Chapter 111


Over the Ling Clan, the clouds crumbled and the sun and the moon reversed.

The terrifying scorching wind blows away, stirring thousands of miles of wind and clouds.

Under the broken void, Lin Xi clenched the giant ruler with both hands, and slammed into a young figure standing with his hands in the square.

At this time, Ling Xiao’s figure appeared extremely small, like an ant humble, making people unable to help but give birth to a trace of pity.

It’s miserable.

Before the seat of the descendant of the Ling clan was hot, he was inexplicably crushed on the engagement day.

When this incident spread, not only did Ling Xiao have no reputation, but it was also a great shame for the entire Ling clan.

“Lingyan is the biggest wave? You fucking have me wave?!”

However, just when that foot of space was crushed and landed above Ling Xiao’s head.

Suddenly a ray of light burst into the extreme on the latter.

In just a moment, the void that was originally filled with flames turned into a sea of ​​black clouds.

Among them, there is a faint thunder coming to the world, as if a divine punishment.

“This breath…”

Before the main hall, the expressions on everyone’s faces instantly became sluggish.

Even the powerful Ling clan experts looked at the starlight and rippling figures all over their bodies in a dumbfounded manner, before swallowing severely after a long while.


In the sky, countless purple thunders fell, like a big star extinguishing the world.

And Ling Xiao’s palm was also slowly raised at this time, catching the giant ruler that came from the sky.


Like Huang Zhongda Lu shocked his ears, the purple thunder mansions tore through the sky, covering Ling Xiao’s figure completely.

Under the giant ruler, his figure still looks small and humble.

But at this moment, no one dared to ignore his existence anymore.


Amidst the thundering flames, there was a chuckle suddenly.

Then, everyone saw with horror that a strange thunder light began to bloom on the hundred-meter giant.

“Crack, click.”

The cracks filled quickly, and in just a moment, they completely turned into fireworks and scattered from mid-air.

“This is… Thunder Dao Ze!!”

Finally, someone started to exclaim.

Immediately afterwards, countless exclamations resounded loudly throughout the holy realm.

At this time, no one paid any attention to the figure in white that had fallen from mid-air.

Everyone’s eyes converged on the thunderous phantom that hadn’t taken a step from beginning to end.

Thunder Road! !

The true power of Tao! !

That kind of domineering is full of endless destruction, and even the great saints feel a kind of inexplicable heart palpitations.

Peerless evildoer, invincible fairy posture!

It turned out that this descendant of the Ling clan had hidden so deeply.

Even Ling Tianlin and the enemy of ten thousand people did not know when they appeared in front of the crowd, staring at the teenager in the distance with amazement.

Others may not know it, but they know very well that Ling Xiao is also fused with the power of another Dao!

The two kinds of Taoism accompany the body. What kind of posture is this?

Even if he said unceremoniously, even the descendants of the supreme dynasty in the center of the holy state, inheriting the great religion, and the descendants of the hidden holy clan, would never be better than Ling Xiao.

“The son…too fucking strong.”

Ling Rui and the others stood behind the crowd, and besides shock, there was a hint of luck on their faces.

If it weren’t for the kindness of the son, he killed him yesterday, I’m afraid that he won’t be able to use a single trick.

Only Ling Tian, ​​holding the cage tightly in his palms, looked at Ling Xiao with an unspeakable complex emotion.

If you hadn’t dug my Danhai, and now enjoy this supreme honor, it should be me!

Ling Xiao!

Sooner or later I will trample you under my feet and take back everything that belongs to me.

“Thunder Doctrine?”

Nian Qingyun’s beautiful crooked eyebrows were slightly tufted, and when I looked at Ling Xiao at this time, he was no longer underestimated, but he was wary.

Just now Lin Xi’s one foot is not weak.

Even if she wants to break open, she will inevitably display some hole cards.

But Ling Xiao only stretched out a hand to crush the monstrous fierce flames.

Nian Qingjun knew that this had something to do with the power of the Tao that he understood.

Thunder Road is the most domineering force in the world.

But she asked herself, if she was herself, she would never be so relaxed and natural.

Even from beginning to end, he didn’t use half of his spiritual power, only relying on the power of Taoism to crush Lin Xi.

very scary.

Nian Qingyun became interested in a man for the first time.

It’s not a good impression, but I just want to know who is strong and who is weak between her and Ling Xiao.

“Da da da.”

It wasn’t until there was a sound of footsteps in front of him that the blankness on Lin Xi’s face gradually disappeared.

He struggled to stand up from the ground and looked at the calm and indifferent face in front of him. In addition to panic, there was a hint of unwillingness in his eyes.

how is this possible? !

How could he comprehend the power of Tao?

How could this kind of pampering waste be better than him? !

Lin Xi was unwilling and angry, but at this time he dared not show anything.

He can’t die, he still has a chance!

As long as he can find the top ten heaven and earth spiritual fire, he will definitely be able to step into the realm of breaking delusion and comprehend the principles of the Tao.

At that time… Ling Xiao waved to kill!

Moreover, the old man Ling said before that he also prepared a great fortune, and only waited for him to step into the delinquency, then he could pass on.

“I generally don’t like Beep Beep. Whoever Beep Beep follows me, I will… just kill him.”

Ling Xiao’s voice slowly resounded, and the entire Ling Clan Holy Realm was silent and terrifying.

“Master Ling Xiao.”

Just when Lin Xi held the magic talisman tightly in his hand, he wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

In the distance, a white figure suddenly walked in and stood in front of Ling Xiao.

“Qingyun, still called the young master, isn’t it obvious?”

Ling Xiao smiled, there is no such thing as the fierce and domineering face on his face, only a touch of warmth like the starry sky.

“Lin Xi, you go!”

Nian Qingjun ignored Ling Xiao, but turned to look behind him, the young man in white clothes embarrassed.

“Qingyun, come with me.”

Lin Xi gritted his teeth, her face was unsatisfied.

Although he was defeated today, his Dao Heart has become stronger.

The Son of Destiny, naturally the more he fought, the more bravery he fought, how could he shrink from this?

“I won’t. Since it is my trouble, I will save it myself.”

Nian Qingjun shook her head, her bright eyes flashing blue.

The Ling Xiao she saw today was indeed different from what was said in the world.

This marriage, she may also have to decide.

Otherwise, once the Ling clan is truly offended, the master’s face will also lose brilliance.


“Stop talking, let’s go.”

After Nian Qingyun finished speaking, she took the initiative to walk to Ling Xiao’s side.

“You!!! Ling Xiao, what you can’t get, I have already got it, Qingyun, don’t forget, your first time, but it was given to me, I will prove to you that there is only me in this world I am worthy of you!”

Lin Xiyin smiled fiercely, no one else could even think of a woman he couldn’t get.

Even if the two get engaged, he will bury a thorn in Ling Xiao’s heart.

A thorn that can make him painful at any time!

“Oh? The first time?”

This dog is so bad.

Ling Xiao smiled playfully, don’t give Nian Qingjun a deep look.

Seeing that her pretty face was reddening at this time, she glanced at Lin Xi with some shame, but in the end she didn’t explain much, turned and headed towards the hall.

“Ling Xiao, wait for me, I will come back again.”

Seeing the gloomy flash in Ling Xiao’s eyes, Lin Xi’s mouth suddenly raised a smile, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

The thorn has been buried, and staying here again, he is really afraid that Ling Xiao will become angry from embarrassment, and kill him.

Of course, how could the Son of Destiny not have some life-saving hole cards in his body.

But those, of course, should be used at the most critical time.

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