Chapter 1083

“Yes! Monarch, not only that, that Gu Yue Langzi’s ambition also wants to collude with the sky… the vassal of the demon, destroy the four dynasties, and seize the seals of the four dynasties.”

Under the hall, Qi Hao trembled all over, at this moment, he only felt a swell of heavenly might crash down, almost killing him on the spot.

“Life and death!! Where is Gu Yue?!”

“Senior He and I had already trapped him, and it was impossible to imagine that at the last moment, a great demon appeared and… rescued him.”

“Everything you say is seen with your own eyes?”

Emperor Yanlong’s eyes were gloomy, and Qi Hao bowed his head and said, “It is true, all of this is what I and Senior He have seen with my own eyes. If there is a half-word, it will make me annihilate my soul and reincarnate!”

“Okay! If that’s the case, then I’ll take a look at what the great devil has such courage to actually protect the heavenly devil and do harm to the common people!”

When the words fell, there was a sudden bloom of soul light in Yanlong Emperor’s eyes, and before Yan Hao could react, he only felt a rush of heavenly might descend into his soul sea, shattering his soul consciousness.


Poor Nahao commanded, a powerful man in the sacred realm, committed to the enemy, was instantly shattered and reduced to mental retardation.


Next to Emperor Yanlong, an old man with white beard and hair suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw the space of the whole hall, shattered and opened in an instant.

In the faint, there is a phantom of the Yanlong dragon that manifests itself in the world, standing in the sky of clouds, overlooking the common people.

This person is the only Heavenly Supreme ancestor of the Yanlong God Dynasty, Yan Luopo!

It’s just different from Jin Yuyang. Now this Yanlong ancestor is vigorous and full of vitality. There is a supreme trend in every gesture, and his strength is also to suppress the four dynasties, in the third stage of the heavenly realm!

“Ancestor! What this person said is true. Gu Yue is indeed in collusion with the demon party feathers. This demon door is named…Gantian God Sect.”

Emperor Yanlong got up and bowed, and when he raised his head again, his eyes were already blood red.

“The ancestor!! The Gu Lin god dynasty will perish on its own, and I hope the ancestor will order to conquer this dynasty!!”

“This matter is of great importance, not to be careless.”

The ancestor of Yanlong shook his head slightly, his eyebrows clustered with solemnity.

For some reason, he always felt… Gu Yue’s performance was too arrogant.

Is he really not afraid of Yanlong’s revenge, dare to punish Yanzheng in public?

Or, this is the chess game he set up, just waiting for the Yanlong God to attack Gu Lin, so as to collude with the Devil Party and destroy the Yanlong?

“The ancestor is worried, then Gantian God Sect and Gu Lin God Dynasty will join forces?”

Emperor Yanlong took a deep breath, “Ancestor, if this teaching is really not afraid of my dynasty, there are many strong people in the teaching, and I am afraid that Yanhao and He Yun will not escape. I think this Gantian god is more cautious. I never expected that Yan Hao was the dark child I placed next to Gu Yue.”

“Now that Yan Hao reveals his identity, if I wait for hesitation, I’m afraid Gu Lin God Dynasty will be prepared. So, why don’t we take this opportunity to attack Gu Lin Emperor City in one fell swoop and catch them by surprise.”

“what do you mean…”

Yanlong ancestor frowned and thought for a while before nodding.

That’s right, he just thought that Gu Yue was too arrogant, but ignored one point. Yan Hao already knew that this person was in collusion with the demon.

If it weren’t for this, the two duel, life and death would be unpredictable, even if the Yanlong was furious, they would never easily set off a battle between the two dynasties, and this matter would probably end up in the end.

When Yan Zheng died, the Yanlong God Dynasty was equivalent to breaking the inheritance, and the Heavenly Demon’s party feathers could plot that evil treasure only by waiting for the opportunity.

Not to mention a thousand years, it is ten thousand years, for a person like the demon, it is just a matter of seconds.

No matter how much hesitating, once the heavenly devil’s wings are full, I am afraid that it will be the real crisis of Yanlong.

With that said, is it the last chance for Yanlong to dominate the four dynasties and consolidate the foundation?

As long as Gu Lin is destroyed, his Yanlong clan can carry the two dynasties’ heritage and crush Xuanwu.

As for the Golden Crow God Dynasty, but waving your hand can kill you!

The four dynasties are unified, maybe he can regain control of the immortal treasure and achieve the supreme realm.

No matter how bad it is, the Yanlong God Dynasty also has the strength of the immortal forces.

Gu Lin has the ambition of being a wolf, sheltering the demon. !

Hesitating will only lead to defeat, not to mention, the situation nowadays can’t allow Yanlong to hesitate.

“In that case, let’s… fight.”

Yanlong ancestor nodded indifferently, the last trace of hesitation in his eyes instantly disappeared.

“Through my order, I ordered my flame dragon army to assemble for days and days to attack the ancient city of Ruiguang, the capital of the ancient Lin Emperor, and all the powerhouses above the holy realm, follow me… to attack Gu Lin!”

“Huangguan, it is your responsibility to sit in the imperial city and start the guardian formation. Don’t let anyone enter the city! This way, you can be sure of nothing.”

With Yanlong’s ancestor’s disposition, even if he had made a decision in his heart now, he did not dare to take the slightest risk.

whether! !

What is the idea of ​​Gu Lin Divine Realm and Gantian Divine Sect? It is always up to him to go out in person, even if the demon comes to him, what can he do?

The more vigorous this conquest, the less the demon’s extremely vassal dared to show up easily.

After all, all the forces in the entire Azure Realm are now looking for traces of the Heavenly Demon.

Once the guardian formation opened, even the strongest Heavenly Sovereign could not easily break open.

What’s more, since the demon that day could be severely injured by the young master of the Ling clan and Young Master Xue, the cultivation base was not there, and the demon power did not exist.

In this way, the Four Dynasties are at your fingertips!

“It’s not too late! Go!”

The ancestor of Yanlong was also determined, stepping out, and went straight away.

Behind him, the faces of many Yanlong Sacred Realms also flashed a touch of fierce warfare.

Unifying the four dynasties, a great cause through the ages!

After all, this Spirit God Realm should only have one emperor clan, he… Yanlong clan! !

Looking at the dozens of figures that disappeared into the sky, Emperor Yanlong hesitated slightly, and finally, in accordance with the words of the ancestor, promulgated the decree, sealed off the city, and opened the guardian formation to include the entire imperial palace.

Suddenly, the Yanlong God surging towards the wind and clouds, countless war horses galloped past, raising smoke and dust in the sky.

“Lord! One Heavenly Sovereign of the Yanlong Clan, and two Earth Sovereigns have gone out of the palace with eleven holy realm powerhouses, and the Emperor Yanlong is not included!”

The voice of the double shadow came from the soul sea, Ling Xiao smiled brightly, raised his foot and strode towards the ancient city of Tenglong.

From the memory of Jin Yuyang’s Soul Sea, Ling Xiao already knew that there was only one Heavenly Sovereign Power in these four dynasties.

Among them, Yanlong’s ancestor Yan Luopo had the highest cultivation base, in the third stage realm.

The Xuanwu ancestor is second, the pinnacle of the second rank.

The ancestors of Jin Yuyang and Gu Lin are both at the second-rank level, so the two gods are relatively weak.

Now that the Yanlong Supreme is all out, and there is one Yanlong Emperor who is not in the holy realm, it is naturally not the slightest shock to Ling Xiao.

Until his figure was hidden in the void and fell into the city, looking at the golden formation that covered the sky, a gloomy smile suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, this Yanlong ancestor left him an imperial bloodline, otherwise, he really didn’t know how to open the first seal of the Ming Pan.

Now it seems that all the plots are developing as expected, and there is no surprise.

These four great dynasties should also be reduced to the past.

Pickled cucumbers? Pickled radish?


Me and him… also scorching ducks!

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