“Floating Cloud Escort Service” The main hall of the “Floating Cloud Escort Service” compound is full of people, and the spacious front and back courtyards are also full of tables and banquets. The main hall is set as a longevity hall, and the front is a picture The huge “Thousand Life Picture”, the three immortals of Fu, Lu and Shou are offered in the hall.

On the longevity table, there are gold ware, porcelain, longevity candles and other dry offerings, as well as longevity gifts such as longevity wine, longevity fish, longevity cake, and longevity peach.

There is a red carpet under the hall. On both sides of the hall, there are longevity screens and longevity couplets horizontally displayed. The longevity screens have immortal patterns. The longevity couplets are marked with congratulatory messages such as “Life is taller than the Nanshan Mountain and the East China Sea. , There is an Imperial Tutor chair under the hall, and the large seats arranged on both sides are all covered with red chair drapes and red cushions. The birthday star Master Liu sits on the Imperial Tutor chair in the main hall.

“Child Liu Yu, wish Sir Father every year today, every year and age, and longevity!” Liu Yu was wearing a silk brocade, kneeling down in the hall, sitting in front of him wearing a red longevity suit Liu Qing bowed his respect and then offered the birthday wine.

“Okay! My son is filial, and the old man is very pleased!” Liu Qing took the wine glass from his child, drank it, and said with a smile on his face.

“This is a gift from the child to his father. Two “Crane Shou Dan”.” Liu Yu took out two small wooden boxes with patina and handed them respectfully to Liu Qing.

This “Crane Longevity Pill” is very famous. It is a special Grade 4 spirit pill. It is made from the blood essence of “Thousand Longevity Crane” and hundreds of years of snow ginseng. It can strengthen the body. , To stimulate the human body’s potential to achieve the effect of improving the lifespan of the user. Not only can the cultivator be taken, this medicine pill is gentle and effective for secular mortals.

Liu Yu made a special trip to Hundred Apricots Forest before going down the mountain. It took a full 200,000 yuan of low-level Spirit Stone to buy two “Crane Pills” and bring them home to Taking this pill for the two elders, the life expectancy is not long, only about ten years. The most important thing for the two elders is to be able to become ill and get fit, so that the two elders can spend their twilight years in peace.

“Good!” Liu Qing accepted with satisfaction.

Next, some of Liu’s descendants, nieces, niece-in-law, grand-nephews, grandson-in-law, etc., came up to worship birthdays one by one. At the same time, birthday banquets also began to take place, one after another Steaming delicacies, a jar of good wine, along with a team of servant girls admitted to the hospital, were filled with the Eight Immortals’ birthday tables.

“The old man is celebrating his birthday today, and all the distinguished guests can come here, this Liu is grateful, this Liu will give you a drink first!” After all the younger generations bowed to their birthday, Liu Qing stood up and held up. The cup thanked the guests in the courtyard.


“Wish Old Master, a long and happy life!”

“Wish Mr. Liu, good health and prosperity!”

All the guests in the hospital raised their glasses and stood up, congratulating the birthday stars.

“this Liu many thanks Du Daochang came to wish my birthday!” Not long after the birthday banquet, Liu Qing carried Liu Yu and began to toast to each table. The first was the Asahara Taoist Master Du Daochang. Yu Family patriarch Yu Family patriarch, as well as Binh Duong Prefecture Governor Chen Prefecture Governor and other high-ranking officials sit at the wine table in the main hall.

“Master Liu is polite! Poor Daoist and Young Master are the same sect. Master Liu has his 60th birthday, and Poor Daoist is naturally going to ask for a drink.” Du Daochang stood up and said with a smile.

“Chun’er! Do you still like it?” When Liu Yu was toasting to the guests at the table with his father, the old man Ai Shi looked at him with a smile, and invited the close maid Chun’er. Whispered.

“en!” Chun’er is Mrs. Ai’s personal maid. She is eighteen years old, has bright eyes and white teeth, and she is very delicate and pretty. She glanced at the energetic First Young Master , Pretty face slightly red, silently nodded.

The banquet started at noon and ended at Youshi. During this time, the crowds were staggered and it was very lively. After the Youshi, the guests started to leave. Liu Yu took off in front of the door on behalf of his father, and the servants in the Fuzhong began to clean up the table and clean up. The courtyard was busy until the night when the house slowly returned to peace.

“en!” After saying hello for a day, Liu Yu was a little tired. After saying hello to the two elders, he walked back to his bedroom, but after pushing the door and entering, he found that the bed was sitting on the edge of the bed. The woman with red silk and phoenix embroidered hijab, this scene is a bit familiar, Liu Yu can’t help but frowned.

“Young Master! You are back!” The woman sitting on the edge of the bed said timidly.

“What’s your name?” Liu Yu sat down at the long table in the middle of the bedroom, poured himself a cup of sober herbal tea, and asked calmly.

“The servant’s name is Chun’er!” The woman’s voice was as crisp as an oriole, and she knew her age was still young. From the trembling sound, the woman was very nervous.

“Who asked you to come to the room!” Liu Yu took a sip of herbal tea and then asked.

“The lady asked the servants to come to wait for the Young Master.” The lady replied softly.

“Let’s go out!” Liu Yu guessed it was arranged by mother. These days, mother brought several young ladies from the county to see him. He wanted to arrange a marriage for Liu Yu, but they were all arranged by Liu. Yu refused.

“Chun’er, don’t have a name, if you can add a son and a half to the mansion, it will be Chun’er’s blessing!” The woman trembled.

“No, you should go back!” Liu Yu retorted severely.

“Young Master, Madam let…”

“Hey!” Liu Yu sighed, not at all. After listening to Chun’er, he got up and walked out of the room. He could understand Mother’s thoughts , Sanfang is just such a male. He has never married since he cultivated the Taoism. Mother must be anxious for fear that Sanfang would break the incense.

“Young Master!” Hearing Liu Yu walking out of the room, the little girl hurriedly called out to stay. After a while, there was no movement in the room, and the little girl took off the red hijab on her head and became aggrieved. After a glance, Young Master didn’t like her. After sitting still for a while, the little girl got up and went out of the room, and went to return to the woman.

“Fuzzy!” Not long after, Master Liu Qing learned of the matter and couldn’t help but complain to his wife.

“Yu’er, he has been in Immortal Sect for many years, and the boss is too young, but he has refused to marry. Your servant can only do this.” Madam Ai said with tears while sitting at the table.

“Hey! Since Yu’er has entered Immortal Sect, he can’t look at the matter of marriage in a worldly manner. Yu’er asks for the truth. We absolutely cannot delay his cultivation because of these worldly trivial matters! “Liu Qing sighed, persuaded painstakingly.

“If Yuer doesn’t marry all his life, after you die, how will your servant face Liu Family’s ancestors after death?” Madam Ai said with tears.

“Madam! How could you have such a thought, after Haoer and the others are not all Liu Family, they will continue the Liu Family incense.” Liu Qing stepped forward to patted his wife and said comfortingly.

“The big house and the second house have heirs, but we are the third house, and Yu’er enters Immortal Sect. How can this be good?” Madam Ai still did not solve the happy knot, and cried to Liu Qing.

“The big room and the second room are the same for Liu Family. Madam is too worried, let alone Yinger and Hao Yu.” Liu Qing frowned and said.

“How can it be the same.” Mrs. Ai is just an ordinary woman, inherited from generations, and divided into family. These worldly bad habits have long been ingrained in her heart. As she enters the curtain year, her heart is more and more anxious.

“Yu’er, I have embarked on Dao Road, Immortal Sect, there is Small Accomplishment in Immortal Sect, and it has long been a glorious ancestor. If one day, the road of achievement, our Liu Family will be regarded as the ancestors. How can Lie Zong blame you, madam! You are the one who worried too much!” Liu Qing painstakingly enlightened that his own Yuer is already a giant amongst men. This is the continuation of incense, so you don’t need to pay much attention to it.

“Besides, if the wife still can’t figure it out, Yinger, she is still young, let them have another husband and wife, and then they will go to the house.” Liu Qing saw that his wife was still crying, and she felt The thought for a long time came out.

“Then your servant will talk to Ying’er tomorrow!” Madam Ai was taken aback when she heard this, and she wiped away her tears after thinking about it.

“en!” Liu Qing was nodded, acquiescing to this matter, Yuer begged for advice, this secular marriage delayed his cultivation, so I won’t mention it in the future.

In the Thousand Burial Slope outside Jiuzheng County, Liu Yu is kneeling in front of an azure adobe stone tomb. A huge black stone stele is erected in front of the tomb, on which is carved:

The tomb of the beloved father Liu Li

My children Liu Xiao, Liu Jie, Liu Qingli

It is the tomb of Liu Yu’s late grandfather Liu Li.

“grandfather, grandson knows mother’s mind, but grandson is not filial. After embarking on this long life, he can only temporarily abandon these worldly things. I hope you can always understand!” Liu Yu The incense sticks in front of the grave, bowed his head and said.

“The Xuan family still has descendants, and the incense has not been cut off. Grandson also helped you pay off the Xuan family’s debt. You can rest in peace!” Liu Yu bowed his head and bowed before saying.

“Grandson has built the Dao Foundation and created the Purple Mansion. You are always relieved. No matter how twisty and dangerous the road to longevity is, you can rest assured that grandson will continue to move forward. grandfather your pains.” Liu Yu said with a bow again.

Liu Yu did not move and knelt in front of the tomb until the sky became white. Then he got up to remove the weeds all around the tomb, burned the paper money for a while, and then set off to return to the Liu Mansion and come to worship again. I don’t know how many years later.

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