Chapter 1000

“The Empress of Chaoci has taken action!!”

“Can you not do it? This Qin Chen is a real demon. The Empress of the Dynasty must be worried that Young Master Ling Xiao would be injured, so she couldn’t help but do it.”

“Yes! After all, the Empress is Qingcang’s ten major sequence. Although she hasn’t shot for decades, her combat power must be higher than that of the young master.”

“I’m too envious of the love between the Emperor of the Dynasty and the Young Master Ling Xiao, this is simply the love of the gods.”

“I’m sour!”

“I’m wet! Look at the tears on my face!!”

On Yanya City, sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

Unmatched fiercely tore apart the void and crashed down towards Qin Chen.

Facing Gu Chaoci’s offensive, Qin Chen’s expression was also somewhat solemn.

According to his own strength, he may not be Gu Chaoci’s opponent.

But at this time, he couldn’t use the power of Fusang’s battle armor, which was really frustrating.

“Xiao Chenzi, it’s better to withdraw first! Leave the green hills, don’t be afraid that there will be no firewood!”

The wide-eyed Immortal King’s voice resounded from the sea of ​​Qin Chen’s soul, Qin Chen’s expression was slightly condensed, after all, he sighed in his heart, and turned around to leave.

But at this moment, a sneer appeared on Ling Xiao’s face, and his figure was blocked in front of him for an instant.

In his hands, the Great Sage Futian bloomed with a turbulent blue sky, without any hesitation at all, he suddenly cut it down.

The sword intent was vertical and horizontal, spreading forever, blocking Qin Chen’s retreat.

At the same time, facing the offensives of the two top evil evildoers, Qin Chen’s eyes finally flashed with shock.

“Damn it!”

“Xiao Chenzi, go!”

Above the sky, Qin Chen suddenly lit up outside, like a spatial fluctuation.

“What are you hesitating about! Let me kill the demons!”

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao joked and shouted angrily.

Suddenly, countless voices hummed, and only saw a spirit treasure rushing into the sky, rushing towards Qin Chen angrily.


Qin Chen’s eyes trembled fiercely. Obviously, he had never thought that the young Ling Clan leader would be so shameless that he would not fight him fairly, but instead called on everyone to punish him! !

“Xiao Chenzi, there is no way! I’ll protect you, you go!”

The aura runs through the sky, densely packed, making people feel a tingling scalp chill.

At this time, Qin Chen finally had a magical flow on the armor of his body, and the blood pupil of the Broad Eyed Immortal King suddenly opened at this time.

“It’s the devil! What a terrifying devil!!”

Countless exclamation sounds suddenly came, and all the faces of the ancient Tianjiao immediately poured out a touch of panic.

Especially the vicissitudes of demonic nature lingering in the bloody eyes, it made people feel a sense of insignificance for no reason.

This demon armor is the only thing that everyone has seen in their lives, and the evil spirit contained in it makes even some disciples of the big clan immortal sects horrified.

That’s right, they have never seen the demons before.

But since it is the Nine Heavens Great Demon, there is no one in the ages, it is impossible to be like the fairy tale of Young Master Ling Xiao.

Evil, cold, dark, cruel.

Especially the state of Lin Shen’s death made people firmly believe that the Qin Chen in front of him was the reincarnation of a demon! !


The roar shocked the world. At this time, Ling Xiao and Gu Chaoci were here, and these immortal disciples didn’t have much fear on their faces.

The killing of the demon is an eternal event.

And once they can accomplish this feat today, it will be recorded in the annals of history for future generations to admire.

even! !

Even some dragon sets in the realm of god emperors also sacrificed their spirit treasures, rushing toward the void with a look of generosity to death.

only! !

Just as everyone was driving Lingbao and surrounding Qin Chen without hesitation, on the ancient armor of his chest, that blood pupil suddenly lit up with evil spirits.

I saw a ray of blood piercing the sky, swept through and smelted the countless spirit treasures instantly.

even! !

Even some of the evil spirits of the Venerable Realm, who couldn’t react for a while, were hit by the blood glow, and instantly turned into nothingness.

Not to mention those disciples in the realm of God Emperors, seeing him rise to the sky, seeing him stay in history, seeing him… people exploded! !

“The fairy king! Kill Lingxiao!!”

Qin Chen’s figure gradually became illusory, but there was a touch of extreme hatred in his eyes.

As the Young Master of the Ling Clan, Ling Xiao would carry a lot of life-saving trump cards on his body.

But now that the power of Fusang’s battle armor has been exposed, and so many immortal disciples have been strangled in an instant, even if Qin Chen deliberately defended it, he would still be powerless.

So, there is nothing to worry about!


The wide-eyed Immortal King’s tone was low, and the bloody evil eye suddenly looked towards Ling Xiao.

I saw a thread of scarlet blood piercing through the space in an instant, falling towards Ling Xiao’s eyebrows.

Among them, the power of destruction quietly recovered, killing countless ancient disciples along the way.

Seeing this scene, everyone’s expressions changed drastically.

Even Gu Chaoci had a flash of panic in his beautiful eyes.

Then, she actually took steps instinctively and stood in front of Ling Xiao.

Around his body, there is endless brilliance that begins to bloom, and the chaotic breath spreads up and down, evolving all kinds of mysterious sacred scenes.

Among them, there seems to be a gods and mountains standing, the river is countercurrent, the sun and the moon are reversed, and the fairy palace is falling from the sky.

Only this time, in the face of this dying gaze, Gu Chaoci’s face no longer had the original confidence.

She could feel that this piercing light was not something her physical body could resist.

Even if the body of the Sky Demon was hit, it would be impossible to escape death.

At this moment, Gu Chaoci was no longer a child in his womb after all.

Haha, this scene is so familiar.

Back in the land of the Holy State, Xia Chen was dying and cursed, using the ghost orb secret technique to cast the blood brilliance, wanting to kill Ling Xiao in one fell swoop.

At the critical moment, it was Nian Qingjun’s memory awakening, and the power of her body to block this offensive, which led to the failure of the nine avatars.

Perhaps this is fate.

A touch of bitterness suddenly bloomed on Gu Chaoci’s face, like a green lotus blooming in the dark, pure and without regrets.

Can! !

Just as she closed her eyes and was about to meet her death, the jade hand was suddenly held firmly, and then gently pulled.

Gu Chaoci opened his eyes in a panic, but saw that the gentle and handsome face had arrived in front of him.

It was a gentle and handsome face, even if she had seen it countless times in her dreams, but at such a close distance, seeing the clean smile at the corner of his mouth still made Gu Chaoci’s heart beat.

Xianyan Wushuang, gentle temperament.

If he didn’t know the origin of his identity, no one would take the initiative to associate him with the demon.

But just as Gu Chaoci shook the spirit, Ling Xiao arrogantly embraced her in his arms, facing the bloody eyes that pierced through Cangyu.

only! !

He did not see a trace of panic on his face, but a touch of anger seemed clustered between his brows, “Miss, don’t you take my words seriously? I said that in the future, you only need to stand behind me. There is nothing in this world. People can hurt you!!”


A domineering and gentle voice came into his ears. At this moment, Gu Chaoci’s heart trembled, and even a mist of mist appeared in his eyes.

The whole rock cliff city fell into a dead silence in an instant.

Everyone looked at the two figures embracing each other in the night sky with shocking expressions, and there was nothing in their eyes except envy.

What kind of loyalty is needed to make people behave so calmly and calmly in the face of death.

What kind of affection is it to choose such a way to tell the love in your heart?

You resist death for me, but I can’t bear to make you…suffer a little bit of harm.

Master Ling Xiao, you are… sacred in the world!

“woo woo woo woo.”

Gradually, someone began to cry softly, and even Qin Chen’s face seemed to flash with surprise.

It turns out that these two people love so deeply!

For a moment, he was a little skeptical. Could it be that the third brother was really guilty of stealing love with a sword?

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