In a black and white mountain range, Liu Yu and Yu Feng Taoist stood side by side on an ancient tree in a “dark haze and poisonous forest”. This is where the entrance of Secret Realm appeared ten days ago. Location, in terms of time, Secret Realm will be closed soon, and the surviving sect disciple will also be transmitted by Secret Realm.

Yu Fengdao has a smile on his face. These days, he and Hyun Junior Brother Yù have hunted and killed many Spirit Beasts in this poisonous forest, including a Foundation Establishment Stage “Black Back King Bear”.

When you return to Beiluan City, you can easily credit tens of thousands of low-level Spirit Stones by selling the fur, flesh and blood and other spiritual materials you hunted.

This is also thanks to the “Jade Snake” Spirit Pet of Xuan Junior Brother Yù, with the natural keen sense of smell of snakes, in the dark and poisonous forest surrounded by dense fog, like a maze, Find exactly where Spirit Beast hides.

Otherwise, just because he and Hyun Junior Brother Yù have their eyes darkened, I can’t imagine how much I can gain in such a short period of time!

Compared with the relaxed face of Yu Feng Taoist, Liu Yu on the side browses slightly wrinkle and looks very worried. I think he is worried about the safety of the two disciples in Secret Realm, whether this trip can return safely , We will see the difference soon.

“It’s coming out!” Suddenly, there was a cloudy wind in the forest, and a twisted spirit strength vortex appeared. The vortex quickly dissipated, appearing out of thin air, and some silhouettes of Yellow Saint Sect dísciple appeared.

The Taoist Yu Feng first felt the abnormal spirit strength fluctuations in the several li, and then took out the sect jade order until there were one green light spot on it, and said.

“Why are there only nine people?” After seeing the number of green dots on the sect jade order, Yu Fengdao couldn’t help changing his color.

Ten days ago, there have been twenty sect disciples in the entrance since then. After Secret Realm is closed, as long as it is alive, it will be teleported to several li within the radius of this entrance.

When the sect disciple that was spread out, Liu Yu’s complexion got worse and worse, because the silhouettes of Zhang Tianci and Wang Ping were not seen in these dísciples, and sect Yuling said It just showed a green light spot, and it hasn’t rushed to gather.

“Wang Ping, can you see a godsend in Secret Realm?” When the last green light spot approached, Wang Ping’s silhouette appeared not far away, Liu Yu’s face was joyful and sad, and he immediately stepped forward Asked.

“Master, Junior Brother, didn’t he come out?” Wang Ping said with a frightened face.

“What happened?” Liu Yu hurriedly asked when he saw Wang Ping’s expression, apparently he had encountered a godsend in Secret Realm.

“On the first day Secret Realm was opened, dísciple reunited with Godsend, along with five other same sect senior and junior brothers, but soon encountered a group of lizardmen attacked, the leader is one The golden armor lizard warlord, dísciple lost to the other same sect senior and junior brothers, and broke out.”

“Although dísciple and the godsend escaped together, they received the golden armor lizard warlord and the few The red-armored lizard warrior pursued it. With the wind charms given by the Master, the lizardmen could not catch up for a while, but they didn’t want to meet another group of lizardmen soon and blocked the way.”

” There are too many lizardmen, dísciple and godsend can only escape away, but…” Wang Ping said intermittently, expressing grief.

“Just what?” Liu Yu asked anxiously.

“It’s just that the golden armored lizard warlord chased the Godsend Junior Brother. After getting rid of the chasers, dísciple returned to search for the Godsend Junior Brother, but found no trace. Later dísciple went around in Secret Realm. I asked about the Junior Brother Godsend, but I didn’t get the slightest news.”

“At that time, dísciple should attract the attention of the golden armor lizard warrior and let it chase dísciple. Then the Junior Brother would not. It won’t…” Wang Ping expressed excitement, pretending to be extremely self-blaming, his eyes flushed, and unspoken implication, no longer need to say.

“Hey!” He has been worried about the safety of the two on their trip, and never thought that something really happened.

God bestowed this child with a miserable life experience when he was a child, but after he grew up he was calm and cheerful. All these Liu Yu saw in his eyes. To be honest, he still values ​​this discipline Liu Yu very much.

But the world is unpredictable, I don’t want to fall so young, fortune plays with people! Liu Yu couldn’t help shaking his head heave a long sigh, feeling heavy, and didn’t think much about what Wang Ping said.

After half a month, the surviving conquest dísciple in Secret Realm boarded the “green goose” transport spirit ship and began to return to Yellow Saint Mountain. When he came, there were a full 200 conquest dísciple, but only 80 when returning. People were dead and injured, as were the other two cases.

But this conquest mission was considered successful. Several large tribal fortresses of the Lizardmen have been captured by Three Sects elite dísciple. The strength of the Lizard family is great injury.

From the fact that the lizardmen took the initiative to attack Three Sects in a single dísciple, and several lizardmen’s growing fortresses and other signs.

Although the expedition has suffered heavy casualties, it is timely and necessary. Otherwise, let the lizard clan in Secret Realm become strong, and in about a hundred years, Three Sects will completely lose this rare medicine-gathering site.

Some sect disciple leaned on the side of the ship and talked and laughed, which seemed very happy. Although the Secret Realm party was thrilling this time, many same sects fell.

But the survivors had their own plentiful harvest. They killed a red-armored lizardman in Secret Realm. All they needed to do was to cut off one right ear and turn in sect for 50 points.

The conquest dísciple that came out of Secret Realm alive, there are more or less a dozen lizardmen’s right ears in each storage bag. These are all contribution points, and this is not considered a conquering lizard. People tribe, a large number of spiritual materials picked.

In short, the surviving conquest dísciple, each with a smile, is a worthwhile trip.

Like most conquest dísciples, Wang Ping’s trip was also very rewarding. The red-armored lizardfolk only had 23 right ears.

In addition, Xiahoupian and other elite dísciple turned in sect, which recorded the last day of the capture of the large lizardman fortress. The “photographs” had outstanding achievements in battle. Therefore, Wang Ping has been promoted from the common disciple to the elite dísciple.

Furthermore, he captured this lizardman fortress and picked a lot of spiritual medicine such as “Breaking Void Grass” and “Seven Stars Flower” from the tribal medicine garden. Sect also rewarded him with a Clearing Heart Pill.

When his cultivation base reaches the Refining Qi Great Perfection, he can go to the Yellow Treasure Hall to collect it at any time before retreating and building the foundation.

Wang Ping looked at the ever-changing sea of ​​clouds outside the spirit ship, relaxed in his heart, and doubted Master not at all about the cause of the death of Junior Brother given by God.

The lie he told was half true half false, which is difficult to verify, or God’s will. At that time, none of the other four broke through the Secret Realm and became dead men telling the dísciple. no tales, this matter is completely hidden from the past.

“Junior Brother Wang, why are you alone here?” Xia Houpian was talking and laughing with a few of his good family members, and suddenly saw Wang Ping who was alone not far away, and stepped forward to greet him.

“Nothing to do, just take a look!” Wang Ping saw that the person was Xia Houpian, and replied with a smile.

“Let’s go, follow Senior Brother to gather there, and introduce you to a few Senior Brother friends!” Wang Ping saved his life. Xia Houpian had a good impression of this Junior Brother Wang, and Happy to get close.

“Then there is Senior Brother Lao!” Wang Ping was born in a poor family, not at all, but Xiahou Pian was willing to take him to make friends with these people, Wang Ping did not reject him, and immediately followed along.


“Woo, woo!” Zhang Kexin threw herself into Tang Zhi’s arms and cried bitterly. Tang Zhi didn’t know how to persuade Kexin, so she could only caress Kexin’s trembling back. , Hold her tightly and cry, don’t hold it alone.

Kexin and Godsend are childhood sweethearts. Godsends fell unexpectedly in Secret Realm. You can imagine how much pain Kexin is suffering at this time.

At the time when his father was killed, Tang Zhi also experienced the heart-piercing pain of losing a close relative, and could understand the panic and despair in Ke’s heart.

But apart from silent comfort, she had nothing to do. As soon as she returned to sect after the expiration of her post in Gangneung Taoist Temple, she heard the news of Martial Nephew Zhang Tianci’s fall. Tang Zhi was also very unhappy.

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