In the next half a month, Liu Yu refined the blood of the rune and drawn the rune. Everyday all was very busy. He hurried out more than 400 charms of various levels, including the second and third levels.” “Air Shield Talisman” and “Body Protection Talisman” have the largest number.

These two types of charms are also the most proficient in Liu Yu’s mastery of talisman, with a charm rate exceeding 90%, and “scrap” is rarely seen.

Draw enough magic charms, Liu Yu went to the “Hundred Apricots Forest” and combined the prepared magic charms with the spoils of war of superior quality, and there was a Grade 3 In the storage bag, I sent it back to Yellow Saint Mountain and bought a batch of medicine pills by the way.

Two hundred “Growing Spirit Pill”. The Spiritual Qi in the Black Blood Valley is thin, and is used to normally replenish its own mana. One hundred “Unrestrained Blood Pill”, after using “Profound Blood Escape Ray”, it is used to adjust qi and blood. After all, Black Blood Valley is not a Peach Garden in the world.

Three hundred “Heishu Pills”, an Earth Element third-order daily cultivation medicine pill. The medicinal power is naturally not as good as “Wu Chen Dan”, but it is better than Liu Yu Refining Qi Stage before. “Hexin pill” is a bit better, and the price is not low, one pill sells for 120 low-level Spirit Stone.

On the 2nd day after sending the magic charm, Liu Yu set off again to the “Black Blood Valley” and was reminded by Huang Jian that Liu Yu only moved in the outer and middle levels of the central area, never approaching In the deepest valleys, we gather herbs, raise snakes, and catch “Essence” every two months, returning to the “Beiluan City” talisman.

Just like this, I went back and forth in Black Blood Valley and Beiluan City. In a blink of an eye, nearly five years have passed.

Liu Yu’s “Bagua Soul Gourd” has refined more than 500 “Essences”. The “Early Yin Demon Qi” stored in the bottle gourd has grown from a trace of gray smoke. A strand of white cloud snake has been condense.

According to the record in “Astral Fiend Taiji Hua Yuanshu”, the “Early Yin Demon Qi” contained in the five hundred heads of “Essence” within the body, plus one “Gang Yuan Sen” contains The “Chuyang astral qi” is enough to refining the “Dao Soul True Qi”.

After five years, Liu Yu finally caught a sufficient number of “Essences” and left the “Black Blood Valley” where the birds did not shit. After returning to Beiluan City, he immediately went straight I went to “Hundred Apricots Forest” and took out the Spirit Stone and bought a “Gang Yuan Ginseng”.

In the past five years of collecting medicines and the income from Yufulou, Liu Yu has accumulated a large amount of Spirit Stone and spent 1.8 million yuan on a low-level Spirit Stone to purchase a Grade 6 plant in full. After the rare spiritual material “Gang Yuan Shen”, there are more than 200,000 low-level Spirit Stones in his hands. Liu Yu wanted to return to Yellow Saint Mountain immediately and retreat to the comprehend “Astral Fiend Tai Chi Yuan Shu”.

But the time is close to the day when the “Black and White Secret Realm” opened once in ten years. Originally, this has nothing to do with Liu Yu. Liu Yu is already a foundation cultivator and can’t get in.” Black and White Secret Realm”, but this time “Black and White Secret Realm” is turned on, and the attitude of Three Sects is very different from usual.

In view of the heavy setbacks of the Secret Realm various sects herb gathering team last time, Three Sects decided to send a large number of elite dísciples into the “Black and White Secret Realm” to eliminate the lizardmen and avoid the lizardmen in the Secret Realm. The momentum was so great that Three Sects eventually lost this rare place for spiritual harvesting.

Two hundred conquest dísciples sent by Yellow Saint Sect have taken the sect spirit ship on their way to Beiluan City. Spirit Ice Palace and Myriad Medicine Valley have also sent out 200 sect disciples from various sects, even Spirit Beast Sect and Heaven Gathering Secret Sect, as if they had reached a tacit agreement with Three Sects, each sent hundreds of dísciples.

The entrances of “Black and White Secret Realm” are erratic, randomly distributed among the large and small “dark haze forests”. Each entrance can only pass 20 people.

So two hundred sect disciples need to be divided into ten teams, and each team needs one or two sect deacon familiar with the “black and white mountain range” to lead the team, and lead these dísciples to the “black and white mountain range” to find Secret Realm entrance.

As a result, sect’s manpower in Beiluan City’s foundation building cultivator was a little too busy, so Huang Jian found Liu Yu and wanted Liu Yu to be the leader of one of the teams to conquer the dísciple. People, Liu Yu has been collecting medicine in the “Black Blood Valley” over the years. He has rich experience in the mountains and is a good candidate.

Of course sect will not let Liu Yu work in vain and become the team leader. If he can lead a team of sect disciple to successfully find the entrance of Secret Realm and ensure that dísciple enters Secret Realm, sect will be rewarded with a one-time contribution of 2,000 points. Even if you fail to find the Secret Realm entrance, you will have 500 points of hard work.

The reward for this team leader’s mission is not unreasonable. Even so, Liu Yu deliberately avoided the matter because Liu Yu had already impatient and wanted to return to sect cultivation “Astral Fiend Tai Chi Yuan Shu”, but What made Liu Yu didn’t expect was that Zhang Tianci and Wang Ping, two of his own disciplines, also took over the mission.

Learning that Zhang Tianci and Wang Ping also participated in this conquest, Liu Yu had to be patient and took over the task of leader. When the two arrived in Beiluan City, they must ask carefully. Asked, why don’t you discuss it with his Master before making a decision after such an important matter?

A few days later, a group of people stood on the square of the Yellow Relay Station Courtyard. Huang Jian, Xia Houhe and other sect deacons, leading a dísciple, handyman, were waiting to carry 200 people to conquer the dísciple, a month ago Starting from the mountain gate, Liu Yu was also in the crowd with the arrival of the sect transport spirit ship to Beiluan City.

“Here!” Soon, two spirit ships appeared on the horizon. One hull was red as fire, and it was shaped like a flying phoenix soaring in the clouds. It was the fine spirit ship “Fire” of Shangguan Ming. Cloud Phoenix” is followed by the “Blue Goose”, a transporter with a broad hull and approximately five times the size of the previous one.

Two spirit ships flew over the Yellow Relay Station Courtyard square, a group of sect disciples filed out and fell to the ground from the hovering spirit ship, Huang Jian and Xia Houhe brought a dry dísciple, Handyman greeted him.

The dísciple who fell from the spirit ship were filled with surprise and excitement, just like Liu Yu was in Beiluan City at the beginning of the year. They were deeply shocked by Beiluan City’s huge city scale and spectacular scenery .

“Master!” Zhang Tianci saw Liu Yu in the crowd, and he took Wang Pingxin to bow and said.

“en! Follow the servants to arrange a rest in the wing, don’t run around, and come to find you for your teacher later.” Not seen for five years, Zhang Tianci and two of them are dressed, and their expressions are both stable Little, Liu Yu nodded, let the two of them go to rest with the servants.

Huang Jian and Xia Houhe have prepared a banquet in the “Hundred Fragrance Building” to build the foundation cultivator for more than a dozen of the same sect who came from the sect along with the transport spirit ship. Liu Yu didn’t know any of them, most of them were the children of Huang Family and Xiahou Family, but he had to go to the banquet. Who made Liu Yu also take over the task of leader.

During the banquet, cups were intertwined, after Liu Yu toasted a circle of wine in etiquette, he recognized his face with everyone, and seldom talked. He immersed himself in drinking and eating. The wine is not bad, it is the “Tosen wine” made from Grade 3 East immortal spirit rice and high-quality mountain spring.

The meals are also good, with more than a dozen spiritual dishes such as “treme fungus ginseng powder soup”, “steamed ginseng bear paw”, “crispy three-spot deer”, etc., which are full of flavors and flavors. This is a great opportunity to eat for free But not much, Liu Yu let go of eating, and can not speak without adding a word.

In the specific arrangements for leading 200 people to conquer the dísciple into the mountain, choose which entrances have a high probability of “dark haze and poisonous forest”, just listen to the instructions of Shangguan Ming and the others, and he will also insert There is nothing to say, even if you make a suggestion, it is nothing.

After the banquet was over, Liu Yu rushed to the housekeeping room of the Yellow Relay Station Courtyard to inquire about the residences of the two disciplines. It was a coincidence that the two were arranged in “Qianxue “The Garden”

It was the courtyard where Liu Yu lived when he first arrived in Beiluan City. I remember that there was a thousand-year-old plum tree growing in the courtyard, and the courtyard was full of fragrance in spring. Without a servant leading the way, Liu Yu walked around the contiguous courtyard, looking for a path to the “Thousand Snow Park”.

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