“Hiss!” At this moment, this General silverback snake was wrapped in motionless, biting giant tree python, suddenly letting go to the sky and let out a painful neigh, which was actually a sword The light suddenly flew, and was submerged by the giant tree python’s soft abdomen at seven inches, and shot into the giant tree python’s within the body.

It turned out to be Liu Yu hiding in a big tree. Seeing that the female snake was dying, she was dying of her bite by the giant tree python, she could not help but move the compass, and the two snakes entangled each other, rolled over, giant tree As a result, the python exposed the weakness of its abdomen without scales, and immediately used “Sword Controlling Art” to take a sneak attack on the giant tree python.

When the sword light immersed in the giant tree python within the body, Liu Yu manipulated the “Snow Wind Sword” to wreak havoc on the internal organs of the giant tree python. The giant tree python screamed in pain, and the origin Qi erupted, and soon “Snow Wind Sword” forced out of the body, Liu Yu could not help but secretly thought: What a pity!

“Hiss!” The giant tree python screamed in pain again. It was the silverback snake that was dying and collapsed to the ground. It exploded with the last bit of strength and took the opportunity to bite the giant tree python’s weak scales. The neck was changed to a giant tree this time. The python was locked in its throat, and its body rolled violently, trying to get rid of the silverback snake.

But the silverback snake will not let go. Even though the spine of the snake body is broken by the brute force of the giant tree python, all the venom in the venom sac of the silverback snake’s head follows two deep spines. The fangs of the giant tree python’s body are all injected into the giant tree python within the body, and the venom flows rapidly to all parts of the body along the blood churning from the giant tree python.

The “giant tree python” rolls and breaks away less and less, as if losing strength, and gradually loosened the body of the python that was tightly wrapped around the silverback snake, and collapsed on the ground like mud, venom Is quickly taking away the vitality of the giant tree python.

After a stick of incense, the giant tree python has completely become a corpse. The python body is bent flat and collapsed on the ground, the head tilted sideways, and the green ink liquid is left out.

The mother snake just opened her mouth and she collapsed flat on the ground. Except for the occasional slight shaking of the snake’s head, the body of the snake was already motionless. The little white snake rushed to the mother snake’s side and kept rubbing against the mother with her body. The snake clings to the head of the snake on the ground, and the snake vomits and makes “sizzling and sizzling” sounds, making it very anxious.

“Hey! Hey!” Liu Yu saw this, jumped down from the big tree, slid down to the clearing, and the little white snake immediately jumped out, the body of the snake stood up and stood in front of the female snake. , The triangular snake head is high, and the snake letter vomits at Liu Yu, obviously warning Liu Yu not to come near.

“Hey!” At this moment, the female snake raised her head slightly, spitting out a snake letter, as if she was in a summon white snake, the little white snake immediately turned back and swam back to the female snake’s side, the female snake lightly believed it Licking the little white snake.

The two snakes kept sizzling and sizzling. During the period, the mother snake looked up at Liu Yu and looked at Divine Idol as a dying mother.

I saw the female snake gently pushing the little white snake with her head toward Liu Yu’s direction. The little white snake twisted the snake’s body on the spot. The head looked at the female snake, and then at Liu Yu. When the mother snake made a “sizzle and hiss” sound, as if urging the little white snake, then the little white snake swam slowly towards Liu Yu.

Or it was destined in the dark. When the little white snake swam near, Liu Yu actually squatted down and stretched out his right hand toward the little white snake. The little white snake lightened its head. It rested on Liu Yu’s palm, and after a while, it swam along Liu Yu’s arm and onto his shoulder.

“pèng! “The female snake struggled to raise the giant snake head, and kept staring at Liu Yu and the little white snake until the little white snake swam on Liu Yu’s shoulder, then closed a pair of snake eyes, the snake head was weak When it fell, fiercely hit the ground, and the female snake had already overdrawn the last trace of life.

The little white snake immediately rushed out of Liu Yu’s shoulders and swam to the side of the female snake. The snake’s head kept pressing on the female snake with her eyes closed, as if trying to awaken the female snake from a deep sleep. But the female snake did not make any response this time.

“Hey!” Liu Yu stepped forward and placed his palm on top of the female snake’s head. The Spiritual Consciousness dived into the female snake within the body, and found that the female snake’s soul had disappeared, and there was no vitality. She couldn’t help hooking the head.

“Li!” Suddenly a long roar resounding through the sky came from the sky. Liu Yu looked up and found a huge black eagle flying in the sky at an unknown time. This black eagle was a little weird. , There are three eagle claws growing under him, circling around the glade continuously.

Liu Yu immediately took out the “Snow Wind Sword” and stared at the three-clawed black eagle hovering overhead. The black eagle’s blood pupils stared at the two giant snake corpses in the clearing from time to time. Claw Black Hawk must be attracted by the bloody smell of two pythons.

“giant tree python” and “silverback snake” are both Foundation Establishment Stage Spirit Beast, although both have lost their vitality, but the two snakes died soon, the breath is still there, the birds and beasts within several li , Already scared away by the huge movement of the two snakes.

This three-clawed black eagle is not afraid of the terrifying aura emitted by the two snakes. It dared to fly and peek. It should also be a Foundation Establishment Stage Spirit Beast, so Liu Yu had to be careful.

“en! This black eagle seems to have been seriously injured?” Liu Yu observed carefully and found that this three-clawed black eagle had a huge laceration in the abdomen. Although the wound was bleeding and scabs, it was still dripping with darkness. red blood beads.

In addition to this huge laceration, all parts of the eagle’s body are also bloodstained with messy hairs, and the left wing of the eagle seems to have been severely injured, making the eagle look extremely difficult to fly.

As Liu Yu had guessed, the three-clawed black eagle that suddenly appeared in the sky was indeed seriously injured. It was the one that was chased by Xiahou Wu and Huang Tianhao. For two days, the “Three-Clawed Eagle” was exhausted.

In the meantime, the eagle was chased and blocked by two groups of people several times. If the two groups hadn’t tripped each other, the “three-clawed flood eagle” had repeatedly escaped. This “three-clawed flood eagle” Already dead in the hands of Xiahou Wu, or Huang Tianhao and the others.

Even if it escaped repeatedly, the “Three-Clawed Flood Eagle” continued to have new wounds on its body, and the injuries became more and more serious.

The “three-clawed flood eagle” hovered, and a pair of blood-eyed eagle eyes stared at the corpses of two giant snakes, “giant tree python”, “silverback snake” and “three-clawed flood eagle” They are all kings in Secret Realm. They have met each other before, and no one can do anything about it. The flesh and blood left by the two snakes is extremely attractive to the “three-clawed eagle”.

Especially at this time the “three-clawed eagle” is seriously injured, stomach rumbling with hunger, if it can swallow a large amount of snake meat, not only can it quickly recover its physical strength and injury, but it can also nourish and enhance its own Bloodline Strength.

But the foreign “monkeys” standing on the ground holding a sharp blade are exactly the same as the foreign “monkeys” who were seriously injured and hunted down.

These weird “monkeys” have been seen when the “three-clawed eagle” was a young eagle hiding around. They will suddenly appear in the jungle every very long time. , And disappeared out of thin air.

These foreign “monkeys” are very dangerous. In the long years, the “three-clawed water eagle” relied on instinct to hide away from these “monkeys” every time they encountered them.

“Li!” After a loud cry of the eagle, the “three-clawed eagle” circling several times, driven by instinct, swooped down and launched an attack. The “three-clawed eagle” was too injured. If it can’t eat a full meal of snake meat, it will die from its injuries soon.

“go!” Liu Yu sees this and immediately displays the sword art, the mana is injected into “Snow Wind Sword”, “Snow Wind Sword” flashes out, turning into a sword light and shoots at the three-clawed black eagle Go, it’s too late, it’s fast, only hearing the sound of a golden chirping “clang”, Xue Wind Sword was caught by a huge claw of the black eagle.

I saw a layer of azure aura on the huge claws of the black eagle. As soon as I squeezed it tightly, the “Snow Wind Sword” burst into several segments, and then continued to dive towards Liu Yu quickly. .

“en!” Liu Yu’s eyes suddenly went black, and his face turned pale.

“Snow Wind Sword” has Liu Yu’s soul-dividing mark. The use of the Imperial Sword Art is also through Spiritual Consciousness, linking the soul-dividing mark inscribed in the sword to be fast and flexible Operate Flying Sword.

“Snow Wind Sword” was suddenly destroyed, and the soul-separating mark collapsed, causing Liu Yu’s soul to receive a strength of Backlash instantly.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth to support the bursts of tearing and tingling from the Mud Ball Palace, picked up the little white snake with one hand, and displayed “Profound Blood Escape Ray” at the same time, turning over and avoiding the black eagle in a thrilling manner. He fluttered and jumped to the edge of the jungle.

The “three-clawed flood eagle” missed a hit, not at all, then pursued it. Instead, it used three huge sharp claws to grab the body of the female snake at the same time, and it soared to the sky. Take away the body.

“Hey!” The little white snake immediately sprang out of Liu Yu’s hands and swam quickly towards the three-clawed black eagle, but the three-clawed black eagle has been lifted into the sky. The little white snake naturally cannot catch up, but The blood shadow passed the little white snake and caught up with the three-clawed black eagle that was struggling to lift off.

Liu Yu aroused the “Profound Blood Escape Ray” to the limit, increased the movement speed several times, jumped away, and instantly jumped directly below the three-clawed black eagle. The three-clawed black eagle was hanging the body of the female snake at this time, and the speed was too slow for Liu Yu.

Liu Yu left and right hands each holding a purple charm, which is exactly two “Lightning Palm yuan charms”. Now Liu Yu has reached the tenth level of Refining Qi, and Soul Power has increased by a few percent. Two “Lightning Palm meta symbols” can be activated at the same time.

I saw Liu Yu’s left and right hands each grabbing two groups of “purple light thunderballs”, and instantly pressing them on the huge wound on the abdomen of the Black Hawk, hitting two “Thunder Palms”.

With a muffled sound of “Boom”, the black eagle’s abdomen burst open, and flesh and internal organs were splashed. The black hawk uttered a long and painful cry that resounded through the sky, fell straight down, and hit the ground hard. The body collapsed in the lower half, the blood dyed red grass, and after shaking for a while, there was no movement.

Liu Yu fell back to the ground and immediately drove the spirit strength to suck the remaining blood essence of the Black Hawk into the “Beast Blood Bottle” so as not to be wasted. The blood essence of the Foundation Establishment Stage Spirit Beast is a good thing.

Whether it is swallowing refining, increasing cultivation base, or tempering fleshy body, or refined into “rune blood”, drawing high-level amulet is very useful, the price is not low.

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