Chapter 1043 The Road to Invincibility

On the top of the green mountain, there are many temples.

There are countless sacred trees and grasses blooming spiritually, evolving into layers of anomalies.

The sky is full of Xiarui falling from the sky, like a colorful divine brocade, covering the curtain, which is refreshing and happy.

At this moment, in the most majestic ancient temple on that mountain, a young man dressed in white was sitting on the main seat, staring coldly at a figure being lifted from below.

Although his appearance is not a godly handsome man, he is quite majestic and not angry.

What is even more surprising is that there are four pupils in this young man’s eyes.

It’s strange and mysterious, and it makes people fall into it unconsciously at a glance.

“Young Master Shi Yi.”

Under the main hall, two rock cliff city guards in armor shattered the flesh, and the shattered Danhai Shi Haotian placed on the ground, bowing to the young man in the hall.

“I will wait for Young Master Ling Xiao’s order to send Young Master Shi Hao Tian to the Shi family to recover. Now that he has arrived, I will leave first.”

When the words fell, the two turned around and wanted to leave.

“Wait a moment!”

At this moment, Shi Yi suddenly gave a cold cry, and the figure stood up and walked towards the two of them slowly.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the two guards clearly showed a sense of panic.

Rumor has it that this young master of the Shi family is born with a heavy pupil, has a dark personality and is extremely bloodthirsty.

Although the two were ordered to come, Shi Haotian was basically abandoned.

With this tone, the Shi Family might not dare to vent to the Ling Clan, but a nihilistic Taoist school, or a rock cliff city, would probably not be regarded by the Shi Family.

“Shi… Young Master Shi Yi, I was also ordered to act… Young Master Ling Xiao…”

The lips of the two guards trembled lightly, especially the flickering evil glow in Shi Yi’s heavy pupils, which made their minds tremble, and they were a little bit dying uneasy.

I just said, this is a bad job!

Give it to others and send it back to recuperate?


In the end, Shi Yi’s figure walked to the place where they were in front of them, and a smile suddenly bloomed on a pale and cold face, “You two don’t need to be nervous, so trekking through the mountains and rivers to send the younger brother back to Shi’s house, it is really… If you have to work, there are two Five-Rank Pills in it, which can be regarded as Shi’s little thought. If the two of them go back to their lives… Give me my regards to Young Master Ling Xiao.”

“This…Thank you Young Master!!”

The two guards trembled, looked at each other, took the Qiankun bag that Shi Yi handed them, and turned and rushed towards the bottom of the mountain frantically.

Just kidding, they are two dragon suits that don’t even deserve their names. Even if Shi Yi is punishable by his hand, do you think Young Master Ling Xiao will stand up for them?

I guess so!

Because the son is upright and righteous! !

And this may be why they can leave alive!

“Young Master! Do you want an old slave…”

Behind Shi Yi, a black figure suddenly appeared, bowing to Shi Yi and worshiping.

However, Shi Yi just shook his head slightly, the glow in his eyes flowed, evolving into multiple idols.

“The Shi Family is not yet an opponent of the Ling clan. What’s more, Haotian is being crushed head-on, Ling Xiao is like the sky, and there is no benefit to opposing him at this time.”

The corner of Shi Yi’s mouth suddenly raised a gloomy smile, and the killing intent flowed in the four pupils, which shocked people’s mind, “However, this hatred, I have written it down.”

“elder brother…”

In the hall, Shi Haotian lay on the ground, opening his eyes in a daze.

At this time, his cultivation base had already completely dissipated as Dan Sea shattered.

But this Shi Haotian was a prisoner of cattle blood after all, and his body was terrifying.

Therefore, in just a few days, the originally broken bones have healed on their own.


The coldness on Shi Yi’s face dissipated, and he looked at Shi Haotian on the ground with a bit of heartache, “I told you earlier, don’t be impulsive in everything.”

“Brother, I’m sorry, I lost the Shi family’s face.”

Shi Haotian’s eyes were red, and since he awakened the blood of the prisoner, this elder brother had always cared for him and was extremely indulgent.

Although the two were not biological brothers, in Shi Haotian’s eyes, Shi Yi was his own eldest brother.

“Hey! Haotian, everyone in the world says that I am the Shi family’s double arrogance, this world is very popular, but now, you are seriously injured by this, I am afraid that Xiantu is hopeless.”

Shi Yi sighed, his face was a touch of ageless vicissitudes, “You and I have both awakened the ancestral talents, as long as you practice step by step, sooner or later you can step into the supreme realm, into the emperor realm, and revitalize my Shijia Ronghui! Why are you? Do you want to provoke the Ling clan young master because of a woman?! It’s… extremely stupid!”

“Brother… I’m sorry…”

Shi Haotian lay on the ground, silently shedding tears of regret.

Yes, thinking about it now, he is indeed stupid and ridiculous.

From beginning to end, Gu Chaoci dismissed him, but he dug his own grave for such a woman, ruining Xiantu.

“I’m sorry, what’s the use?”

Shi Yi shook his head, his eyes fell, looking at Shi Haotian indifferently.

At this moment, Shi Haotian only felt cold all over his body, and he felt extremely strange.

In other words, since childhood, he seems to have never really understood this brother’s temperament.

Among the clan population, he was ruthless, young and mature, but in Shi Haotian’s view, he just did what a young clan leader should do.

“elder brother…”

“My Shi family is full of loyalty, and the shelter of the human race is hundreds of thousands of years earlier than the Xuanyuan emperor. In the era of the fall of the emperor, if there were no ancestors fighting the immortals, the human race… how can you be stable now, you and I inherit the blood of the Shi family? , Got talented and supernatural powers, which should have been practiced hard to revive the lintel, but it happened…”

Shi Yi stared at Shi Haotian gloomily, a ray of magic light gradually lingering in his eyes.

“elder brother…”

“Since you don’t cherish it, don’t blame me for being cruel. Since I am the young master of the Shi family, I am responsible for the prosperity of the Shi family. I should consider everything for the inheritance of the Shi family. Give me your blood.”

“What…what? Brother…what do you want to do?”

“I have a heavy pupil, and I am invincible, but now the troubled times have come, and evildoers have emerged in large numbers. Even if it is me, I have no confidence to crush the present. Your Danhai is broken, and there is no foundation for cultivation. Give me my blood. …Carrying the Shi family forward.”

Shi Yi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but the expression on his face had returned to calm.

For Shi Haotian, he didn’t have the slightest evil thoughts.

But for an abandoned Shijia evildoer, he will not devote half of his emotions.

Everything is for the people of the tribe.

The Shi family’s loyalty and righteousness are worthy of the world.

The ancestors cut down on the immortal king, down on the ominous, and shielded the human race behind.

Fighting 8,000 domains alone, pushing the eternal enemy horizontally with both hands.

In the end, for the continuation of the human race, breaking the long river of time, flying up the endless fairy wheel, and disappearing since then.

It can be said that if there is no ancestor, the human race will not be inherited from the human emperor era.

Or, the ancestors were not dead, and now the immortal clan may not be able to dominate for nine days.

But, even so, now Qingcang, a few people remember the glory of the Shi family.

Since Shi Yi was young, he has determined to reproduce his ancestors’ style. Over the years, he has practiced desperately to cut off his lust, and Dao Xin is natural.

Because, he had seen a word in the ancient books of the Shi family, the double pupil is already invincible.

This era, will eventually become the heyday of Shi Yi! !


Shi Haotian’s face was pale, he stared blankly at the palm falling toward his chest, his lips trembled, and his eyes were full of despair.

“Haotian, forgive me, I don’t want to, the Shijia Shuangjiao should have stood above the sky, but you…after all, disappointed me…”

“Brother! I’m sorry, I’m sorry…no…no…ah!!!”

Shi Haotian’s expression was sorrowful and his eyes were complicated. At this moment, he couldn’t tell whether he hated his elder brother or whether he was heartbroken… he was about to walk alone.

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