“Father, we will go out a few more times in the future, maybe we can catch another Snow Koi, and then we will change to a jade pendant like Daddy.” Lu Pingxing, excited To say.

“Snow Koi is a spiritual object, not a cabbage. How easy is it to catch, silly boy!” Lu Yong was amused and scolded.

“Father, take out your jade pendant and see what is different.” Lu Pingxing hehe said with a smile.

Lu Yong took out a red kit from his arms, took out a white jade pendant and handed it to Lu Pingxing. After Lu Pingxing took it, he placed it in his palm and compared it with the wooden spirit pendant he had just obtained to see the difference.

This white jade pendant is the same size as the wooden spirit pendant, with a portrait of Fairy Jianyue carved on the front, and an array of gossips engraved on the back, with the word Lu Yong in the array. It’s just more refined than the wooden spirit pendant, and the Fairy portrait is more realistic.

This white jade pendant is also a kind of Jianyue Spirit Pendant, but it is more advanced. In addition to the simple body protection function, long-term wear can also strengthen the body. The jade spirit pendant is carved by Azure Field White Jade. Azure Field White Jade can emit a natural jade qi, which has the magical effect of Cultivating Body Strengthening Essence after being absorbed by the mortal body.

Jade Jianyue Spirit Pendant is very rare and will only be given to pilgrims who have made significant contributions to Taoism. Lu Lao Han, this jade Jianyue Spirit Pendant, was only obtained by luck.

Lu Yong is a fisherman who was born in Hongyan Village next to Fusha Lake. All the villagers in the village live by fishing. Lu Yong is considered a good hand in the village. Every time he leaves the boat, he is plentiful harvest. He knew where the water was urgent and where there might be fish in the huge Fusha Lake.

Lu Yong clearly remembered that year, the world was drizzling that day, and many villagers were reluctant to leave the boat. Lu Yong simply ate breakfast and then swam towards the lake with his small fishing boat.

Fusha Lake is extremely vast, nearly eight hundred miles wide. At this time, the lake was covered with a thin layer of rain and fog, and only a calm boat by Lu Yong was seen on the surface of the lake.

Lu Yong is standing in the stern of the boat, wearing a sash, his hands flushed and he is struggling to hold the Penny forward. It’s winter, and the drizzle is freezing on the face. Lu Yong’s sallow face was filled with wrinkles and a sad face.

Lu Yong has two daughters and has always wanted a son, but has not been pregnant, but Lu Yong died of sorrow.

For this reason, Lu Yong often goes to Gaoyang Taoist Temple to pray for incense, hoping that Fairy Jianyue can bless him to have a son in his later years.

Lu Yong is just an ordinary fisherman and his family is poor. I often go to Taoist temples to pray for blessings and donate a lot of sesame oil money, making it even more embarrassing. But Lu Yong clenched his teeth and insisted. He was usually frugal. It was harder than anyone else to leave early and return late for fishing.

Because Lu Yong is an only son, the old Lu Family’s incense is pointed at him to pass on from generation to generation. He is nearly fifty years old and there is still no son under his knees. How can he not be in a hurry? Lu Yong was afraid that the old Lu Family would run to Gaoyang Taoist Temple as soon as he had spare money in his hands.

Lu Yong put down the bamboo draft, the canoe slowly floated forward with the current, picked up the heavy twine fishing net, first soaked it in the lake water and soaked it, lifted it up and trimmed it, and then cast it on the lake. It turned into a large circular net and spread it on the water surface, slowly sinking. When the fishing net sank to the bottom of the lake, Lu Yong slowly pulled up and slowly gathered the fishing net.

After the fishing nets were gathered, Lu Yong began to pull upwards forcefully, feeling the weight of the fishing nets in his hands based on experience. Lu Yong’s face showed a loss of color. The fishing nets were too light. This net could not produce much, at most Three or two small fishes.

The fishing net slowly surfaced, and as Lu Yong had guessed, a few small fish were scattered on the net. Lu Yong tried to lift the entire net out of the water, ready for the next net.

Suddenly, there was a splash of water on the surface of the net, and a splash of water splashed. Lu Yong was happy, this is a big fish entering the net! Lu Yong quickly squeezed the fishing net in his hand and suddenly lifted the entire fishing net out of the water.

In the fishing net, a big red fish is bouncing in the boat. It is covered by the fishing net and can’t jump high. This big fish weighs ten jins, and looks very plump. The body of the fish is red with white patterns on the body, like snowflakes printed on it.

Lu Yong suddenly shivered and rushed forward, pressing down on the big fish, revealing the color of surprise, looking extremely excited. The big fish caught was exactly the same as the rumored “Snow Koi”.

Lu Yong couldn’t believe it, he caught a “Snow Koi” from his own net and slapped himself, not dreaming, Lu Yong gave a smirk.

In Fusha Lake, there is the spirit fish “Snow Koi”. Occasionally a fisherman catches it and presents it to Gaoyang Taoist Temple to receive rich rewards from Gaoyang Taoist Temple. A large amount of silver taels and a jade Jianyue Spirit Pendant will be given. You can also make a wish to the Taoist temple, and the Taoist temple will try its best to satisfy it.

Lu Yong has heard of this biography since he was a child, and it is true. Ten years ago, a fisherman in Yulin Village not far away caught a Snow Koi and gave it to Gaoyang Taoist Temple and received a lot of rewards.

Lu Yong is still thinking about fishing, holding a small fishing boat excitedly to the pier on the edge of Gaoyang Taoist Temple, not even returning home. When I arrived at Gaoyang Taoist Temple, it was identified as Snow Koi by Immortal Master.

Lu Yong dedicated this Snow Koi to Taoist temple on the spot, and made his long-cherished wish to Immortal Master, that is, he wants to have a son in his later years so as to continue the Lu Family incense.

Immortal Master expressed his understanding. After Yun Gong inspected Lu Yong’s body, he bestowed Lu Yong two spirit pills. One pill named “Child-Delivering Pill” is for Lu Yong. Immortal Master guarantees that after taking this pill, he will give birth to a precious child. One pill named “Protecting Pregnancy Pill” was instructed to take Lu Yong home and give it to the old wife at home. It has excellent health benefits.

Snow Koi, Rank 2 low-level Spirit Beast, no offensive, natural water-preventing technique, swimming extremely fast in the water, difficult to catch.

Snow Koi is delicious and can be eaten directly or used as medicine. And Snow Koi within the body contains a koi essence, which can greatly melt the Qi and recognize the pulse after being absorbed by eating, and help the cultivator to quickly promote from Refining Qi 4-Layer to Refining Qi 5-Layer.

Because of its mysterious characteristics, Snow Koi is so rare that it can often sell at sky-high prices when visiting the market. Gaoyang Taoist Temple will release its promise and give a lot of rewards to those who offer Snow Koi.

Immortal Master not at all broke their promise, the couple got pregnant with Lu Pingxing soon after taking medicine pill. After this incident, Lu Yong believed in Gaoyang Taoist Temple more and more, and he would go to sacrifices during the holidays.

“Father, let’s go in!” Lu Pingxing played the jade pendant and said to his father, which interrupted the memory of Old Man Lu.

The two followed the crowd into the Felicity Dining Hall. Felicity Dining Hall is the cafeteria of Gaoyang Taoist Temple. All Taoist food is served by Felicity Dining Hall. In addition, Felicity Dining Hall also provides free fast food for pilgrims who come to pray for blessings, one lunch and one meal each in the afternoon.

Felicity Dining Hall is built with blue bricks and red tiles, spacious and bright, relatively simple, not as magnificent as other Taoist palaces. The Felicity Dining Hall has a huge inner hall, full of tables and chairs. The long tables and benches are neatly integrated, which can accommodate thousands of people at the same time.

At this time, nearly half of the tables and chairs in the hall were filled with pilgrims, which was very lively. Old man Lu took Lu Pingxing, first came to the front hall, and lined up to receive the vegetarian meal. The front hall is the kitchen, separated from the inner hall by a wooden wall. There are dozens of windows on the wooden wall, and pilgrims can receive a delicious vegetarian meal from the windows.

Today’s fast food is very rich, with a bowl of white porridge, two yellow buns, and a plate of pickles. The old man Lu took Lu Pingxing in a light car and quickly received the vegetarian meal. The two of them were holding wooden trays and found an empty seat to sit down, preparing to enjoy this exquisite vegetarian meal.

White porridge is boiled into a thick form of millet, steamed with yellow buns and served with hot and sour pickles. All around pilgrims eat with keen interest pleasure. Normally old man Lu can’t afford to eat this kind of refined food, he eats coarse noodles, wild vegetables and the like, and he can only be extravagant during the holidays.

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