Chapter 106

Not much is known to outsiders.

But in the past few years, the Holy Master of Pill Yuan has lived in the sect for a long time, and he has passed the Ling clan from the future, which has given birth to many conjectures.

The most recognized one is that Xuanyuanyue and Ling Tianlin’s relationship is broken, and there is no real relationship between husband and wife.

Of course, guessing is guessing, whether it is the Holy Land of Pill Origin or the Ling Clan, it is the supreme orthodoxy itself, and no one would dare to take the initiative to provoke.

“Emperor Ling, my holy lord specially prepared a gift for Young Master Ling Xiao, please pass it to him.”

Ah Jiu raised his head and looked at Ling Tianlin in the temple, took out a white jade porcelain vase from his arms, and bowed in prayer.

“Sister Ajiu, it’s been a long time since I saw you.”

But when Ling Tianlin nodded and wanted to respond, a light laugh suddenly came from outside the hall.

Immediately everyone saw a figure in white clothes walking slowly.

The vertical black hair is tied behind his head, with a sharp eyebrow.

The slender eyes contain sharp eyes, like an eagle in the night, cold and arrogant, but arrogant, and solitary and independent, exuding the strength of arrogance of the world.

What a handsome and unparalleled young boy!

Especially the white robe that exudes starlight against the body, it shows the independence of the world, and the pure and handsome!

At this time, even the powerful Saints in the temple, the great power of the ancient tribe, had their eyes widened, and looked at the young man in the temple in disbelief.

They heard that this descendant of the Ling clan looks like a dog.

Unexpectedly, they are quite human-like!

Even some of the clan’s proud daughters who followed their elders had starlight in their eyes at this time, and her pretty face was reddening, which was obviously greedy for Ling Xiao’s body.

No wonder, this bastard is notorious, but there are still women willing to post it.

Just looking at him, it’s easy to make people…can’t stop.

It is impossible to marry, but it is still possible to feel comfortable.

“The son!”

Ah Jiu turned around and saw Ling Xiao, a smile suddenly appeared on his indifferent face.

“This is a gift from the Holy Lord, and the Holy Lord said…”

A Jiu leaned her head and whispered a few words in Ling Xiao’s ear.

The latter suddenly smiled and nodded, “Thank you Mother Mother for me.”

“Yes! Young Master, Ah Jiu will go back first if there is nothing wrong.”

When the words were over, Ah Jiu bowed to Ling Tian again, and raised his foot towards the outside of the hall.

“Xiao’er, don’t you hurry up to see you seniors?”

Ling Tianlin gave a wry smile, this kid always looks lazy and languid every time, so he has to be likable.

He didn’t care much about Ling Xiao’s reputation.

After all, as he said, strength is the confidence of a man.

But Ling Tianlin doesn’t care, doesn’t mean that others don’t care.

In the past few days, he had heard that the palace goddess seemed to be quite resistant to this marriage.

“Hehe, your uncles and uncles dominate the clan, and come to attend the engagement ceremony of your nephew in person. I really make my nephew… flattered.”

Ling Xiao grinned and bowed to everyone present.

“Uncles, can your gifts be served?”


The smile on everyone’s faces almost solidified when Ling Xiao’s second sentence fell.


They were guests from afar, and they were asked to hand over the gift if they weren’t sitting on the hot ass?

Besides, the chanting of goddess hasn’t arrived yet, now you take it out, and all the gifts belong to you?

“What are you waiting for, uncles? My fiancée will come later, and the gift will be divided into half of her. Hurry…”


This is really trying to swallow the gift!

Shameless! Shameless!

Everyone had just changed Ling Xiao a little bit because of his appearance.

But in this short instant, the rumors of the Ling clan’s son’s shamelessness were completely confirmed!

Even the fiancee is pitted, it’s utterly conscience!

The problem is, whoever marries a peerless and proud girl like Nian Qingjun does not need to take care of her in every possible way?

But this Lingxiao…

Not only shameless, but also a wonderful flower!

“Ahem, Young Master Ling Xiao is really different. This deity represents the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords, and sends the Divine Sword Qiu Ah, and Young Master Wang laughs.”

In the hall, suddenly an old man in black stood up, holding a three-foot green front in both hands, and smiled indifferently.

“The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, but saw that Ling Tian was standing beside the old man at this time, his expression seemed humble.

“It turns out to be the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords, haha, thank you.”

Ling Xiao grasped the ancient sword and suddenly felt that it was a top-grade artifact.

“Good sword! Good sword, brother, what do you think?”


Ling Tian looked at him for a moment and looked at Ling Xiao in a daze.

This bastard…is you want to…give me this sword?

Otherwise… why does he ask my opinion?

Hmph, Ling Xiao, don’t think that you deliberately please, I will forgive you, just dream.

“Qiu Ah this sword is a famous divine sword in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords, and it is naturally excellent.”

Ling Tian reluctantly suppressed the emotions in his heart, what he cultivated was kendo, and he had an instinctive kindness to swords.

The wedding banquet for He Lingxiao in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords was a bloodbath.

This Qiu’a Divine Sword, even if you look at the entire Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land, is a top class.

Although the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords also gave him a divine sword when he was just apprentice, it was obviously not as good as Qiu Ah.


What is going on with Ling Xiao?

Why does the Hui people seem to be a different person this time?

Does…he has another purpose?

Doesn’t he see his own veins and want to take it for himself? !

For an instant, Ling Tian’s face was a little pale.

The emotional change in his eyes naturally did not escape Ling Xiao’s eyes.

“Hehe, since Tiandi likes it… then it proves that this sword is really good! Sect Master Duan, please give it to Qingchan.”

Ling Xiao backhanded that Qiu A to Duan Wuyong who was aside.

The look on the faces of the Ten Thousand Swords Master and Ling Tian was taken aback at the same time, with an iron blue that was even more embarrassing than eating shit.

“This…hehe, then I will thank Master Ling Xiao for Qingchan.”

Duan Wuyong obviously did not expect that Ling Xiao would do such a face-slap in the presence of the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords, and an old face suddenly smiled into a daisy.

The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords and his Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect belong to the same swordsmanship, and they are often compared.

In the past few years, there have been a few kendo champions in the Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land, and their reputation has faintly suppressed the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect, which made Duan Wuyong very dissatisfied.

But today, watching Ling Xiao’s casual move made the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords languish, Duan Wuyong felt refreshed for a while.

“Hehe, the young man is very happy to be engaged. My Heavenly Sword Xianzong presented two ancient colored glaze lamps, which can turn energy into spirit, and are most suitable for drinking. I hope the young man will accept it.”

“A good thing, this is a good thing.”

Upon hearing this, Ling Xiao’s face suddenly showed a heartfelt smile.

It’s still this passage that I understand myself.

What kind of divine sword and divine sword, do you look like a person lacking spiritual treasures?

Only this kind of weird thing suits Ling Xiao the most.

It can be seen in this scene, all the strong people in the main hall, but their eyes are slightly condensed, and they can’t help but sigh inwardly, “The rumors are true!”

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