At the time of Xu, in a stone chamber in the “Hanyuan Cave” of Bingjiu Peak, the “Hanluan Daoist” walked into it. The stone chamber floor was carved with mysterious formation marks, spiritual lines, and a The simple array curse exudes bright and luminous light.

I saw the “Han Luan Daoist” waved his hand, the whole array of psychic energy surged, and the array curse floated in the air, obviously the array had been activated.

After a burst of dazzling light, two illusory shadows composed of fluorescent light appeared on the other ends of the array. If you look closely, they are actually Yellow Saint Sect Sect Master “Sheng Yi Daoist” and Myriad Medicine Valley Sect Master ” Purple mist daoist”.

This array is called “Xuantian Floating Light Projection Array”, which is a seventh-order general dialect array, which is similar to Magical Artifact of the “Vanxiang Yuyu” category.

When the array is turned on, not only can sound transmission calls, but also the illusory shadow of each user can be projected. It is extremely mysterious, but every time it is turned on, it will consume 20 “High-Grade Spirit Stones”. , If nothing is important, Three Sects rarely turns on this array.

“Sheng Yi meets the “Purple Wu Senior Brother”, “Han Luan Senior”!” The side of the array is vividly described by the daoist “illusory shadow” of the Fluorescent Group Accomplishment of Saint Yi.

“Ziwu pays homage to “Hanluan Senior”! Brother Shengyi, I trust you have been well since we last met!” said a daoist with purple mist and purple hair and beard, wearing a gossip red incense gown. .

“en!” Han Luan daoist nodded, it is a return.

Among the three, “Sheng Yi Daoist” and “Zi Wu Daoist” are middle-aged Taoists, while “Han Luan Daoist” is like a young and beautiful Young Lady of the peach and plum years. “Respectfully, there is no lack of courtesy.

“Han Luan met with the two Fellow Daoist projections today, and we have a discussion!” Han Luan Daoist said bluntly.

“Senior, please speak!” Shengyi and Ziwu said at the same time, there must be something important, otherwise “Hanluan Senior” will not stimulate this array, and invite them to discuss.

“The “Winter Water League” daoist of the Fury Sea came to this sect as a guest, presumably the two already knew it!” Hanluan daoist said.

“Junior has heard!” Shengyi nodded replied, “Daoist Profound Wood” through high-level sound transmission talisman, has informed Sect of what happened in Spirit Ice Palace in the past two days, one after another Master “Shengyidaoist”.

“Then Poor Daoist said straightforwardly, this sect provided spiritual materials and ordered two new ships from the Winter Water League. The originally negotiated cost was 20,000 High-Grade Spirit Stone.”

“But “Angry Fellow Daoist Hai” he proposed that if Three Sects’ new “psionic battleship” is handed over to the “Winter Water League”, then the cost of each new ship can be reduced to 16,000 yuan High-Grade Spirit Stone, what do you think of the two?” Han Luan Daoist said bluntly.

“This…!” Shengyi and Ziwu looked at each other, both facial expression graves.

“Poor Daoist also mentioned this matter. If the two of you feel embarrassed, forget it!” Han Luan Daoist saw that they hadn’t answered for a long time, and said, she is not really strong about this matter. begging.

“Senior, frankly! A few days ago, Fellow Daoist and I have discussed shipbuilding with the “Heavenly Sea Sect” side. We bought a new ship in each case, each costing 10,000 yuan. Nine thousand High-Grade Spirit Stone. If you repent and break your trust at this time, you will definitely offend “Heavenly Sea Sect”!” Ziwu daoist sighed then said.

I can’t help but sigh in my heart: if I knew so. Therefore, you should not contact “Heavenly Sea Sect” early. The cost difference is a full 3,000 pieces of High-Grade Spirit Stone. This is not a small sum, especially after the war, Sect’s finances are extremely tight, but who would have expected this thing?

“Han Luan also knows about your two sects, and has always referred the matter of building the same ship to “Heavenly Sea Sect”, then let it go!” Han Luan daoist indifferently said, she didn’t report much hope.

“Junior feels that there is still room for this matter!” Shengyi Daoist said after a long period of thought.

“Brother Shengyi, he broke his trust in others, it doesn’t sound good to spread it out!” Ziwu daoist couldn’t help frowns. If he agreed to the “Winter Water League”, he would offend “Heavenly Sea Sect”, and it would be a reality. , Which allows the two sects to walk in Cultivation World in the future.

“Brother Ziwu, don’t be anxious, listen to Shengyi slowly!”

Shengyi daoist first opened his mouth to appease, and then continued: “Originally ordered from “Heavenly Sea Sect” The two new ships of “Winter Water League” will remain unchanged. Let’s buy another new ship from the Winter Water League.”

“My brother Shengyi, are you joking, how can I take it out in a short time? With so many High-Grade Spirit Stones, even if we can collect all the spiritual materials needed for the construction of the new ship, we can’t come up with it!” Ziwu daoist couldn’t help but smile.

After the war, “Myriad Medicine Valley” sect was financially tight, and the new ship ordered from “Heavenly Sea Sect” had hollowed out the old ground. The high-level spiritual materials required for the construction of the new ship were all sect is always ready. I want to buy a new ship in a short time. This is not a joke.

“Myriad Medicine Valley” is like this, “Spirit Ice Palace” and “Yellow Saint Sect” are not all the same. How can my family know their own affairs.

Actually speaking of which, the last battle was too sudden. Three Sects was not prepared enough for the battle and did not convert all the sect financial resources into battle strength. Otherwise, the “psychic battleship” alone would have produced several more ships.

“Senior, you ask the “Raging Sea Daoist”, this school is willing to pre-order one, but only part of the cost can be paid first, and some early-stage shipbuilding materials can be provided, and these spiritual materials can be smelted first The follow-up spirit materials and Spirit Stone will be sent to this clan one after another. You can also promise to the “Winter Water League” that within the millennium, this clan will purchase more new ships to see if it is feasible?”

Shengyi Daoist expressed his thoughts that he had considered for a long time. After a thousand years, Yun Prefecture will have a big battle. Sect naturally not only builds this battleship, although financial resources are tight now.

But sooner or later, it will be built. Since the “Winter Water League” has proposed such a favorable price, why not agree to it first.

“My brother Shengyi, you mean that the spirit ship originally ordered for “Heavenly Sea Sect” remains unchanged, and another one is purchased from the “Winter Water League”! This is not impossible, but it is so Now, even if the “Winter Water League” agrees to pay the bills in installments, the news comes out, it will offend “Heavenly Sea Sect”.” Ziwu daoist said with some worry.

“Brother Ziwu, although the two of us have always looked for “Heavenly Sea Sect” to build ships, and have some friendship with “Heavenly Sea Sect”, but they are only in reputation. The distance is long and there are few contacts, which offends If you do, you will be offended. In business, you are willing, and they can’t say anything!” Shengyi Daoist said indifferently.

“Brother is dull!” Ziwu daoist thought for a moment, said with a bitter smile.

I think that Brother Shengyi is right. Although “Heavenly Sea Sect” is a big family, it is beyond its reach. It can’t control Yun Prefecture. Besides, Sect has always deliberately maintained the friendship, maybe” Heavenly Sea Sect” never paid attention to it.

“Senior would also like to ask! This sect is also willing to provide some spiritual materials first, and pre-order one!” Ziwu daoist made up his mind and said to Hanluan daoist.

“In that case, the two Fellow Daoists waited here for a while, and Poor Daoist is going to see “Angry Fellow Daoist Hai” now, and there will be news soon!” Han Luan Daoist was overjoyed. In this way, Three Sects ordered four spiritships at once, and there will be follow-ups, and the “Winter Water League” will most likely agree to this proposal.

“Senior wait a minute, Shengyi still has something to ask!” Shengyi daoist said hurriedly.

“What’s the explanation of Fellow Daoist?” Han Luan Daoist frowned slightly.

“I heard that the “Moon Cruiser” of “Concise Moon Immortal Sect” has reached your sect today?” Shengyi Daoist asked.

“Yes!” Han Luan daoist nodded.

“Suddenly, did this trip come to inspect Yun Prefecture? Or is there something else? “Supervising Envoy” can you explain?” Shengyidaoist said worriedly.

“It’s just that we inspect Yun Prefecture according to the routine, don’t need to worry about it, inform the countries under its jurisdiction, and the Taoist temples of the provinces can operate as usual!” Han Luan daoist indifferently said, naturally she will not tell the hidden secrets, like this This kind of routine inspection, there will be that one or two times every 100 years, various sects have long been accustomed to.

This is still remote in Yun Prefecture. In places like Zhong Prefecture, there will be three or four such inspections every 100 years. In addition, the “Concise Moon Immortal Sect” will send some doormen to travel down the mountain, aimless. Patrolled the entire “Eastern World”.

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