, what is important is that the Taoist heart is immaculate.

Invincible, overwhelming peers.

But Lin Xi really didn’t expect Ling Xiao to be so strong that he almost pinched him to death with one hand.

At that moment, Lin Xi felt a kind of fear that he had never had before.

For him, this fear is a shame.

“Well, I didn’t expect that Ling Xiao actually comprehended the power of the Taoist rule, and in the world of great controversy, it was true that evildoers appeared in large numbers. ”

Old Ling sighed secretly.

Although he never showed up today, he felt the terrible Ling Xiao in the ring.

In particular, Thunder Road was originally the world’s most powerful ruining principle.

If allowed to grow, maybe Ling Xiao could really become a generation of Thunder Emperor.

“Old Ling…”

Lin Xi clenched his palms tightly, how could he not feel the tyranny of Ling Xiao.

But at this time, the old man Ling said that he was inexplicably unwilling to bear hatred.

“But Xi’er, you don’t have to belittle yourself. After all, it’s not too long for you to meet me. As long as you give you another five years, you will definitely be able to surpass him.”

“Old Ling… Five years is too long…”

“Actually, if you want to defeat Ling Xiao, it’s not without a chance…If the inheritance is still there…”

“Inheritance? What inheritance?”

A trace of greed flashed in Lin Xi’s eyes.

He waited on the old man day and night, of course it was not lack of love.

An old monster who has lived for thousands of years, has an understanding of this holy state, and no one can compare it.

“Well, when I traveled to the Holy State, I found an ancient mystery, a place where great power fell, and there was an extremely terrifying spirit fire power.”

“According to my guess, the spiritual fire should be the third Emperor Yan on the spiritual fire list. Unfortunately, I had something to do at the time. In addition, there were survivors guarding the secret realm, so I could only put a means to seal the secret realm. , I just don’t know… whether it was discovered later.”

“Prince Emperor Yan? The place where the strong fell? The inheritance inside…”

Lin Xi suddenly became interested when she heard it, and her whole body trembled faintly because of the excitement.

If he can integrate the three spiritual fires and comprehend the power of the Tao…

In the entire Holy State, who else is his opponent?

Moreover, if there is no good fortune in the fallen place of ancient power, Lin Xi would want to shoot these dog authors to death.

“Old Ling…Where are you sealed in that secret realm?”

“It’s on a barren mountain in Eastern Xinjiang. It seems to be called… Wudao Mountain or something…”

Old Ling seemed a little hesitant, but Lin Xi was stunned.

“Enlightenment Mountain? Tianyuan Secret Realm?!”

Damn it!

This old man is bragging!

What he meant was that he placed the seal of the Primordial Secret Realm that day?

You are so awesome, why don’t you seal the sky?

“Do you know this place?”

Old Ling was taken aback by Lin Xi’s actions, “Could it be that someone discovered the secret realm?”

“It’s more than just a discovery. Now the Wanzong Huiwu held every sixty years in East Xinjiang is on the Wudao Mountain. Only the top 100 Dongjiang Tianjiao are qualified to enter the secret realm.”

Lin Xi frowned. No matter who sealed the secret realm, the entire Eastern Frontier sect knew about the great fortune in it.

It’s just that Lin Xi never dreamed that it was sealed with a peerless fierce fire.

Moreover, the inheritance of that ancient power seems to have been undiscovered, so to speak…

“Old Ling, do you still remember the exact location of the place where the strong man fell?”

“Naturally remember, but the ancient survivors there are not easy to deal with.”

“Hmph, I’m not the only one who will enter the secret realm at that time, when that time… naturally someone will help us clean up the trouble.”

Lin Xi smiled gloomily, borrowing a knife to kill or something, but the Son of Destiny is best at it.

Only before that, he had to win the undead heart flame in the sunset mountain, and then enter the top 100 ranks of Wanzong Huiwu before he had a chance to enter the Tianyuan secret realm.

Moreover, as Ling Xiao, he would definitely enter the secret realm.

By the time…

There will be the tomb of this ancient descendant.

“Okay, Xi’er, since I know where the secret realm is, everything is much simpler. As long as I can fuse the Taoist spirit fruit this time, I will be able to help you at that time. Come on Xinyan.”

“You know, although this spiritual fire ranks lower than that of the Primordial Emperor Yan, it has a weird power, especially for those who cultivate spirits. It is a rare good fortune. You want to pass on my alchemy attainments and cultivate spirits. Can’t slack off.”

“Don’t worry, old man Ling, I have practiced the soul sword technique to the third style. If you are lucky, and can find a soul stone, maybe the fourth style can also be cultivated.”

The soul light flashed in Lin Xi’s eyes, and an invisible fierce might swept away in an instant, cutting the space in front of him into a crack.

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