Chapter 1050: The Power of Causality


Yaoguang’s expression was dull, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

At this time, she had never seen clearly how Ling Xiao appeared in front of her so strangely, but…

The golden body of colored glaze is the supreme supernatural power of Buddhism. What’s more, she is born with Buddha-nature, understands cause and effect, and can communicate with the nine-day Buddha through the Dharma.

Not to mention a mere dignified state, even if a person in the holy state wants to break her Buddha’s body, it is absolutely impossible.

only! ! !

Just when the seven-colored glazed radiance was shining outside Yaoguang, he suddenly discovered that there was no trace of spiritual power fluctuations in the palm of the young man.

He just pressed it lightly on his heart, and…gently squeezed it.


Yaoguang lowered his head, looking at the one holding his white palm, and then looking up at the doubt on the boy’s face. The next moment, his face suddenly blushed, and even the smooth head turned pink.

“Really heartless.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were surprised, floated and then backed away, looking at Yaoguang’s pink bald head, and shook his head slightly.

“Buddha, what is going on?”

“You…really don’t know?”

Yaoguang’s silver teeth clenched, especially feeling a trace of pain from his chest, and a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes.

“Why should I punish you for refining your body? In terms of talent, within ten years, I will be sanctified, and in terms of background, my Taikoo Ling clan will be afraid of you in the West End Buddhism?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were calm and he was hunting in black, his voice was full of unquestionable domineering.

At this moment, Yao Guang was indeed a little confused.


As Ling Xiao, why bother to go to the Saint State to experience?

But what is going on?

That eerie and terrifying magical intent is still lingering in Yaoguang’s mind, like a nightmare.

“All the laws in this world are empty, but cause and effect are not empty. My Primordial Ling clan has stood in the blue sky for 100,000 years, with enemies everywhere, but…Buddha, how many people do you dare to attack our clan?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently. If Yaoguang was just a petty person, he wouldn’t be so troublesome, he would just punish him.

However, this Brahma Buddha’s luck is against the sky, and his talent is terrifying.

In this way, only when she sees the real darkness, can she understand what a Buddha and a demon are in this world.

“You mean…someone is deliberately laying out?”

With Yaoguang’s disposition, he quickly understood the deep meaning of Ling Xiao’s voice.

However, this young master of the Ling clan was just born, who could have such a means to arrange such a chess game several years in advance?

“I don’t know if anyone deliberately lays out. People in this world are complicated. Even if the Ling Clan has stood for 100,000 years, there will be some dregs in it. If you and I fight, someone will benefit infinitely. Sometimes… the more incredible you think. The easier it is to confuse people.”

Ling Xiao sighed lightly, and suddenly smiled bitterly, “Of course, all this is my guess, how does the Buddha know, between cause and effect, which is before and after? Maybe in the life of the Buddha, there should be me. What about robbery?”


Yaoguang’s eyes trembled lightly, and she couldn’t refute this sentence.

Since her Buddha’s mind was broken, she has been contradicting each day.

For Ling Xiao, she hated her, but on the other hand, she couldn’t kill him.

“It doesn’t matter if the Buddha doesn’t believe in me. Since someone dares to frame me, I must investigate this matter clearly. It is better to have the Buddha walk with me in the future and make a decision when the truth comes to light.”

Ling Xiao smiled, “With the Buddha’s cultivation base, I shouldn’t be afraid that I will be against you, right?”

“Ling Xiao! Don’t think you can fool me with just a few words!”

Yaoguang’s eyebrows were lightly clumped. For some reason, whenever she saw Ling Xiao’s gentle face, she felt panic and awe.

“The Buddha said, I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell, if I really are a demon and follow me, wouldn’t it be better to find out the clues?”

Ling Xiao looked at Yao Guang provocatively, and a flash of hatred flashed on the latter’s face.

Even if she knew that Ling Xiao was deliberately irritating her, she was uncontrollably…angry.

Ling Xiao, I am no longer the ant from the lower realm who was pinched by you!

You better not let me see a trace of magic in you, otherwise… I will definitely kill you myself! !

“Okay! Since the donor is kindly invited, Yaoguang will accompany the young master on a journey of immortality.”

Yaoguang clasped his hands together, his face was full of emotions, and he seemed to have become the old Brahma monk full of Buddhahood.

“Just now I called me Ling Xiao, and now I am the benefactor. The speed at which the Buddha’s face changes is no different from that of an ordinary woman.”

Ling Xiao smiled brightly. The reason why he kept Yaoguang by his side was of course not to covet her beauty, but to control it.

Wuyi is already on his way to the forbidden area of ​​Tianlei, as long as he secretly finds the Anzi arranged by the three Buddha masters, Ling Xiao will take Yaoguang with him.

At that time…hehe, what kind of Buddha’s Taoism, I will make you into a demon, you can’t get rid of it in half a step.


Yaoguang’s mood just stabilized, and there were ups and downs in an instant.

At this moment, she suddenly discovered that the Dharma that had been practiced for hundreds of years was actually useless in front of this young man.

Seeing him is magnificent and uneasy.

“Let’s go back to the Ling clan first.”

Ling Xiao waved his palm, and the wild demon immediately fell from the sky.

However, Ling Xiao and Xuanyuan Weiyang immediately raised their feet and sat on the nun, but Yaoguang hesitated for a moment, and finally stood behind the nun and said nothing.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao shook his head slightly, took out the immortal brewing jade cup, and handed it to Xuanyuan Weiyang, drinking and enjoying the clouds by himself, and ignored the female monk behind him.

“My son, this Yaoguang Buddha has always been indifferent and indifferent to the world, why…”

Xuanyuan Weiyang wanted to say something but stopped. She was the same woman, of course she understood the sentiment in Yao Guang’s eyes.

Could it be possible that this Buddhist monk had moved to his son?

“Causality in this world is mysterious and unpredictable. No one knows what she will face in the future. Perhaps, in the eyes of the Buddha, I am just her experience, neither affectionate nor related. …Achieve the self.”

Ling Xiao’s words were not deliberately covered up, and they passed into Yao Guang’s ears without falling to the ground.

Hearing this, there was a shock of shock on her face.

Cause and effect? Achieve the self?

Inexplicably, Yao Guang had some sentiment in his heart.

Ben is not affectionate, is it because he is ruthless and righteous that he was backlashed by the demons?

But, if I am emotional, and you are affectionate, what is the situation when the cause and effect come to an end?

For the first time, there seemed to be a tremor in Yaoguang’s eyes, and even the Buddha nature of the whole body was quietly disappeared.


Xuanyuan Weiyang seemed to understand but drank his glass.


Just after that, she flushed and spit out the drink in her mouth, “My son, this wine…so spicy.”

“Hehe, if the wine is not spicy, how can you relieve your sorrow?”

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked far into the sky. This trip was complete. I am afraid that no one will doubt his identity as a demon for a long time.

Next, it is time to control the Golden Crow sacred dynasty and accumulate the foundation.

Gantian Divine Sect, you must never let me down.

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