Three days later, when the morning sun began to rise, the entire Meixiangyuan was noisy. Liu Yu carefully groomed and turned over, put on the Yellow Saint Mingling robe, rushed out the door, and rushed Go to meet other members of Yellow Saint Sect, today is the Golden Core ceremony of “Luo Chen Daoist”.

At this time, the whole sky of Snow Mountain is already covered in red, and the Spirit Ice Palace dísciple that goes back and forth, each with a smile and joy, the Mountain Protecting Great Array “cold ice field array” has been Open, the invisible spiritual cover covered the entire “Snow Mountain” and blocked the vast snow.

The Golden Core Grand Ceremony was set up at Snow Mountain’s half-waist Ice Jade Plaza. Hundreds of tables and banquets have been placed on both sides of the giant Grand Plaza, all of which are full of fine red sandalwood and eight immortal tables and stools. On the set of floating clouds white jade dishes, neatly placed, surrounded by bright light.

At each table, there is a young and beautiful female cultivator of Lingbing, holding a teapot and wine set on one side.

There is a gorgeous flaming red peony floating embroidered carpet in the middle of the square, which runs from the entrance of the square all the way to the “Ice Jade Hall” at the corner of the cornice.

The ice jade hall is the ceremonial reception place of the spirit Ice Sect. The whole hall is made of top grade ice jade. It is tall and solemn. There are also dining tables in the hall, and the tables and stools are made of moire warm jade. Cheng, more wealthy atmosphere.

At this time, the huge cold jade ice-luan soaring in the air made a loud scream. The Golden Core ceremony officially opened, with the eight tones and guests entering the venue. Musicians played various musical instruments in their hands.

The piano is melodious, the sound is simple, the flute is mellow, the chimes are crisp, the pipa is sonorous, the drums are loud, and the song “High Mountains and Flowing Water” is played.

With the sound of curling music, many guests waiting in front of the square began to bring gifts into the venue.

Listed at the top is the Winter Water League from the North. More than a hundred doormen hold the gift box, and under the leadership of the “raising sea daoist”, walk to the ceremony stand, Spirit Ice Palace Supreme Elder” Hanluan daoist”, smilingly stepped forward to welcome the guests.

“Poor Daoist wishes your sect prosperous, and wish “Luo Chen” Dao nephew will eventually rise to the position of immortality!” The daoist of the angry sea has brown eyes and blue hair, and is dressed in a thick fur coat of mink. The appearance is different from the Yun Prefecture people, like a middle-aged robust man, said with a smile, cup one fist in the other hand.

“Poor Daoist thanked Fellow Daoist for his good words, please come inside!” Hanluan daoist, dressed in Jinluo daoist robe, with ice muscle and bones, is normally frosty and unbelievable Looking straight, at the occasion of celebrations and happy occasions, there is a hint of warmth in his face, and suddenly it is like a flower, and it is not beautiful.

“Junior anger winter, meet Hanluan Senior!” A handsome disheveled hair man beside the daoist of Anger Sea, seeing the stunning face of Hanluan daoist, couldn’t help but brighten his eyes and walked forward and said.

“The Dao nephew is very energetic, the dragon among the people, congratulations to Fellow Daoist Hai!” Perceiving the fiery eyes of the man in front of him, Han Luan Daoist felt a little unhappy, but he knew that this child was the daoist of the angry sea. , Then be patient, nodded praised.

“Fellow Daoist said and laughed! The aptitude of anger is mediocre, not comparable to your sect’s “Luochen” Dao nephew.” The daoist of anger sea shook his head and smiled, Han Luan daoist considered his itching.

Child “Nur Winter” has always been the pride in his heart. He was born with extraordinary talents and inherited the bloodline “Raging Dao Body” of the Zne family. After more than three hundred and fifty years of cultivation, he completed the Transcending Tribulation. Dan, achieved Grade 4 Golden Core.

This time, he personally came to Yun Prefecture to congratulate him, that is, he chose a good partner for his son and came to propose marriage.

Spirit Ice Palace’s new Golden Core female cultivator “Luo Chen” is pregnant with Dao Body, the “Xuanyin Girl”. He has heard about it a long time ago. If this woman has not reached the pill, then that’s all. Success in Transcending Tribulation, and still a virgin body, this is the top grade Dual Cultivation furnace cauldron, human form heavenly materials earthly treasures.

Know that the female cultivator who is pregnant with the Dao Body of the “Xuanyin Concubine”, with the continuous improvement of its own cultivation base, the extremely mysterious and abstruse congenital cultivator born within the body “, the effect becomes more and more against the sky.

If this trip to propose marriage is successful, the child “Nu Dong” and this “Luo Chen” will form a Dual Cultivation Dao Companion, and through intercourse, this “female female essence” will absorb refining.

Not only can you greatly increase your lifespan, nourish meridian, and purify your own Dao Body, it can also increase the chance of birth, not worse than the top grade spiritual medicine in the legend.

The daoist in the raging sea can conclude that with the news of the success of this female formation, Zhong Prefecture’s various sects will come to propose family members in an endless stream, so Spirit Ice Palace and Winter Water League have always been Good friends, Spirit Ice Palace’s several “Psionic battleships” are all made by the Winter Water League.

With this level of relationship, I simply start to be strong, prepare generous gifts, run this in person, and take the opportunity to go to the door to raise a relative. If you want to come to Hanluan, Daoist should not refuse.

Furthermore, my child’s “Nur Winter” aptitude is also excellent, and she is also worthy of this woman, not to mention that the Zne family is one of the three bloodlines of the Winter Water League, with a prominent family background.

“Fellow Daoist, this is the wish of the League to “Luo Chen” Dao nephew, and the achievement of Golden Core!” The daoist of Nu Hai waved back, and a doorman from the Winter Water League hurried forward. When I came to the ceremony table, I handed a gift list.

“Fellow Daoist, please!” Hanluan daoist led the angry sea daoist and walked side by side to the “ice jade palace”, and the “Nurwinter daoist” followed one step later.

“Winter Water League” gift, give 50 “Six Transitions Ocean Pill” and two “Whale Yuan Pill”, a picture of the immortal position, 800 jin of deep sea cold iron, intermediate Spirit Stone Ten thousand pieces, and three hundred pieces of colorful fox skins, a specialty of Northland, one hundred Dongyuan bear gall, ten baskets of tundra snow angelica…” In front of the ceremony table, a Spirit Ice Palace built a foundation, took the gift list and displayed the secret of sound amplification. The sound of retribution resounded throughout Snow Mountain all over the sky.

More than a hundred people from the Winter Water League followed one after another with a gift box, and sent all kinds of lavender gifts to the reception table. Then the Spirit Ice Palace dísciple came forward to lead the way and bring Dongshui The alliancemen one after another introduces the ice jade square and sits down.


“”Whale Yuan Pill”! Poor Daoist heard it right!”

“Tsk! Tsk! Winter Water League shot It’s just different, really name is not in vain!”


As the shouting of the ceremony sounded, the guests lined up in the rear could not help but breathe in awe and wonder. , This shot, roughly estimated that the total value of these gifts is no less than tens of millions of low-level Spirit Stones, which is amazing and enviable. It is really a big deal, and the shot is lavish!

Behind the entire group of the Winter Water League, there are people who arrived at the front gate of Snow Mountain only three days ago. The number is small, more than ten people, with two appearances out of the ordinary young Headed by Golden Core daoist.

One person is cold and arrogant, reserved, one person is handsome, peach-eyed and smiling.

“I heard that these northern barbarians are wealthy and wealthy, and I am really right!” The face was peach-eyed, the jade fan unfolded, whispered to the friend aside, and said with a chuckle.

“hmph! Barbarians that’s all!” Leng, proud, lightly snorted replied.

“Looking at this posture, these barbarians are afraid that they are not just coming to congratulate, but want to come just like Yungang, for the “Fairy Luo He”.” The jade fan closed, and the face was peach-eyed. Raised an eyebrow, teased his friend and said.

“Poor Daoist would not have come to this remote corner if it hadn’t been for my father’s strict order!” Leng Ao Zhe said indifferently.

Leng Ao Zhe is a newly-promoted Golden Core daoist “Yun Gang”, with the 58th “Yun Feng Dao Body” on the Innate Hundred Body List. The aptitude is excellent. My father is a Nascent Spirit Elder. “Yan Gang daoist”.

The tentacles of “Samsara Palace” appeared in the last Yun Prefecture battle. Many years ago, they sent “Yan Gang Daoist” to Yun Prefecture for a trip, so I learned that Grand Sun Rong was pregnant with “Xuan Yin” About the Dao Body.

Because of the Yun Prefecture war, “Spirit Ice Palace” and “Zhengyi” only have so little relationship. This time the Golden Core ceremony will be held out of courtesy to send “Zhengyi” An invitation.

But there is not much hope. After all, the journey is far away, and it is still unknown whether “Zhengyi” will send someone there.

“Yangang daoist” received the invitation, knowing that the grandson Sun Rong had succeeded in forming a pill, he immediately had a plan in his heart. Like the Winter Water League “Furious Sea Daoist”, he also had the idea of ​​raising a family for his son.

But after telling this idea to his son “Yungang”, I didn’t want to be rejected by “Yungang”, which made “Yangangdaoist” very angry.

His son “Yun Gang” has always had a very high vision, and he didn’t even look at the beautiful female cultivator that surrounded all around. The Great Family aptitude out of the ordinary in sect was excellent in appearance. All of the female cultivator is not good enough. The old and decent “Yan Gang Daoist” can be considered broken.

“Yangang daoist” has been cheeky for hundreds of years, and has made Zhong Prefecture various sects aptitude the best and suitable female cultivator, one after another came to propose a kiss, but they all failed and ended, not the other party I don’t agree, but my unfilial son doesn’t look down on others.

This unfilial son pretends to be high-minded and not close to female sex. In Zhong Prefecture Cultivation World, he got the nickname of “Cloud Young Master” of the four gentlemen. The so-called “Four Gentlemen” are all four Golden Core daoists with outstanding backgrounds.

“Yangang daoist” has nothing to do. Knowing his unfilial son’s temperament, forcing it will only do the opposite. He can only come up with a strategy to make the unfilial son replace sect and go to Yun Prefecture to congratulate him.

And told the unfilial son “云罡”, this new Golden Core female cultivator, known as the name of Yun Prefecture number one beauty, nicknamed “Fairy Luo He”. If you can’t catch your eye, then let it go. If you can’t catch your eye, he will send a message back and he will immediately leave for Yun Prefecture to propose a marriage.

That’s it, “Yungang Daoist” has no choice but to make this trip. However, he didn’t report his hope during this trip. What kind of absolute beauty the little Yun Prefecture can produce is just an outstanding aptitude. Some beautiful female cultivators dare to call it “Fairy” in vain, which is ridiculous.

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