Chapter 1067

“Follow Ling Xiao? Patriarch, do you overestimate this young man? He…”

Xiao Yu’s eyes widened, he could see that Ling Xiao was very strong and he could crush a generation.

But as it is today, luck lies in immortals but not in people.

Even if the height of the sky is in the sky, it is impossible to break the shackles of the mortal realm and soar to the immortal realm!

Even if he could ascend to the immortal realm, now that tens of thousands of years have passed, I am afraid that there is no place for the human race to stand there.

“Yi Bo Yuntian, and decisively killing and cutting, the human race with such an emperor is the Emperor Xuanyuan, the holy blood seals the sky, the god of war cuts the immortal, why not? What’s more, now there is Emperor Xuanyuan following, no one I don’t know where they can go after thousands of years!”

Xiao Tingfeng sighed. Fortunately, with Xiao Poverty as an opportunity, the Xiao Clan wanted to follow Ling Xiao, but it was not without a chance.

Next, they only need to make Xiao Peng the young master, and take the power of the Xiao Clan alone, and the Xiao Clan and the Ling Clan will be completely tied together.

Heaven and earth are re-established, the Xiao clan… Dangxing! !

Here, Ling Xiao sits in the ancient ship. In front of him, Xiao Pian’s eyes are red and he looks at Xiao Yu’er, “Master…you have a way to reach the sky, Yu’er’s soul has been injured, I wonder if there is a chance to recover?”

“She should have been greatly stimulated, and she has just caused confusion. The pill is useless, so she can only recover slowly.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and sighed lightly, “Well, let me find a place for her to rest in peace. It is said that the ghost clan is proficient in the art of spirit and soul. When you encounter the power of the ghost clan in the future, you may be able to ask one or two.”

“Thank you, Lord!”

Xiao Peng knelt down suddenly, looking pious.

If Xiao Peng surrendered at the beginning because he was cherishing his life, then at this moment, he had already put his life in Ling Xiao’s hands, although he did not regret it.

“Why don’t you and I need to be polite, this immortal journey is dangerous, you still have to practice hard to keep one side peaceful.”

Ling Xiao didn’t give Yao Guang a deep look, but saw the latter’s pretty face condensed slightly, his eyes thoughtful.

It’s just that compared to before, the red lotus on her eyebrows seems to be more and more vivid.


At this moment, there was a hum in Ling Xiao’s soul sea.


Chen Qingshan’s voice resounded through the autobiographical notes, Ling Xiao’s heart moved, and suddenly disappeared.


“In the past few days, according to your instructions, I secretly inquired about the origins and plots of the Gantian Divine Sect.”


“The Gantian Divine Sect is recruiting people, collecting blood spirits in the name of the devil, and it seems to be offering a holy infant. The aura of the holy infant is not powerful. Only in the realm, it can control the mind with the Pluto tactics. That’s why the Gantian hierarch was summoned by him to ascend, and he has already entered the holy realm, and… as far as his subordinates know, the holy infant has been exploring something called Tianyin Mingpan.”

“Oh? Apart from that, does Gantian God Sect have any other powerhouses?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and he could control people’s minds with his exercises. No matter how he heard it was done by demons.

Holy infant?

Listen, could he be a person by this name?

However, even if the infant’s cultivation techniques are weird, he is still a little clever ghost if he can use the power of the demon to strengthen himself.

Of course, in the eyes of the human race, killing demons is to walk the way for the sky.

Similarly, in the eyes of demons, the human race is actually flesh and blood, and there is no sin in swallowing it.

This world is vast and endless, and all spirits coexist.

Justice and evil are just different positions and different identities.

“There are also several leaders, all at the level of the first and second grades of the Holy Realm. The Lord, the leader of the Gantian Church just said that after collecting the blood spirits this time, the followers will be rewarded with the exercises. According to the subordinates, the saint The blood sacrifice Dafa prepared by the infant should come to an end.”

“Oh? How long does it take to collect a blood spirit?”

“Only one month! The sooner the better.”

“I see.”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, but a hint of evil flickered in his eyes.

This Gantian God Sect under the pretense of being born into the world by a demon is really annoying.

In this way, when the holy infant has collected the blood spirit and prepared everything, I will harvest it again. Is it considered to be walking the way for the sky?

Cutting leeks, of course, is to wait until the leeks are mature.

I just don’t know what secrets are involved behind this holy infant.

The sky is overcast?

When you hear this thing, it is the treasure of evil spirits!

A day’s time, in the blink of an eye.

It was just surprising that the punishment of the young master of the Xiao Clan had not spread in Qing Cang realm.

Even if I want to, this matter is not glorious for the Xiao Clan.

What’s more, looking at the meaning of Tian Zhizun of the Xiao Clan, it is obvious that he intends to get along with Ling Xiao in peace.

In this way, when Xiao Peng stabilized his mind, it was time for the Hui to inherit the Datong and act as his help.

However, although the Xiao Clan felt that his face was dull, Ling Xiao wanted to show his slave-protection righteousness. Do you think that if you don’t say it, no one in the world knows about it?

“Bai Ling, send a few dark guards to various places in Qingcang, so to speak…”

at the same time.

Longyuan sword mound, sword mountain peak.

Ling Tian was clothed in blood, and Zhu Xian in his hands bloomed with a chilling glow. In front of him, there seemed to be blood on the corners of Jun Mowu’s mouth, and there was a flash of resentment in his beautiful eyes.

“Not coming!! Junior Brother Ling Tian is really hard-hearted, every time she has to vomit blood from Senior Sister, will he give up?”


Ling Tian received the sword and scratched his head, “Didn’t Senior Sister say that if I want to shoot with all my strength, shouldn’t I be merciful?”

“Huh! What an elm bump, how did Ye Xun’er look at you?”

Jun Mowu glared at Ling Tian fiercely, but as soon as her voice fell, she heard a loud hum from the depths of the sword grave.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of brilliance bloomed leisurely, straight to the sky.

Faintly, there seems to be a shrine standing at the end of the Qinghui, magnificent and immortal.

“what is this…”

A touch of surprise appeared on both Ling Tian and Jun Mowu’s faces. It was not long after they entered the sword mound, and they have been in the back mountain for this period of time to feel the sword in this place.

Occasionally, they will learn from each other.

From Jun Mowu, Ling Tian could feel an extremely resentful obsession.

It’s just because of his temperament that he has never been nosy, but Jun Mowu sometimes tells him about his childhood experiences.

After going back and forth, the two found that no matter their origins or encounters, the two had many similarities, and they agreed that they would practice successfully in the future, and when they went to the blue sky, they would cut all the injustices!

“All Sword Tomb disciples, come to Housan Sword Tomb.”

The voice of Long Yuan Sword Master resounded loudly across the sky, and suddenly there was a stream of light on the Sword Mountain, sweeping towards the back mountain.

Ling Tian and Jun Mowu glanced at each other, then stopped hesitating immediately and walked away.

It wasn’t until the two figures walked away that a beautiful yellow figure appeared in the ancient forest in the distance, and looked calmly at the two leaving side by side.

Today’s Ye Xun’er, although he also entered the sword tomb, failed to worship the sword master.

All day long, just following Jianzhong disciples to practice sword cultivation, it is difficult to see Ling Tian.

“Junior Brother Ling Tian, ​​after all, I…can’t keep up with you.”

Ye Xun’er smiled indifferently, a touch of loss in her eyes flashed away.

“Boom boom boom!”

In the depths of the sword mound, there are thousands of rays of sunshine and three thousand sword intents.

I saw a group of figures descending from the sky, before an ancient tomb.

Sword Master Long Yuan stood with his hand holding his hand, looking deeply at the tombstone blooming in front of him.

Beside him is a tall young man dressed in gray and white cloth.

He stood there as if a sharp sword was out of its sheath, exuding a heart-palpitating bitterness.

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