“Wow! Wow!” There was a howl and cry, Zhang Kexin walked out of the stone chamber holding a baby baby, wandering while walking, still chanting in her mouth from time to time, behaved, no cry! Don’t cry!

“What’s the matter? Give the teacher a hug!” Hearing the cry, Liu Yu also walked out of his stone chamber, stepped forward and hugged Little Brat from Zhang Kexin’s hand, and asked with concern.

“Just woke up!” Zhang Kexin explained.

“Xiao Tianyi, Master Hug, don’t cry!” Liu Yu said affectionately while shaking. The crying Little Brat in his hand is a child gifted by heart and God, named Zhang Tian Left.

Little Brat is only seven months old, with a chubby little round face, a small nose, and a small fleshy mouth. It is very cute, but at this time she cried and became a little cat.

Zhang Kexin gave birth to Zhang Tianyi half a year ago, and she wrote to say that she would be converted to a “dísciple” and stay in Tianping County’s hometown to raise Xiao Tianyi with peace of mind.

Liu Yu naturally disagreed, knowing that he was afraid of going back to the mountain to be in love with the scene, thinking of God’s gift, but he could not delay his cultivation because of this. Liu Yu personally went down the mountain and ran to Tianping County to persuade.

Furthermore, Xiaotian has been blessed by Heavenly Dao. The spirit root aptitude is excellent, but it is Gold Element Heavenly Spiritual Root. Liu Yu persuaded Zhang Kexin not to think about his cultivation base, but also to think about Xiaotian’s legacy. The secular Spiritual Qi is thin, which is not conducive to the growth of meridian.

If Xiaotian left to grow up on Yellow Saint Mountain, his affinity for Spiritual Qi and the improvement of the purity of meridian spirit root would be of great benefit.

Therefore, the cultivation families in the world often build their residences in a place with abundance of Spiritual Qi, and such famous spiritual Qi mountains as Yellow Saint Mountain are naturally the best choice.

“It should be hungry!” Liu Yu teased Little Brat’s face with his fingers, not wanting to be sucked.

“Master, give it to me!” Zhang Kexin hugged Little Brat back from Liu Yu’s hand and said shyly.

“Oh! Good! Return to the house to draw symbols for the teacher!” Liu Yu hurriedly got up and avoided.

Zhang Kexin hugged Little Brat and walked back to her stone chamber. She was thin-skinned and naturally would not lift her clothes in the front room of Cave Mansion to breastfeed Xiaotian.

Liu Yu returned to the stone chamber and drew seven or eight Grade 4 “air shields”, “Body Protection Talisman”, and then sat cross-legged on the futon to regain his energy. After a quarter of an hour, his hands Start the cultivation “Tianshi Mantra·Dao Soul Heart Sutra” after the Jietian Master Seal

Since the “Astral Fiend Taiji Hua Yuanshu” secret technique was used a year ago to transform the “Dao Soul True Qi”, Liu Yu observed the true Qi source every day and tried cultivation “Tianshi Mantra” ·Dao Soul Heart Sutra”.

It took half a year for Liu Yu to successfully refining the first ray of “Dao Soul True Qi” by running the “Tianshi Mantra·Dao Soul Heart Sutra” Heart Law.

I saw Liu Yu sitting cross-legged on the stone bed, his hands were imprinted, and a high grade “yin stone” filled with light gray smoke hovered in the middle of his head. In the “yin stone” of the elder, inhale a faint grey air.

Through the operation of the Heart Law of the “Tianshi Mantra·Dao Soul Heart Sutra”, the pure “Earth Yin Corrosion Qi” inhaled from the high grade “Yin Stone” and the “Origin Qi” within the body, It merges into a strand of light purple True Qi in the Mud Ball Palace.

Then the strands of light purple True Qi blended into the soul body wrapped in the faint gray mist of the soul. Although the soul body looked unchanged, it was accumulated over a long Under the nourishment of period of time, “Soul of Life” will continue to grow.

Two quarters of an hour later, the high grade “yin stone” of pitch-black jade suspended in the air has faded into a grayish-brown matte stone. With a crack of “peng”, the stone is broken. Several pieces were scattered on the stone bed, Liu Yu slowly opened his eyes, expression a bit tired.

Cultivation “Tianshi Mantra·Dao Soul Heart Sutra” extremely depletes Origin Qi, and merges with “Early Yin Corrosion Qi” into “Dao Soul True Qi” “Origin Qi”, which is the human body The nickname for the most precious “Essence” among the many derivative forms of Origin Qi.

If a secular person loses a lot of “essence”, it will be lightly ill and breathe one’s last.

Liu Yu, as a cultivator, has plenty of essence and is a virgin body, he will not be so serious, but he has to rest for a few days to recover the depleted essence, so it always takes a few days. Liu Yu will cultivation this “Tianshi Mantra·Dao Soul Heart Sutra”.

Liu Yu got up and took two capsules of “Yellow Essence Pill” to replenish the depleted essence, and then told the discipline. With a heartfelt message, he left Profound Jade Cave and went to the Yufu Tower in Resting Immortal Town at the foot of the mountain. , And send the drawn Magic Talisman.

After Zhang Kexin returned to sect, she stayed at the Profound Jade Cave house to nurture the children wholeheartedly.

Sect arranged the task of taking care of a small Medicine Garden. Normally, Wang Ping, Yue’er, and sometimes Liu Yu took the time to take care of it, but most of the time was taken care of by Wang Ping alone.

“Yue’er, don’t be angry! Senior Brother will buy you dragon’s whiskers, okay!”

“No need!”

“That Peach core cakes, what about Ruyi cakes?”

“Never eat it!”

Liu Yu walked to the door of Yufulou, and saw a handsome young Taoist approaching Liu Yueer , Said some kind words politely. The young Taoist is a Direct Disciple of the Senior Brother “Xuanhan Taoist”, named Zhang Ziyu. I heard that he is the nephew of Senior Brother “Xuanhan”.

Obviously, I don’t know why, it made Liu Yue’er upset, and she was constantly apologizing. Yue’er this girl is naturally beautiful, and her personality is naughty and playful, which can most attract Zhang Ziyu’s first awakening of love young dísciple’s gaze.

Normally Liu Yu did not rarely see the younger generation of sect disciples turning around Liu Yueer. The so-called near the water platform, the first month, this Zhang Martial Nephew is one of the most ardent.

Liu Yu naturally doesn’t care about the younger generation’s affairs. It is a fair lady and gentleman, Liu Yu can understand.

When I was young, I didn’t take a peek at the young and beautiful Senior Sister and Junior Sister. It’s just that Liu Yu aptitude was mediocre and came from a poor background. Sect these beautiful female cultivators, I didn’t bother to look at him. .

“Master, you are here!” Liu Yueer was so annoyed that she saw Liu Yu enter the store and shouted excitedly.

“dísciple Ziyu, I have seen Xuanyu Martial Uncle!” Zhang Ziyu also respectfully bowed and said enthusiastically, thinking that Xuanyu Martial Uncle could find a good relationship in his heart.

“en! Yue’er, put these symbols in place!” Liu Yu nodded.

The current layout of the Jade Tower symbol has changed slightly. One side of the entrance is filled with Magic Talisman of various orders, and on the other side there are more than 20 kinds of medicine pill.

Except for common medicine pills such as “tongling powder”, “huiling pill” and “shenyuan pill”, the wood element medicine pill is the most complete, ranging from the first product “wood gas powder” to Grade 3 ” “Lotus Fragrance Pill”, all levels of cultivation support.

Jade Tower has been open for more than ten years, and it is considered an old shop, with a good reputation, and many regular customers frequent it.

As the business gets better and better, “Xuanhan Taoist” has tasted the sweetness from it, and has become more and more diligent. Wood Element medicine pill of all levels has become another signature in the store, and two Direct Disciples have been sent to help. Let’s watch the store together.

“Master, can Martial Uncle succeed in retreating this time? “After chatting for a while, Liu Yueer couldn’t help asking worriedly. Four days ago, Martial Uncle entered the “Yellow Spirit Cave.” There is no news now. I am anxious to death.

“Don’t worry, you have your master. Look, nothing will happen! “Liu Yu brows slightly wrinkle, pressing down on the worries in his heart, and said flatly.

Junior Sister Tang Zhi said that although his spirit root aptitude is not good, he has been preparing for the foundation for this retreat for a long time, and there is “Clearing Heart Pill” “, “Yellow Spirit Pill”, such rare spiritual medicine assistance, is not without opportunities.

But Junior Sister uses the “double pill quenching field” secret technique like himself, in which Liu Yu owns the risk. After experiencing it, I had to squeeze a sweat in secret.

“Di, di!” At this moment, a square jade order Liu Yu hung on his waist suddenly flashed aura. This is a “Voice Communication Jade” “Obviously received the message.

Liu Yu read the Yuling information through Spiritual Consciousness, his face suddenly changed, and quickly rushed out of the Yufu Tower, jumped on the Flying Sword, and went away.

The message was sent by Master Zhang Yuanzhen. He asked him to go to Yellow Spirit Cave as soon as possible. The Master is eager to find him at this time. Could it be that something happened to Junior Sister Tang Zhi?

“Master? “I don’t know what happened, Liu Yueer hurriedly followed out of the shop, but Liu Yu had turned into a black spot in the sky, and her small face couldn’t help showing an anxious look.

“Junior Sister is she okay? After a stick of incense, Liu Yu inspired “Profound Blood Escape Ray” to fully display Sword Controlling Art and rushed to Yellow Spirit Cave. Seeing Master Zhang Yuan was really waiting at the entrance of the cave, he hurriedly asked.

” Come as a teacher! “Zhang Yuanzhen didn’t answer, turned around and went into Yellow Spirit Cave.

“Master, Junior Sister, what happened to her?” “Liu Yu followed Zhang Yuanzhen and quickly came to a Foundation Mansion stone chamber. I saw Junior Sister Tang Zhizheng lying flat on the floor of the stone chamber. He was shocked.

“damaged dantian, fainted. past! “Zhang Yuanzhen replied.

“Junior Sister is she seriously injured?” “Liu Yu stepped forward to see Tang Zhi’s face pale, and couldn’t help but panic, then knelt down and picked Tang Zhi up and asked anxiously.

“Don’t worry! Zhier’s damaged dantian was caused by the breakthrough “Danxin Point” bottleneck, which caused the shock of the counter-shock. After serving her medicine pill for her teacher, her life was worry-free! “Zhang Yuanzhen frowns said.

“Master, you mean Junior Sister, she succeeded in building the foundation? “Liu Yu asked in surprise.

“Well, although it is more dangerous and more serious than you were in the past, Zhier has indeed opened up the Purple Mansion. “Zhang Yuanzhen nodded, then said:

“You take Zhi’er back to Cave Mansion, take good care of it, and after a few days, go to your Ancestor Master for a Grad 5 “Rong Wang Shen Dan”, let After Chi’er takes it, and rests for a few years, he can recover completely! “

“very good! dísciple Junior Sister thanked Master! “Liu Yu breathed a long sigh of relief and thanked her eagerly.

“Go! “Zhang Yuanzhen smiled with joy. Zhi’er is the only bloodline of Junior Brother Tang Hao. He can develop Purple Mansion and build Dao Foundation. He is very pleased. If it weren’t for other sect disciples in the cave, he would go to see him now. Master “Daoist Profound Wood”.

Fifteen minutes later, Liu Yu hugged Junior Sister, who was in a coma, and rushed back to Profound Jade Cave. He cautiously placed Tang Zhi on the stone bed, and then Handing her a quilt, looking at Tang Zhi’s pale face, Liu Yu couldn’t help but feel distressed.

“Senior Brother! “Just as Liu Yu got up, Tang Zhi slowly eyes opened, stretched out her hand to hold Liu Yu, and said weakly.

“Don’t talk, take a good rest, Senior Brother will go to the dining hall to get your favorite drink. “Passion Chicken Soup Congee”! “Liu Yu put Tang Zhi’s little hand carefully back into the quilt. When Tang Zhi closed his eyes and fell asleep, she got up and walked out of the stone chamber, ready to go to Hundred Apricots Forest and the dining hall.

Behind him, lie flat. Tang Zhi closed her eyes, and a line of tears fell silently from the corner of her eyes!

“Holy! Look at you Martial Uncle! “Liu Yu came to the front hall of Cave Mansion, Zhang Kexin with a worried look on his face, exhorted.

“I see, Master! “Zhang Kexin solemnly nodded in response.

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