Chapter 1091

“Huh?! Big…”

An Xianhuang guard yelled, just about to draw his sword, but heard the courtier beside him exclaimed, “It’s Young Master Lingxiao…”

Hearing this, the face of the guard who drew the sword trembled suddenly, and he knelt on the ground with a “plop”, “Great…righteous Young Master Lingxiao!! I finally saw the righteous Young Master Lingxiao!”

Seeing this scene, Gu Chaoci’s face suddenly raised a faint smile, and looked at the figure that fell from the sky in surprise.

Just, there is a feeling of surprise.

Well, only one thing.

“You just said, misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?”

Ling Xiao dressed in black, with a gentle expression, looking down at the two imperial supervisors who were just about to get up.

At this time, there was no breath from his body.

But it was such a calm sentence that made the two of them cold all over, almost urinating on the spot.

The name of Ling Xiao is now like a thunder for the entire Qing Cang realm.

Whether it was his righteous deeds against the gods, his heart for the common people, or the shelter of his lover and servants, the figure of the young master of the Ling clan was deeply carved in the hearts of the world.

The Xiao Clan is a well-known hidden ancient clan in the Qingcang realm. Compared with the ordinary family, the word hidden is more shocking.

Hidden world also means the accumulation of mystery and inner details.

But it was such an awesome ancient tribe, but the young master was killed face-to-face a few days ago.

As for the reason, this Xiao Clan Young Master actually bullied one of Ling Xiao’s servants!

How ridiculous! !

Is it possible that a humble servant is more noble than the status of the young master of a clan?

Hey, that’s it.

Therefore, Qingcang already has many descendants of the ancient immortal sect, looking forward to the day when the master of Daotian Palace will give a lecture, to see if he can have fate with this young master of the Ling clan.

even! !

Some holy land saints, the proud women of the ancient tribe, even regarded this time the Lord of Heavenly Palace’s lecture as an opportunity to change their destiny!


Hearing the word Ling Xiao, the two Imperial Supervisors’ faces trembled, and they fell directly to the ground.

Dou Da’s cold sweat ran down his forehead, and the panic in his eyes could no longer be completely concealed.

In the face of Gu Chaoci, they might still be able to force their composure by relying on their status.

But… Ling Xiao…

It is said that Ji Er, the prince of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, won. He had a marriage contract with Gu Chaoci and was punishable by this young master in public?

Later, it broke out that this dynasty had something to do with the devil, and was uprooted by the Shenwu Emperor himself in one night?

Also, Shijia Tianjiao Shi Haotian, a contemporary Human Race Baijie, is physically invincible. Just because he showed his admiration for Gu Chaoci, he was beaten to pieces by the young master, breaking Danhai to pieces, and sent back to the Shijia for recuperation?

If it weren’t for the easy-to-understand choice of the young master of the Shi family, it might be the fate of this clan that it might not be any better than the Holy Spirit Immortal Chao.

Silvermoon Sirius is one of the ten great demon masters in the far south, but it is said that this demon master… a few days ago… actually proved innocent by death and shared the memory of the soul with the other nine great demon masters.

The reason is that the young master of this clan is suspected of colluding with the demon in the Supreme Secret Realm, and wants to kill Gu Chaoci and Ling Xiao.

These many things seem to have nothing to do with each other, but it turns out that these perished people or forces have provoked Gu Chaoci, and then offended Ling Xiao.

“Haha, Young Master Ling Xiao, misunderstanding…misunderstanding! I am the imperial supervisor of the Emperor Shenwu Dynasty, and I came to the ancient Xianhuang Dynasty…for the purpose of investigating the traces of demons, not for the female emperor.”

The two took a deep breath, reluctantly suppressed the panic in their hearts, and chuckled.

With a ridiculous smile, unsatisfactory tears flowed down from the corner of his eyes.

Say goodbye like this, don’t say that the young master doesn’t believe it, I don’t believe him mua himself!


Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, “Since it’s a misunderstanding, it’s useless to say it, so let me take a look for myself.”


The two of them looked stunned. Before they could react, they saw Ling Xiao’s palm sticking out, and he actually pulled one of the second-grade holy realm people in front of him, and his eyes suddenly flashed with soul marks.


The buzzing sounded loudly, and the holy realm powerhouse didn’t even react, and Ling Xiao forcibly invaded the soul sea.

As Ling Xiao expected, there was a seal in this person’s soul sea, and a touch of it would instantly shatter his entire soul sea.

There are a lot of secrets like this kind of dark child.

Even if someone dared to do something to Gu Chaoci, how could they not respond well in advance.

Ling Xiao took a brief taste, took the initiative to withdraw his spirit power, and threw the already weak saint realm power to the ground.

At this time, his face was obviously a little bit pensive.

Emperor Shenwu should not have this courage, and these two dared to openly appear in the Ancient Xianhuang Dynasty as Shenwu Imperial Supervisors, fearing that the purpose is far less simple than it seems on the surface.

But this scene fell in the eyes of everyone, but it made the eyes of many Xianhuang experts suddenly condensed.

A holy realm powerhouse, even though he is only a second-grade person, can be captured by Ling Xiao so casually to search for his soul, the strength of this young master…

“Hmph, this is the first time. I will give the Emperor Shenwu Zhao a face, but if there is another time, no matter who it is, he will have to die! Go away, go back and tell the Emperor Shenwu that if there are evil demons lurking in the ancient fairy phoenix dynasty. , I will send someone to investigate.”

Ling Xiao snorted coldly and walked towards the top of the hall.

Hearing that, the originally confused Shenwu Saint Realm was taken aback, and looked like a pardon, and with the help of his companions, he swept outside the temple.

“Ghost, keep up with them.”

Ling Xiao’s heart moved, and he spoke with his soul.

Upon seeing this, although the faces of the Xianhuang people were a little puzzled, they didn’t think much about it.

Shenwu Emperor Dynasty is the supreme power of Qing Cang after all. Although the Young Master of the Ling Clan is domineering and protects shortcomings, he is not the one who kills.

What’s more, if these two people really came here for the purpose of punishing the devil, they are also kind, and it is reasonable for Young Master Ling Xiao to forgive them for their rudeness.

Only Gu Chaoci’s mouth seemed to rise with a touching arc.

Based on her understanding of Ling Xiao, even if the two of them are really the people of the Shenwu Imperial Supervisor, it is impossible to escape today.

Ling Xiao allowed them to leave, mostly because of… other purposes.

“Retreat all.”

Gu Chaoci flicked his jade hand and took the initiative to dismiss everyone, staring at Ling Xiao playfully, as if waiting for him to explain.

Upon seeing this, Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, took a step forward, appeared beside Gu Chaoci, stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms, “Why does the lady look at me like this?”

“What do you say?”

“how could I know?”

“Did you put your eyeliner by my side? Otherwise, how could you come so in time?”

Gu Chaoci snorted coldly, just about to break free, but Ling Xiao leaned over and pressed it on the dragon chair.

“Wondered lady! I wanted to go to the Spirit God Realm to find the trace of the magic, and I passed by the fairy phoenix and took a look at you. If you say that, it will hurt your husband’s heart.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, lowered his head and kissed gently.

“You let me go…oooooo…Ling Xiao!! I have something to tell you…oooooo…Ling Xiao!!!”

Gu Chaoci gritted his silver teeth, his face was embarrassed, and just about to get angry, when he saw that the boy in front of him had gotten up and retreated to the side, a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes.

“The lady has anything to say, but it doesn’t hurt to say it!”

Ling Xiao smiled, with a look that was still unfinished, but Gu Chaoci took a deep breath after all, and said in a cold tone, “I don’t want to say it again.”

“Oh? It seems that the lady is not happy!”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao didn’t care about the panic and resentment on Gu Chaoci’s Qiao face, and threw her down on the dragon chair.


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