Chapter 1040

“Han Station, continue to irrigate this wood with the power of the immortal brand.”

Ling Xiao turned his head, glanced at the pale Han Zhan, bent down to pick up a few dead branches on the ground, “There are these sacred trees, and see if they can be made into a pill.”

Even with the strength of Han Zhan, such a day and night urging of immortal cards is extremely terrifying to his body and soul.

However, a tool person, as long as he is not tired, he will do it for me. Isn’t it self-cultivation?

“Thank you! Take more pill tonic, you see you are thinner.”

Ling Xiao handed over the dead branches to Han Zhan, but after another thought, he seemed to have thought of something, leaving behind the most vigorous part of it, and then he raised his foot and walked towards the Temple of Heaven.

“Yes! Lord!”

Han Zhan’s expression was startled, his eyes were a little excited.

Have you seen it, the Lord Admiral has entrusted me with such a heavy responsibility, this is obviously trust and reliance on me!

As long as I stand for one day, the medicine hall will remain my medicine hall! !

Above the void, Ling Xiao looked at Ye Qingchan with a pensive look, and raised his brows slightly, “Qingchan, what’s the matter with you?”

“No… it’s okay, son, I always feel that the breath of Fusang Gumu seems a bit familiar.”

Ye Qingchan shook his head blankly, her eyes flickering, looking quite strange.

“Oh? Familiar?”

Ling Xiao nodded lightly, but was not surprised.

Now it seems that Ye Qingchan’s golden finger is nothing but a powerful principle.

But her luck is comparable to that of a man with a divine body and a sacramental destiny.

Obviously, her life experience must have other secrets.

As for why he left a dead branch of Fusang…

Rumor has it that on this sacred tree, there once lived another true spirit of the demon race, called the golden crow.

But now, the eldest princess of the Golden Crow Dynasty is in trouble again. I wonder if this piece of ancient wood can be used in exchange for a party’s surrender?

Although this mortal realm god dynasty could not be the real Golden Crow bloodline at all.

But this dynasty has regarded the Golden Crow as a god, I am afraid it has some origins.

Now he only needs to wait for the return of the double shadow to know the dilemma Jin Han’er is facing.

At that time, he can think of a way to completely crush her.

A day’s time, in the blink of an eye.

Above the palace, Ling Xiao held the ancient blade of reincarnation in his hand, seeming to have fallen into an extremely mysterious situation.

I saw infinite magic light blooming all around him.

The magical intent turns into a cloud, encompassing the entire domain, and there seems to be a faintly killing and cutting trend falling from the sky, which makes people fearful.

At this moment, in the Lingxiao Soul Sea, there were countless pictures passing by.

I saw a peerless figure in black clothes standing on the sky. Under its feet, densely packed creatures knelt on the ground, looking up to the sky and crying, their expressions full of panic and despair.

Among them, there are both young and old, with mighty spirit, and there is no shortage of the strongest.

However, facing the demon shadow above the void, they didn’t dare to have a sense of resistance at all.

“Traitor, die.”

At this moment, a deep and indifferent voice suddenly resounded between the heaven and the earth, and the demon shadow gently lifted the magic blade in his hand and slashed down towards the billions of creatures.


The blades bloomed and turned into a ray of black light, like the blade of annihilation, shattering all the bodies of all living beings.

And where the black light passed, as the blood mist rose, it actually dyed the sword brilliance blood.

An extremely fierce and angry aura winded away, shattering the universe and destroying the realm.

In one breath, all the vitality in this world was wiped out.

only! !

Just when the bloody sword intent was about to fall on the last thin child, a tactful sigh came from the void again.

Immediately afterwards, an extreme chill spread across the sky, spreading away from another direction.

The cold is passing, the world is frozen, as if space and time are completely frozen at this moment.

“Crack, click.”

“Stop it! If you continue like this, you will be lost forever.”

A woman dressed in Tsing Yi with snow-haired hair fell from the sky and shielded the thin figure behind her.

Only from Ling Xiao’s perspective, he can only see a stunning back.

But even so, he recognized this woman as the one in the soul consciousness of the heavenly devil’s skull.

“This style is called Wushuang Daoyuan.”

In the emptiness, the corner of Mo Ying’s mouth suddenly raised a smile, but the blood splendidly penetrated the figure of the woman, cutting her to pieces along with the child behind her.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, staring at the Tsing Yi shadow that fell on his back.

But, just as her face was about to appear, the picture stagnated and turned to be broken into layers.


Above the heavenly hall, the magic cloud fell down, with a ray of blood running through it, eerie and eerie.

And Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly opened at this time, and the black moon rose, full of extreme evil.

At this time, there seemed to be some doubts on his face. The woman in Tsing Yi died too easily, and the body pierced by the sword intent did not have a trace of blood spilled.

Is it just an afterimage?

But why, every time he sees this figure, he always feels inexplicably familiar.

In particular, the long snow-white hair and the bone-through chill gave Ling Xiao a sense of deja vu.

Ye Qingchan? Or… Qin Wushuang?


Just as Ling Xiao secretly pondered, the distant void suddenly rippled.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the double shadow fell from the sky and bowed to him.

“Huh? Investigate it clearly?”

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows lightly, and his face had already returned to calm.

“Yeah! Lord, the Heavenly Supreme ancestor of the Golden Crow Dynasty seems to have reached the end of his life. He proclaimed himself a cultivation base a hundred years ago to delay death, but in the past ten years, he has frequently appeared in front of the world.”

A smile bloomed on Dian Ying’s face, “So the subordinates speculated that Jin Han’er was looking for the reincarnation true dew, mostly to delay the fall of the ancestor.”

“so it is.”

No wonder this Jin Han’er has been hiding in the dark sneakily, I am afraid that the news of the imminent fall of the ancestor will be exposed and the Golden Crow Shenchao will be lost.

Ling Xiao groaned and shook his palm lightly, and saw the dead branch suddenly appear in his hand.

With this magical power, even if there is no one in ten, it is hard to find the treasure in the world.

Especially a Heavenly Sovereign who is about to fall, and has a relationship with the Golden Crow True Spirit, this piece of sacred wood is even more fortune from the sky.

However, since it is good fortune, Ling Xiao certainly won’t let Jin Han’er succeed easily, and she still needs to suffer some hardships before she can understand what a blessing is.

“Yeah! According to subordinates, the four great gods all have Heavenly Sovereigns sitting in town, and although the four dynasties seem to be peaceful, they are fighting in secret, because…the four dynasties all inherited one thing in their hands and guarded each other, as if… It is a very powerful and evil fragment of an ancient treasure. At the beginning, a strong immortal clan smashed this treasure and sealed it in the hands of four servants. These four servants are the ancestors of the four great emperors.”

“Gubao fragment? Powerful and evil?”

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows lightly. In his memory, these four great dynasties had indeed guarded the most precious treasures, and had always pitted the same enemies, advancing and retreating together.

Unexpectedly, this was just appearance.

Since it is an ancient treasure, it will naturally be coveted by the forces.

Although the four great dynasties alone do not have the background of martial arts, the combination of the four dynasties can shake the supreme orthodoxy of any party.

But in the same way, this kind of cooperation is only on the premise that there is an invasion by foreign enemies.

After all, once a dynasty is destroyed, the remaining three dynasties will also suffer.

However, people are greedy. I am afraid that these four dynasties have long forgotten their responsibilities, and they just want to swallow the other three dynasties and reappear the ancient treasures.

Powerful, evil, inexplicably agitated?

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