Chapter 1073


Above Sendai, soul and power are surging.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Xiao could feel that a vast and magnificent world fell down, and he wanted to envelop him.

“Hahahaha, one hundred thousand years ago, someone finally came here.”

I saw in the soul and power, a phantom figure gradually emerged, the fairy rhyme is ethereal, and the Taoism is natural.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and he quickly guessed the origin of this remnant soul.

This person is mostly the person of the fairy clan who wanted to seize the evil treasure of the gods.

Only now, his physical body collapsed, and only his remnant soul was suppressed by this golden-blooded Sendai. After another 100,000 years of wear and tear, his realm would have long since fallen.

“Who are you?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were light, and all the soul bodies in this world didn’t have much power for him.

The magical rune of the primordial beginning is the companion spirit treasure of the heavenly devil, and it cannot be measured by the level of use at all.

Even if this treasure is now broken and its power is not there, any soul body that enters his soul sea will not end well.

“Who am I! Hahahaha, boy, I feel destined when I see you! I am the Great Sage of Immortal Clan Yishan, the supreme existence, meeting me…your immortal journey really begins.”

The shadow of the soul laughed wildly, deliberately emitting a ray of soul power, causing the underworld to vibrate on his head, and Jin Hui screamed.

“Great Sage Moving Mountain?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes shrank slightly. Hearing this name, he seemed to be a demon clan. Is it possible that in the so-called immortal realm, not only the immortal clan exists?

“Huh? You haven’t even heard of my name? No wonder, 100,000 years ago, my prestige is probably already dead in the long river of history, but it doesn’t matter, as long as you do what I say, I will Will…cough cough, make you famous for nine days.”

Great Sage Yishan looked arrogant, as if he had forgotten how he was shattered by a drop of blood and sealed his soul.

“How are you trapped here?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, and at this time he also felt that the Great Sage Yishan had a predestined relationship with him.

Although this spirit was slightly weak, to Ling Xiao, it was still…a great tonic.

“Huh! I used to take advantage of the fact that the two realms of immortality were not completely blocked, and I secretly wanted to control this realm. I didn’t expect that this little mortal world would have innate spirit essence and blood. Originally, with my strength, I wouldn’t be affected by it. Blood suppression, but…could…”

The Great Sage Yishan hesitated for a while, seemingly unable to find a good explanation, and suddenly snorted, “Hmph, you little ant, do you know what the innate holy spirit is? You don’t understand it. You just need to know, chant My real name can be inherited from me, and it can make the world domineering!”

“Oh! How can I get your inheritance?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, as if he had been moved by the inheritance of this immortal clan.

“Simple, you only need to open the sea of ​​soul, and I will break the seal free, and when my soul enters your sea of ​​soul, I will teach you the supreme technique. Then, as long as you succeed in this technique, you can rise to heaven. Killing indiscriminately under the ancient gods, to tell you the truth, I still have inheritance in the fairyland.”

The Great Sage Yishan talked about it, in his opinion, how could a mortal boy know the vastness of the world.

And as long as he leaves here, there is an opportunity for rebirth.

“Oh? Into my soul sea? This is not good, if you want to take me out of your cultivation, wouldn’t I have no resistance?”

Ling Xiao shook his head, pretending to be worried.

“My dignified great sage moving the mountain, will look at the flesh of you, a human ant? Boy, don’t you look down on me? Not to mention you, even the ancient gods and demons, when I was in full bloom, I didn’t look at it!”

Great Sage Yishan shouted angrily, his eyes a little gloomy.

“Oh? The demon didn’t put it in your eyes? I don’t believe it. The demon is a common taboo for nine days. Since you are so tyrannical, why don’t you help me seal this blood?”

Ling Xiao was unmoved. Obviously, the Great Sage Moved the Mountain was bragging.

How can he be killed here if he is so tyrannical as he said?

Of course, if Ling Xiao behaves too eagerly at this time, I’m afraid this immortal clan will also have doubts in his heart.

Ask him to use light and heat first, and then ask him to go into the sea of ​​soul and ascend into the sky, saving time and effort, why not do it?


The Great Sage Yishan suffocated his tone, and a trace of killing intent gradually appeared in his heart.

How he couldn’t guess the mind of this young man was nothing more than trying to consume his own strength and plot good luck here.

Sealing the Holy Blood, not to mention him now, can’t do it even in his heyday.

But, is it not easy to fool a human ant?

The holy power contained in this holy blood has already been consumed for most of these 100,000 years.

And he only needs to seal it for a few breaths, then he can deceive this person, enter his soul sea, and become his master! !

Do you think you are on the third floor, huh, I am as wise as I am, how can I allow others to calculate?

Let me give you a…

“Alright! Let you see the power of my Great Sage Yishan today.”

When the words fell, I saw that there was a divine ups and downs suddenly outside the fairy shadow, like a sea of ​​stars descending, containing panic and Tianwei, and heading towards the suppression of the golden blood.

And above the golden blood, there is also a golden flame sweeping, like the sun, seeming to break free.

However, just as the Great Sage Yishan said, this golden-blooded holy prestige has long been preserved. As long as he tried his best, he would surely be able to seal it for a few breaths.

If there is no Ling Xiao, he will undoubtedly die after these few breaths, but with this young physical body as a matchmaker, he can stay in it temporarily, waiting to return for nine days in the future.


The buzzing resounded, and the spirit above the golden blood suddenly dimmed.

And the Great Sage Yishan immediately yelled coldly, “Why, haven’t the sea of ​​soul opened yet?”

At this moment, he was a little nervous, but the young man in front of him was the only opportunity he had waited for 100,000 years. Once he missed it, his soul body would not last for a few years.

“Please come in.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but his eyes were not on Great Sage Yishan, but instead controlled the Ling Clan’s ancient decree and collected that holy blood into the clan decree.

Seeing this scene, Great Sage Yishan’s face was taken aback, and there was a rare hesitation in his eyes.

Me… Gan?

There are treasures in this young man who can suppress the holy blood?

Will there be a treasure in his soul that will suppress me?

Has the world changed?

In a mere mortal realm, there is such a terrifying young man?

“Boy, I changed my mind, I…”

“My soul sea, it’s not that you won’t enter if you want to.”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth smiled mildly. At this time, the great sage of Yishan, the power of his soul was bound by the golden blood, and in his eyes he was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Therefore, before he could react, he felt an extremely terrifying force of suppression descending from the sky, and he actually swept it into the Lingxiao Soul Sea.


The expression of the Great Sage Yishan changed drastically. At this time, he saw a palace of soul-passing heaven and earth, tall and majestic.

And above the magic palace, a round of magic sun blooms with thousands of radiances, swallowing all the light of this place, it is a kind of… stern and ancient but overwhelming demon intent.


Great Sage Yishan swallowed fiercely, but saw a figure in black standing quietly above the soul palace with a gentle smile on his mouth.

“You…who are you?”

“Me? I’m the one in your mouth, and you won’t even put it in your eyes…the demon.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes lit up playfully, his palms were suddenly printed, and the magical rune of the early days burst into the sky with soul light, completely enveloped and swallowed the sluggish, fearful Great Sage Yishan.

“Kacha, Kacha.”

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