After the withdrawal of Heaven Gathering Secret Sect, a great battle disappeared. The Lord of the Spirit Ice Palace “Fairy Fairy” immediately ordered Direct Disciple to treat the wounded and clear the battlefield. It was too dangerous. , Sect nearly a thousand dísciple were killed and injured. If it weren’t for Senior Feng’s timely arrival, this battle would be dangerous.

“Xuanjiu Fairy” could not help but relaxed. Although the casualties were heavy, but fortunately everything was over. Ariake Senior Feng was in charge, Heaven Gathering Secret Sect would not dare to attack again. Sect has survived this extinguish sect crisis.

“Xuanjiu Fairy” also let go of the restless heart for more than a month.

“Senior Sister, do you know Senior Feng from “Concise Moon Immortal Sect”?” At this time, Spirit Ice Palace Third Elder “Xuan Shui” flew to Fairy and asked curiously.

“I don’t know it!” Fairy shook the head, not at all. To be honest, she actually met Changsun Hao several times, which is considered to be acquaintance, and it was Snow Mountain on this day.

“It should be Martial Uncle Jiangming Senior Feng invited. How did Han Luan Martial Uncle and Ming Senior Feng know each other? You said, would they be a pair?” Spirit Ice Palace Third Elder “Xuanshui daoist”, with a gorgeous face and plump body, a pair of peachy eyes rolled around and asked in a low voice.

“Stop guessing!” Xuanjiu Fairy glared at the side “Xuanshui” Junior Sister, and said angrily.

“Senior Sister, you must know if it is right, tell me quietly!” Xuanshui daoist held the Xuanjiu Fairy’s hand facelessly and said gossiping.

“If you are idle, go and help “Xuanhe” Junior Sister to treat the injured dísciple. If you talk nonsense, let the Martial Uncle shut you down.” Fairy shook the Xuanshui daoist. Said with a face.

“Senior Sister, you must know, hmph!” Xuanshui daoist panting with rage flew away, not forgetting to look back at Xuanjiu Fairy.

Actually, Xuanshui daoist guessed right. Xuanjiu Fairy does know some inside information. It is clear that Senior Feng will come to the rescue not far from ten thousand li, and it should be Hanluan Martial Uncle’s invitation, but Ming Senior Feng and Han Luan Martial Uncle are not the kind of relationship that Xuanshui Junior Sister thought, but the fallen sect former Elder “Hanyang Senior”.

Ming that Senior Feng came to Snow Mountain several times, and all he saw were “Hanyang Senior”. For the last time, he also gave Hanyang Senior a bottle of “crossing water” to help the cold duck Senior Transcending Tribulation Huaying, this “crossing the water” refining can increase the chance of turning a child by 10%, which is a priceless and unique rare treasure in the world.

However, the “Hanyang Senior” fell under the catastrophe of Huaying more than two hundred years ago. If Hanyang Senior could successfully Transcending Tribulation, how could Snow Mountain be besieged today? Shame, Heaven Gathering Secret Sect, if you dare to cross the black and white mountain range one step, you can ask for it Dry North Grasslands barren.

As for the relationship between Hanyang Senior and Ming Senior Feng, Xuanjiu Fairy is not very clear about it. Only Hanluan Martial Uncle knows about it.

But every time it is clear that Senior Feng comes alone and avoids others, Hanyang Senior also has an extremely cold attitude, sometimes not seeing him, often after driving away Senior Feng, he falls alone in grief. Tears should be a bad fate.

In a secluded pavilion on the top of the ice magic peak, Hanluan and Mingfeng sat opposite each other. In the pavilion, there is a set of tea sets on the White Jade Stone table, and the ruby ​​tea cup in front of them rises. A curl of tea smoke.

Most of the restrictions on the “Cold Yuan Ice Field Array” of Snow Mountain in the sky have been closed, and snowflakes have fallen again outside the pavilion, and the pavilion has been covered with a thick layer.

“Huiyue Mountain is too far away from Yun Prefecture. After receiving the message from “Soul Words”, it was delayed by the sect affairs for a few days, but it was a few days late and almost missed Come on. The war is so critical, you should inform me earlier.” Chang Sun Hao said with some fear.

“Spirit Ice Palace owes you a favor this time! Thank you!” Han Luan Daoist stood up and helped Chang Sun Hao pour a cup of hot tea, thanking him. If the mountain gate was not surrounded and the situation was too critical, how could Han Luan Daoist use that “soul talisman” and owe him a favor.

“I promised Hanyang, forget it, don’t mention it!”

When Changsun Hao saw Hanluan daoist face turned cold, he hurriedly turned the words and asked inexplicably: “How did the war break out in Yun Prefecture? It’s not that Four Sects is strong, how did the war develop like this? Because Heaven Gathering Secret Sect hired some “Samsara Palace” personnel?”

Zhang Sun Hao On the way to Yun Prefecture, especially after entering the mainland of Yun Prefecture, he heard the news of various fiascos of Southern Mountain Four Sects along the way. According to his understanding, the total strength of Southern Mountain Four Sects should be stronger than Heaven Gathering Secret Sect and Spirit Beast Sect. How could it be defeated so tragically, Spirit Ice Palace was even beaten to the gate.

“About half a year ago, Heaven Gathering Secret Sect and Spirit Beast Sect suddenly declared war. After the war, Four Sects was restrained everywhere. They and “Samsara Palace” should have colluded secretly, far more than a superficial employment relationship. , There must be an ulterior conspiracy.” Han Luan frowned and recalled that the Great Desolate Valley was broken by ghosts, Sword Sect “Yuwen Chengtian” fell inexplicably, and the huge financial resources consumed during the battle of Heaven Gathering Secret Sect were all abnormal. Then he said firmly.

“Oh! You mean, “Samsara Palace” unites Heaven Gathering Secret Sect and Spirit Beast Sect. If you want to occupy Yun Prefecture, is there any evidence?” Chang Sun Hao immediately put down his tea cup and asked carefully.

“Although there are weirdness everywhere in this war, they acted secretly. “Samsara Palace” on the surface only hired those people, and there is no confirmation.” Han Luan daoist shook the head, helplessly said.

“”Samsara Palace” has risen extremely fast for thousands of years, and has always hidden its edge. It is said that its headquarters is located in the depths of Leaving Wind Sea, but “Turning Rain Sect” was destroyed and its strength was exposed. Zhong All the Great Sects in Prefecture are vigilant and vigorously suppress the “Samsara Palace” strongholds in the sect. Several cases headed by “Zhengyiyi” have even removed all the “Samsara Palace” strongholds in the territory and openly regard them as enemies.” /p>

“”Samsara Palace” has been hit hard in the territory of Zhong Prefecture, and it is very possible to target Yun Prefecture and want to set Yun Prefecture as its foothold. Yun Prefecture hangs alone in the corner of Zhong Prefecture , And coming to Leaving Wind Sea again, it is very suitable for the “Samsara Palace” such a dark organization to hide and develop in secret.” Chang Sun Hao thought for a while and said analytically.

“No wonder Heaven Gathering Secret Sect and Spirit Beast Sect suddenly got into trouble. It seems that they have been planning for a long time with Samsara Palace and want to divide Yun Prefecture.” Han Luan Daoist couldn’t help but feel palpitations, said.

“Don’t worry! Since their conspiracy failed this time, then you don’t have to worry too much. After this battle, all forces in Zhong Prefecture will pay attention to Yun Prefecture, and “Samsara Palace” dare not renew the incident. I will go to the “Zhengyi” to tell the matter, let the “Zhengyi” come forward and warn Heaven Gathering Secret Sect and Spirit Beast Sect, not to have anything to do with the “Samsara Palace”, and I will hire Spirit Stone. No.” Changsun Hao said after considering it for a moment.

“Even so, the two sects secretly and “Samsara Palace” will definitely collude with each other.” Han Luan Daoist said with a cold face.

“Although this is the case, it at least makes them scrupulous and dare not to collude on the surface. Let’s not talk about the next thing, Heaven Gathering Secret Sect has retreated, what are your plans now? , Is it peace?” Changsun Hao said with a sip of tea.

“Four Sects is not well prepared for this battle, and has been conspired everywhere. So far, the various sects dísciple have suffered heavy casualties. We can only stop the war and negotiate, and wait for Three Sects to recover before revenge.” Han Luan daoist has long been Think about it, clenching one’s teeth and said.

Although the grandson Hao came to support, due to the identity of “Concise Moon Immortal Sect”, he could only deter “Samsara Palace” and could not directly attack Heaven Gathering Secret Sect. Four Sects now only has Three Sects, whose strength is greatly reduced, can only proceed with peace talks first, and then fight after Three Sects recovers.

Four Sects was defeated in the case of superior strength. The main reason was insufficient preparation and lack of preparation. Not at all transformed Four Sects’ financial and material advantages into battle strength. In contrast, Heaven Gathering Secret Sect and Spirit Regardless of the consequences, Beast Sect vigorously exploited various resources in the territory and ordered multiple “psionic battleships”, which has already been preparing for this life and death battle.

After the truce and peace talks, as long as you give Three Sects enough time to recuperate, expand your armaments and prepare for war, you can convert the materials and financial resources of Three Sects into battle strength. The next time you fight, you will surely be ashamed.

“Then I will accompany you to negotiate with the “Coiling Dragon King”, lest “Samsara Palace” have actions in secret.” Long Sun Hao nodded, also agreed, and he will return to Hui soon. Yue Shan, this time concealing his wife “Yun Xi”, came to Yun Prefecture for an excuse and couldn’t stay long.

“So, will it be wrong? If the old bald donkey really goes to Huiyue Mountain to file a lawsuit, forget it! You don’t need to come forward, they are missing the manpower hired by “Samsara Palace”. If you don’t have the upper hand, if you don’t want to be calm, let Yellow Saint Sect lead your troops to join in. If you fight again, see who can’t hold it first!” Hanluan daoist put down his teacup and said with a cold voice, wanting to come to Tianluo this winter It’s not going well.

“It’s okay! Let him go to Huiyue Mountain.” Chang Sun Hao said indifferently. Because of this little incident, Sect Elder can really punish him, at most he will give him an explanation on the surface. Confine yourself for some time.

“Thank you Fellow Daoist first!” Han Luan Daoist raised his teacup and said that he replaced the wine with tea. The best way to promote peace talks is that the Three Sects have broken the foundation. If both sides suffer, then I don’t know how long it will be to recover the vitality of sect.

Long Sun Hao smiled and toasted and took a sip, hesitated for a moment, and finally tentatively asked: “The face of that person is a bit like a cold duck. You call her the female disciple of “Rong Er”, who is she? ?”

“My new dísciple, what do you do?” Han Luan said daoist face turned cold.

“Can I meet her?” Changsun Hao not at all gave up. The female disciple named “Ronger” was too similar to Hanyang, and continued.

“You are right, Rong’er is your daughter, and Hanyang gave birth to her for you before Transcending Tribulation.” After a moment of silence, Hanluan Daoist knew that he couldn’t keep it from, and said sadly.

“Rong’er! My daughter!” Long Sun Hao dumbstruck for a moment, with mixed feelings in his heart.

“Hanyang, why did she hide it from me.” Long Sun Hao asked bitterly after came back to his senses for a long time.

“Hanyang younger sister told me, don’t let you know, she is so stupid! I persuaded her not to give birth to Rong’er, but she just wouldn’t listen.” Hanluan daoist grieved Then he looked towards Changsun Hao coldly and said, “Why are you hiding? What can you do now? Do you dare to take Rong’er back to Huiyue Mountain? hmph!”

“It’s me Sorry for Hanyang, I’m sorry Rong’er, can I see her?” Long Sun Hao suddenly became speechless, bowed his head and dared not look directly at Han Luan Daoist’s eyes, and said in pain.

After a long time, Han Luan daoist sighed then said, and couldn’t bear to say: “I kept telling Rong’er that she was an orphan. Rong’er didn’t know about it, and I would let you meet Rong’er. , But you can’t recognize her, that will only bring endless pain to Rong’er.”

“I know! Everything is my fault!” The grandson Hao silently nodded, and he was old instantly. Shao, even if it is his own flesh and blood, he does not dare to recognize each other, it is really self-inflicted.

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