Tuobayan wielded a pair of short-handled lion-head round hammers the size of a grinding disc. His left hammer smashed the “Ghost Crow Blade” that Hu Yanshi had smashed, and his right hammer carried the wind and thunder. According to Hu Yanshi, he smashed his head and face. With a “hong” sound, he smashed the ground out of a huge hole. Hu Yanshi had already dodged and avoided.

“Shoo, hoo!” A small sky-splitting sound came, Tuobayan turned around abruptly, two hammers protected the door, twelve starlights struck, and five shots at the lion head circle On the hammer, a fire star splashed, and seven shots hit Tuoba Yan’s body, and was bounced off by the astral qi, which was as solid as a stone.

These twelve starlights are actually twelve sharp petals, and the twelve petals fly back to the endlessly rotating shuttle tail with deep blue aura. This shuttle is shaped like a strange fish called “fish “The Demon Shuttle” is a rare Grade 5 high-level Spiritual Artifact.

“Match-and-Mother Shuttle” is controlled by Liu wonderfully, wandering around Tuobayan all around, and launches a sneak attack at the right moment. Liu Zhenmiao knows that his own cultivation base is insufficient, so he dare not get close. With an assist, he took out this “fish-monster son and mother shuttle” far away.

This Lingshuo is of high grade and extremely sharp, which makes Tuobayan have to guard against it. He and Tuobayan are evenly matched in strength, and no one can take advantage. After being restrained by the shuttle, The hands and feet are blocked, this battle has fallen into a disadvantage, the offense is less and the defense is more, very frustrated.

With a loud bang of “peng”, suddenly three moon-shaped True Qi cuts flew one after another, and Tuoba Yan was hitting, shaking up a cloud of sand and dust, and the sand was scattered, and Tuoba Yan was generous Three sword wounds were left on his back, and the gushing blood had stained his entire back.

Azure Flower walked slowly with the “Prime Clear True Yuan Sword” in his hand, and another powerful enemy came. Tuoba Yan looked overcast and thought that he couldn’t stay here anymore.

Tuobayan is very confident in his own battle strength. At first, he wanted to use his own strength to drag him until the reinforcements came, but didn’t expect Samsara Palace, the three leaders, each was different Shanxi, the two clan brothers were not rivals at all, and were quickly killed.

Especially the bald guy who fought against him, his strength was not inferior to him.

Although he has already sent out a request for help, he also knows that Shangguan Senior Brother Ming has a fourth-order Spirit Beast “Cloud-piercing Eagle”, which is very fast, but he can’t make it in a short time. He is already trapped. The three of the opponents encircled and couldn’t hold on for long, so they could only try to break through as soon as possible, otherwise it would be really dangerous.

“Ah!” Tuoba extended loudly roared and performed the trick “Bear King Change” in “Violent Bear True Art”. All the muscles bulged up one by one, the body doubled and turned into a humanoid violence Bear.

Within the body “air pockets” are fully open, the turbulent True Qi penetrates the whole meridian, and the crimson “body protection astral qi” grows violently, like a red flame soaring into the sky.

“hmph! Want to go? Seven evil tyrants. Open!” When Tuoba Yan, who was transformed into a human bear, rushed towards Hu Yanshi, Hu Yanshi stood still and turned on within the body. Cavity, which penetrates all the veins, enters the unique state of “mad spirit overlord body”, “body protection astral qi” condenses into a raging black flame, just like Demon God is present.

With a loud noise of “Boom”, the two fiercely bumped into each other, the lingering black smoke “Ghost Crow Blade” and the huge lion head hammer hit hard, a violent psionic energy The huge wave exploded, and the ground collapsed in circles centered on the two, and a huge pit was cracked.

“Clang, clang, clang!” Tuobayan and Hu Yanshi fought in close combat, the sound of Jinming continued, the air blades flew, mountains bursting and ground splitting, and the rolling sandstorm enveloped the entire seat In the mine, only countless afterimages can be seen in the sand and dust. Both Liu Zhenmiao and Azure Flower are a little bit unable to get involved, and their physical training has entered a state of “mad spirit supreme body”, and the actual battle strength is too terrifying.

Physical cultivation is different from Dharma cultivation. In addition to opening up the “Purple Mansion”, it also needs to condense the entire body. Refining Qi Stage requires access, tempering Twelve Standard Channels, and fifteen collateral channels. Meridian, so that dantian True Qi can circulate to all parts of the body, forming a unique energy.

After completing the “Tongjin” of Refining Qi Stage, you can condense the various acupoints around the body according to different cultivation techniques at the Foundation Establishment Stage. The acupuncture points that are successfully condensed are just like a small dantian, which can generally accommodate a large amount True Qi forms the spirit strength “Vortex”, which can be called “cavitation” at this time.

In this way, the Foundation Establishment Stage not only can mobilize the vast True Qi in the “Purple Mansion”, when the Foundation Establishment Stage is training against the enemy, it can also extract the True Qi stored in the “Qi ***” for a long battle.

When physical training opens the “cavitation” of the whole body, its own battle strength will increase geometrically. Not only will the defense of the “body protector astral qi” double, but the attack and speed will also be greatly enhanced, which is extremely terrifying.

Cultivation World calls this kind of violent state unique to physical training as the “Cultivation World”. Fortunately, the True Qi that each “cavity” can hold is compared to the dantian “Purple Mansion”. Far from it, this violent state cannot be maintained for too long.

But even so, the battle strength generally speaking of the same level of physical training is much stronger than the law, unless the law is cultivation. Cultivation technique, spell rank out of the ordinary, or huge Magical Artifact body protection with formidable power, or both life and death battles, the one who died is usually the cultivation.

After a stick of incense , Tuobayan and Hu Yanshi have not yet distinguished the outcome, and the entire mine is already in ruins. The wood house is broken, and the ground is pitted. Liu Zhenmiao and Azure Flower dare not get close to them. They are far away. Assists, but the effect is very small, which is not painful to Tuoba Yan.

Although Liu Zhenmiao’s “Match and Mother Shuttle” is of high grade, her own cultivation base is only Foundation. Establishment Early Stage, can’t exert all the formidable power of this shuttle, and can’t break the body protection astral qi in the state of “Mad Spirit Domination”.

Azure Flower cultivation base although there is Foundation Establishment Middle Stage cultivation base, the continuous sword energy emitted by “Prime Clear True Yuan Sword” is also very powerful, but it only consumes more of Tuoba Yan’s True Qi, which is also affected by Chi Yan Soaring body protection astral qi, all blocked, Hu Yanshi is the strongest threat to Tuoba Yan.

Tuobayan’s eyes are red, and his bulging muscles are like pieces of cold iron. His body is huge and looks quite infiltrating. At this time, he is very anxious, and he wants to rely on his “mad spirit tyrant body.” The state rushed out of the siege, but the big bald man was full of violent baleful qi, and his battle strength was amazing. He kept stopping in front of him, firmly blocking his way.

“Huh, huh!” Tuobayan gasped for breath, and opened the “Mad Spirit Domination Body” for a long time, which has consumed a lot of his physical strength and True Qi, the True stored in the meridian “cavity” Qi is also about to run out. For example, after the “Frenzy Overlord Body” is over, he still can’t rush out of the mine, but he really will die here.

“Not good!” A terrifying spirit condensed on the top of his head, Tuobayan’s complexion suddenly changed, and the two hammers were immediately lifted above his head, and a thick thunderman dropped from the sky, smashing into Tuobayan On the twin hammers, lightning flashed, and the terrifying Thunder Strength exploded, shocking Tuoba Yan’s fleshy body, immediately scorching the fur, and the whole body was like an ant bite.

In the distance, Azure Flower held a thundering curse in both hands, and it was her True Yuan that broke out. After a long time of storage, she sent out a high-level spell “Sky Thunder”, a violent Power of Heavenly Lightning. Tuobayan turned on the “Crazy Spirit Overlord Body”, which was a little overwhelming, and the fleshy body was immediately injured.

Ink blade glow attacked, Tuoba Yan was struck by the sky thunder, and his body was numb, unable to move even a little bit, and he could only move within the body True Qi, and pour all into the astral qi “, chose to resist this blade glow. After the blade light flashed, there was another heavy kick. Tuoba Yan was kicked directly and knocked down a pile of ore before he stopped.

The “Ghost Crow Blade” cut a huge stab wound on the front of the chest. The bones were deeply visible, blood was pouring, and several ribs were kicked off. Tuobayan was hit hard in an instant and fell to the ground. .

Hu Yanshi will naturally not let go of such a good time. He jumped up, filled Changhong with his breath, and struck the collapsed Tuoba Yan, Tuoba Yan spit out. With a mouthful of black blood, he suddenly threw a lion head round hammer in his hand and slammed it directly at Hu Yanshi who had been hacked by the knife.

Hu Yanshi had to give up the attack and turned around to dodge. At this time, Tuobayan’s thunderbolt paralysis weakened, and he immediately resisted his whole body injury, turned and jumped up, holding the remaining lion With a round hammer, a hammer knocked the Azure Flower into the air, and rushed to the bottom of the cliff without looking back.

“Don’t chase Mad Cliff Fellow Daoist! It’s not a good place to stay here, business matters!” When Hu Yanshi was about to chase his knife into the mine, Azure Flower stopped him and said, deep in the Yellow Saint In the hinterland of Sect, the reinforcements of Yellow Saint Sect may arrive at any time, or flying is the best policy early.

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