The guests coming from the square are eating and drinking. Although these lizardmen are the leaders of various clans, not all tribes are like the “Frost Clan” “It is so powerful, there are abundant food and water sources, especially sweet and pure water.

This desert is very poor. Except for the seven or eight large clans, such as Chenxi, Chisha, Horn and other inheritance ancient tribes, which have stable and clean water sources, other small and medium tribes are driven by water. Living, looking for water and prey, and living a safari journey without a fixed place.

There are only a hundred warriors among the lizard people and the small clans, and even some small clans have only 20 or 30 members. These small clans are distributed in every corner of this desert. They are between them for food. The main theme of this desert is the source of water, constant fighting, and the constant disappearance and rebirth of clans.

The lizardmen invited here at the moment are the leaders of all the large and medium clans in this desert. Even so, the clan leaders sitting here are not all “golden armor warriors”, a large part The leader of the medium-sized clan is just a certain “red armor warrior” with a relatively strong battle strength. The total number of “golden armor warriors” is only more than 20.

“Dear leaders! After a few days, those nasty robbers will come again. Longtan patriarch invited you to discuss how to deal with these strangers. I don’t know how to deal with these strangers. Is there a good strategy?” When the lizardmen were enjoying the food and clear water and watching the hot Frost clan beauty dancing, a golden armor lizardman standing by the campfire stood up and said.

This “golden armor lizard warrior” is the dark wind Glu, the patriarch of the original dark Feng Clan clan, and is now the four leaders of the “frost clan”, renamed Hanshuang· After the Darkwind tribe was broken by an alien, Darkwind Gelu took the remaining old and young clan of the Dark Feng Clan clan and merged into the Frost Clan.

All the lizardmen leaders on the square were silent. The atmosphere of the fiery bonfire party suddenly fell cold, and the lizard family was approaching the calamity once in a decade.

At this time, the patriarch “Horn Maman” of the Horn clan, a tall golden armor lizard warrior, stood up and helplessly said: “Every time a foreigner comes, he slaughters my lizard clan like a devil. It’s really hateful. Although these strangers are weak and thin, they all know sorcery. They are extremely powerful in their hands. Although our fighters are brave, they are not opponents. We often can only strengthen the defense of the Ministry according to the defense.”

The leaders of the lizardmen all fell dejected after hearing the words. The horn clan patriarch was talking about everyone’s sore spots. These strangers are too powerful. Even the clans protected by the golden armor lizard warlords are difficult to resist. A group of alien robbers together, how many clans died because of aliens, this is the lizard clan, endless nightmare.

“Although Maman patriarch is right, the foreigners are indeed powerful, but the last time our tribe was attacked, Longtan patriarch led tribal fighters to help and killed all the foreigners. It can be seen that these aliens are not invincible. Since Longtan patriarch has invited everyone here, there must be a plan. My dawn and wind listens to Longtan patriarch.” A golden armor lizard warrior stood up angrily and said coarsely. , Is the patriarch of Chenxi clan.

Last time the Dawn Clan was also attacked by a group of strangers, but unlike the Dark Feng Clan Clan, Frost Longtan brought people to rescue in time. Not only did Dawn Clan protect the Dawn Clan, but also all the strangers. All the people were killed, and the Frost Clan got the friendship of the Dawn Clan.

“That’s right! What’s the plan of Longtan Patriarch, that’s it, I also listen to Longtan Patriarch.” Another golden armor lizard warlord stood up, but Chi The patriarch of the Sha clan, the Chisha clan was also rescued by the Hanshuang clan last time.

“My people also listen to Longtan patriarch!”


“How to fight! Longtan patriarch, please say!”



Suddenly, the lizardman leader of the herd is full of fighting intents. In addition to his hatred of alien robbers, it is also out of trust in the Frost clan Longtan patriarch. The Frost clan has now It is the first clan in this desert. There are more than 400 warriors in the clan, and five golden armor leaders with the battle strength to crush each clan.

The Frost clan has won the support of all tribes. In addition to its strong strength, it is more admiration for the big leader of Frost Longtan. The Frost clan is led by Frost Longtan Frost Longtan contributed to the rapid rise from a small tribe to a region’s Overlord.

Although the Frost clan is strong in military force, it does not at all bully other clans. When foreigners come, it selflessly rescues other clans, not to mention, and never bullies weaker clans, but often takes out food. , To help some unsurvivable little clans, it can be said that Frost Longtan is the uncrowned king of all lizard people in this Desert.

“Lontan invited the leaders to come in order to cope with the coming of strangers. Everyone believed in Lontan so much, and Longtan was grateful!” Sitting in the center of Han The patriarch of the Frost clan Frost Rumtan stood up, thick golden scales covering his whole body, shining golden glow against the background of the campfire, his burly body was taller than all the lizardman leaders sitting on.

“According to my observation, every time strangers come, they are born out of thin air in every corner of Desert. The first is to find water sources, pick herbs, and then gather into gangs and harass them. Clan, break through the clan and plunder the clan medicine garden.” Frost Longtan said slowly.

“Yes, it is true!” said an elderly lizardman leader, and all the lizardmen followed nodded. Foreign people plundered the medicine gardens of the clans, it was as everyone knows.

“Does the Longtan patriarch want the clans to abandon the clan and let them attack the foreigners to plunder the medicine garden?” a young and energetic little clan patriarch said dissatisfiedly.

There are indeed some clans in Desert. In order to save their lives, whenever a foreigner strikes, they flee from the clan and allow foreigners to plunder the clan’s medicine garden. These foreigners have the hardship of clansman in the medicine garden. After planting the herbs, it is true that they rarely hunt down lizardmen.

But this is also the despicable act of a small and weak clan. The lizard clan has always been proud of being brave and fighting, and is extremely disdainful of this behavior of fleeing without a fight. This is the glory of the clan. The insults of ancestors, there are clan with a surname in Desert, even if the whole clan is killed, they would not choose this cowardly act.

Moreover, the herbs planted in each clan’s medicinal garden are used for body tempering of the warriors of the clan. If they are snatched by a foreigner and the herbs used to upgrade the warriors of the clan are lost, the clan’s battle strength will decrease. In this fiercely competitive Desert, this clan will sooner or later die.

“Fart, talk nonsense, squeeze your head off!” Sitting next to Frost Longtan was a scarred “golden armor lizard warlord”. He heard someone slander patriarch and stood violently. It was Hanshuang Sess, the second leader of Hanshuang.

“Seth, don’t be rude!”

Frost Longtan raised his hand to sit down with Frost Seth and said, “This brother misunderstood. It will only encourage the greedy plundering arrogance of foreigners. Our race and foreigners are deadly enemies. Longtan invites you all to kill these foreigners.”

Frost Longtan looked around all around Then he said: “After dozens of strangers have gathered together, it is really difficult to defeat, but why should we wait for these strangers to gather and attack? Why don’t these strangers just appear and they are alone. At that time, they will hunt them in a team?”

The lizard leaders couldn’t help but shine. Yes, why wait until the aliens gather into a gang to plunder the troops? Why not kill these strangers while they are alone?

“Yes, we are more familiar with Desert than foreigners!”

“Yes! How did I didn’t expect?”

“Long Tan said Extremely yes!”


Then everyone applauded!

“That’s good! When the leaders return to the Ministry, we will arrange the manpower to patrol the Ministry all around. When the foreigners appear, they will hunt the uninhabited strangers in teams.” The fighting intent was soaring, and Frost Longtan continued. This was also his purpose for inviting these clan leaders to come to the party.

“This plan is good, but when the clans send their warriors to hunt down lone strangers, it will be very dangerous if the clan’s clan is attacked by strangers.” The old old man The lizardman leader, not at all, applauded the crowd, and said after consideration.

Hearing this, the lizard leaders gradually calmed down. It is true that if the warriors of the clan send a part to hunt down single strangers, and the battle strength is insufficient, the troops will be attacked. Except for a dozen large and medium clans, there are more than 100 fighters in the clan, and some other medium clansman have very limited hands, mostly only 60 or 70 fighters.

“The old leader said that Longtan has also figured out a countermeasure. Before sitting down, the two or three clans next to each other can bring food, water, and With the clansman gathered in a block of defense. In this way, you can separate the manpower to hunt and kill the single stranger, and you can also leave enough fighters to protect the clansman of the clans.”

“If this happens and there is a food shortage in a clan, you can tell me that the Frost Clan will use part of the stored food to fund the ministries!” Hanshuang Longtan had already planned in his heart and said calmly.

“In this case, the Qiaoqiu clan is willing to listen to Longtan patriarch’s order to merge with other clans as a tribe temporarily!” The old lizardman leader said first. If the Frost clan has not risen, such a strategy will be fundamentally different. There is only killing between the clans, and there is never a saying that they will help each other.

“My clan is also willing to provide food and water to support other clans.” Chenxi clan patriarch Chenxi Fengzi followed, Chenxi clan is a big clan, after the last time a foreigner attacked, Chenxi clan So they are in alliance with the Frost clan, and there are nearly two hundred warriors in the clan, so naturally there is no need to group with other clans.

After Chenxi·Fengzi finished speaking, several other big clans also expressed their opinions one after another, willing to take out part of the stored food, and the group was excited for a while.

“In addition, you can temporarily accommodate some small clans around the tribal territory and increase the tribal battle strength. Every time foreigners come, these small clans suffer the most casualties! You should not refuse.” Hanshuang Long Tan continued.

“Although this is a good move, I am afraid that these little clans will have more concerns and will not accept goodwill!” The old lizardman leader of the Qiaoqiu clan shook his head and said, these little clans are afraid that their tribe will be Large clans annexed, many will not accept this move.

“No defense! Accepting or rejecting is the choice of these clans, facing the plunder of foreigners, how much can be saved, count!” Hanshuang Longtan said gravely. He also knows the unspoken implication of this lizard Elderly. Because of the constant struggle between the lizard clan for food and water, suspicion and estrangement cannot be dissolved in a short time.

But as long as the Frost clan is there, after a hundred years, the lizard clan living on this desert will sooner or later become the same tribe without the distinction of clans, and how many strangers will come to die by then!

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