Chapter 103: Spirit Egg Hatching

“The Clan Lord’s Royal Order…”

Ling Xiao didn’t even look at it, and threw it directly into Qiankun’s bag.

Now that the Ling clan is in the hands of their father and son, who else would dare not accept it?

On the contrary, this star Emperor robe was actually a Taoist implement.

The magic dragon sacred armor that Ling Xiao had exchanged from the system before was shattered by the ancient power in the ruins.

Even though Ling Xiao’s physical body was terrifying, it would be difficult for people of ordinary generation to really hurt him.

Thunder Dao and the real body of the demon are both supreme supernatural powers for tempering physique.

But who would think that he has too many cards to save his life?

The Star Emperor Robe, a high-grade Taoist implement, is already regarded as the top spiritual treasure in this holy state.

Of course, the most important thing is that this emperor robe is so handsome!

Ling Xiao’s gaze swept across the white robe in front of him, which seemed to contain the starry sky, shining with great brilliance.

Wearing this thing on the body, coupled with the beauty of this son’s flourishing age, ask what other woman in the world would not be tempted? !

I don’t know whether decentness is a dog licking, anyway, I am a face dog.

Very pretty…no, very pretty.

“Well, Xiao’er, tomorrow is the day when you and Qingjun get engaged, rest earlier and come to the temple to welcome guests earlier!”

Ling Tianlin smiled and nodded, dismissed everyone, and said to Ling Xiao.

“Yes! Father.”

Ling Xiao bowed and exited, and a group of Ling Clan Tianjiao immediately gathered outside the hall.

“The son of God, I’ve seen Ling Rui displeased a long time ago, I was taught by the son today, I hope he can get back when he gets lost.”

“My son, I don’t know if you will be free later, I have a few questions about cultivation and I want to ask you for advice.”

“My son, it’s such a happy event, why don’t we go to Hanshan City to have a good cheer?”

“Yes, yes, I know a girl in a yard who has a pretty good craftsmanship. She knows how to make ice, fire, ura, and humiliation. That little tune is humming, it’s just like humming, worrying about it…”

“Hehe, I’m a little bit tired today, besides, I won’t be able to delay the engagement tomorrow, next time.”

Ling Xiao smiled softly, there is no such thing as a brutal rogue just now, he is simply the most gracious son in the world.

“Yes, yes, tomorrow is the day when the son and the goddess of the Taoist palace are engaged, how can I forget about this.”

“Goddess of the Taoist Palace, the dreams in the hearts of so many heavenly arrogants and evildoers in Shengzhou.”

“Hey, what goddess or goddess is, you still can’t escape our son’s palm.”

“That’s true. With our son’s heroic posture, even if I am a man, I am all moved by my heart…”

Listening to everyone’s flattery, Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, waved goodbye to everyone, and swept towards Xiaoyun Peak.

The villain’s life is really… boring and boring.

At the same time, the entire east of Shengzhou suddenly became lively.

A series of tall buildings and huge ships of thousands of miles passed from the sky, and gathered in the direction of the setting sun.

Putting these two identities together, the son of the Ling clan and the goddess of the Taoist palace, they are enough to make many people feel jealous.

Even those forces that are hostile to the Ling Clan on weekdays have brought gifts this time, wanting to come to Hanshan City to find out.

The name of Lingxiao has unlimited scenery for a while.

There is a great potential to reign over the world.

On Xiaoyun Peak.

Ling Xiao looked at Jiuyou, whose aura gradually became stronger beside him, with a smile on his face.

At this time, he could feel that the realm of the strongman of the Fengfeng clan had reached the peak of Shenhou.

Obviously, if she reshapes her physical body, her cultivation will definitely be able to step into the realm of the god king.

The god king is strong.

The Ling clan’s background is terrifying, but there are only ten strong god kings.

Once Jiu You can completely recover, it is tantamount to having another terrifying hole card beside him.

Miyong and Dieying are very strong, but they are demons and cannot easily show up.

Otherwise, if it attracts the attention of others, Ling Xiao will face endless trouble.

But Jiuyou is different, even though she has a bloody feud with Shengjiao.

But just be careful, no one should recognize her.

This clan has disappeared for nearly a hundred years. I’m afraid that even the most powerful people of Shengjiao wouldn’t believe that there is a fish that slipped through the net like Jiuyou?


And just as Ling Xiao was secretly pondering, in the sea of ​​consciousness, there was a strange breaking sound suddenly.

Ling Xiao’s heart moved, and his figure instantly appeared in the space inside the Bahuang Glazed Glass Pagoda.

At this moment, Miyong and Duanying were surrounding the black spirit beast egg, looking expectantly at the crack that was gradually cracking above it.

“Is it finally coming out?”

Ling Xiao grinned and walked over to the two of them.

“Meet the Lord!”

Miyong and Dieying hurriedly bowed and bowed, also with a touch of joy on their faces.

“Master, this monster beast is coming out.”


Ling Xiao’s gaze fell on the beast egg, and saw a fierce and evil spirit visible to the naked eye constantly spilling out of it.

“This demonic energy… is it a monster?”

“Crack, click.”

The cracks on the beast egg became denser and denser, and a smile appeared on the faces of the three Ling Xiao people until a little beast head protruded from it.


That’s right, the one that emerged from the beast egg turned out to be a dragon head.

No reversal!

No surprises!

What kind of start a dog, equipment depends on licking.


Yes, the kind you imagined, dragon!

Fierce blood eyes, ferocious scales and two straight and winding dragon horns.

It was just a little different from the dragons in Ling Xiao’s impression. The little dragon in front of him carried billowing devilish energy all over his body, and even the scales were dark.


Mi Yong exclaimed, and the little dragon was so scared that he retracted his head into the shell again.

“You scared him.”

Ling Xiao cast a blank glance at the former, and stretched out his hand to break the eggshell.

“come here!”

Seeing Ling Xiao, the little magic dragon let out a whistling whistle instantly and jumped directly into his arms.

It is a product of the system, this master does not need to be recognized, and is born with absolute loyalty to the host.

Ling Xiao grinned and looked down at the docile cat-like dragon in his arms. Deep in his eyes, there was some inexplicable meaning.

It seemed that his identity as the Young Master of the Demon Sect could not be shaken off completely.

Whether it’s Miyong, Double Shadow, or this magic dragon, they are inseparable from the devil.

And he himself is the inheritor of the real body of the heavenly demon, not to mention that there is a Primordial Demon Blade in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Properly set the villain big demon king!

However, the world only knows that demons are cruel and bloodthirsty.

But I don’t know that the so-called demons are mostly made up by those who stand on the top.

If they want to consolidate their rule, they will label all opponents with magic words.

Killing it in this way will not attract criticism.

“Since I am reborn as a demon, in this life, I shall be a demon.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed a bit of bitterness, and the little dragon in his frightened arms was trembling, looking up at him puzzled.


Only in the next second, Ling Xiao couldn’t help laughing.

I’m going to fucking justify the devil’s name.

I’m a villain, what do you learn from the Son of Destiny to swear?

“Lord… The Primordial Devil Dragon hasn’t appeared in the world for a long time, where did you get this cub?”

Mi Yong glanced at Ling Xiao curiously.

The Primordial Devil Dragon, although the bloodline cannot be compared with the Primordial Ancestral Dragon, is also a peerless beast born at the beginning of Hongmeng.

In today’s world, although there are many dragons, their blood is already impure.

And the existence of this magic dragon is almost equivalent to the peak of the dragon bloodline!

Even he, seeing this magic dragon at this time, would feel a kind of depression in his heart.

It is not difficult to imagine that once this magic dragon grows up, it will inevitably be a huge culprit on the side of the chaos!

“If you shouldn’t ask, don’t ask.”

Ling Xiao smiled lightly, raised his hand and gently stroked the magic dragon in his arms.

“Since you followed me, then give you a nice name.”

“Huahua…how’s it?”

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