Water Margin Immortal Path

Chapter 085 The Death of the Arrow God Part 1

The distance between the inner city and the outer city is only a stone's throw. It was originally used to ambush enemies. If an enemy deceived the city or captured the outer city, they would close the inner city gate and kill them with arrows. Now that the North City Gate has been captured, Wu Song and Gongshu Yanran climbed onto the outer city wall of Qingzhou City and looked inside. They saw that the inner city was smaller than the outer city, but the defense was tighter.

Lu Da, Li Kui and other generals led the city-breaking army to launch an attack. As soon as they stepped onto the edge of the inner city, they didn't expect that there were steel-wheeled fire cabinets buried in the soil. They would explode when stepped on, causing many casualties.

There was another rain of arrows on the inner city. Ruda and Li Kui quickly withdrew their troops and returned to the outer city wall.

"The steel wheel fire cabinet is not difficult to break, but the area here is small and it is not easy to launch a battlefield." Gongshu Yanran stood on the city wall, looked at the distance between the two cities, and said: "If we attack with force, I am afraid there will be heavy casualties. "

Lu Junyi, Zhang Qing and others also boarded the tower at this moment and stood beside Wu Song. Lu Junyi heard this and said: "It is better to trap them in Qingzhou, surround them in the city, and starve to death."

Zhang Qing smiled and said: "They did not starve to death, but we starved to death first. An army of more than 20,000 people consumes a lot of food and grass every day. In my opinion, it is better to tear down the outer city wall to facilitate the attack."

Wu Song looked at the handsome flag flying high in the inner city and said: "It will take too much time to demolish the outer city wall. If Song Jiang, Chen Xizhen and others come to help, the situation will be a little bad."

Gongshu Yanran said: "Then we will build trebuchets overnight. Only five hundred trebuchets can destroy the inner city. Not even a tile will remain!"

"This is a massacre!"

Wu Song shook his head and said: "There are tens of thousands of people in the city. Who can shoulder this responsibility?"

All the generals and Gongshu Yanran were silent. Li Kui said from the side: "It's better to use the Iron Buddha to capture the inner city tower!"

Luda shook his head and said: "It's probably useless. That woman Liu Huiniang is extremely clever. Once the Iron Buddha is used once, she will see its flaws."

Li Kui didn't believe this evil and asked Wu Song for help. Wu Song had nothing to do, so he targeted him and said: "Tieniu, if you see that the opportunity is not good, sneak back quickly!"

Li Kui laughed and said, "I'm under the Tiefu Tu. What can the people on the tower do to me?" He immediately ordered a hundred soldiers carrying gunpowder bags. Push to the iron pagoda. He stepped on the pedal and rushed towards the inner city tower.

There was no steel-wheeled fire cabinet on the road between the inner city tower and the outer city tower. The Iron Buddha successfully arrived in front of the inner city gate. It was still more than thirty meters away from the city gate. Suddenly, the city gate was wide open and two rows of gunmen were standing there. In the city gate, they opened fire without any explanation, killing and injuring an unknown number of officers and soldiers.

The musket ignited the explosive package again, triggering a chain reaction and exploding one after another. The huge iron pagoda was also lifted into the air!

Li Kui hurriedly ran back, with two big axes standing upright behind him, and the shotguns kept banging, hitting the axes with a clanging sound.

A young general on the tower noticed a flaw between Li Kui's axes. He shot an arrow. He shot it between two large axes and hit him in the butt. Blood flowed for a while. Li Kui dragged the arrow on his butt back to the outer city, raised his head and shouted: "Which hidden arrow hurt your grandfather?"

The young general on the tower in the inner city drew his bow and sneered: "Zhu Yongqing, a certain Yushan Lang!"

Li Kui pulled out the arrow from his butt, pressed the axe, and shouted: "Hitting someone with a hidden arrow is nothing, but do you dare to come down and fight with your grandfather?"

Zhu Yongqing sneered and ignored him. Wu Song summoned Hu Sanniang and Zhu Biao and said, "I pity Zhu Yongqing because he is a fierce general, and I don't want to kill him. You can try to recruit him to surrender, so that there will be no distinction between familiarity and distance on the battlefield."

Hu Sanniang and Zhu Biao stood on the city tower hand in hand and said loudly: "Cousin Yongqing, people will not fight against the sky. Master Wu was ordered by the emperor to conquer the traitors. Yu Li, brother, you should also abandon the darkness and turn to the light and be loyal to the Holy One. Yu Qing, We are your cousins, and you should not help outsiders to deal with your own people! My good brother, as long as you are promoted to the Imperial Guard, not only will you not be guilty, but you will have great merits, your family will be honored, and your ancestors' graves will be crowned with green color! If you continue to persist in your obsession, you will never want to enter the Zhu family ancestral hall after your death!"

What she said was so reasonable that Liu Huiniang's heart tightened. She quickly looked at Zhu Yongqing and said to herself: "If he surrenders to the bandits, should I kill him or not..."

Zhu Yongqing said loudly: "Chen Daozi and I are kind to our family. Do my brother and sister-in-law want me to be an unjust person? When I help Chen Daozi, I am honest and righteous. When I resist the bandits, I am kind and loyal." . The martial thief is cruel and unscrupulous, and he is a great treacherous minister! Only by killing him can this time be restored, and the world be at peace!

Brother and sister-in-law, you might as well betray the camp of the martial bandits and abandon evil to do good. In the future, we will overthrow the martial bandits and eradicate the traitors in the court. You and I are both heroes. In the future, our family will be glorious and our ancestors' tombs will be filled with smoke! "

When Hu Sanniang saw that he not only refused to listen, but also tried to persuade them to surrender, she couldn't help laughing and said: "I've heard for a long time that you talk about warrior thieves and silent warrior thieves. Wu Guoshi has a nickname in the world, which is called Timely Rain. If he really deceives Shengting, what's the matter? Can you have such a famous name? I dare to ask my cousin, what kind of reputation does Chen Xizhen have?"

Zhu Yongqing's tone paused and he said: "The leaders of the Song Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Song Dynasty were called Baoyi by the people in the world, which is no less elegant than Shiyu! The leader Chai Jinchai was known as Xiao Mengchang in the world, and his reputation was even more frightening. Although senior Chen Daozi was in the world His name is unknown, but his character and moral character are unparalleled."

"After all, he is a person who has never done any good deeds. Otherwise, why is he unknown?" Hu Sanniang spoke quickly and immediately grabbed his sore feet and said: "The rebel Song Jiang is called Baoyi, what have you done? You just If you can give me an example, I will surrender to the Song thief!"

Zhu Yongqing thought for a long time, but he really couldn't think of Song Jiang's benefits. He just heard Hu Sanniang laugh and say: "Everyone talks about making money, but he accumulates bones and wastes. Wu Guoshi has never done any bad things. Are you deliberately rebelling and trying to ruin his reputation?" A Biao and I saw it with our own eyes and heard it with our own ears.

Who is Song Jiang? He is just a small official with a sharp pen. He usually accepts bribes, takes people's money, talks about evil things as white things and deer as horses in the yamen, and does all kinds of evil things. This kind of scum could actually become the second leader of Qingyun Mountain. It can be seen that Chen Daozi is not a good person! "

After hearing what Hu Sanniang said, Wu Song raised his thumbs at her and said to himself: "Sanniang is very talkative. In the blink of an eye, I became a good person! But then again, I really haven't done many bad things in these years, at least eighty Concubine Bafang definitely doesn’t do other things like bewitching Shengting, but she often does it..."

Zhu Yongqing was silent for a long time, and Liu Huiniang's heart was in her throat. Jiuwen Long Shijin shouted from the side: "Zhu Yongqing, I have always respected you as a good man, but I didn't expect that you are related to a general among the warrior thieves. It turns out you are a spy for the military thief!" Pick up a gun and kill him.

Deng, Xin, Bi, Zhu, Dong, Suo and other generals. If anything blocks Zhu Yongqing's retreat. Xu Huai, Xu Qingniang and others secretly prepared spells, and as long as Zhu Yongqing nodded, they would kill him in one fell swoop.

"Everyone stop it!"

Liu Huiniang stopped everyone and whispered: "Brother Zhu, if you surrender to the martial bandits, I won't blame you, after all, we are familiar with each other. Just go, I will never harm you behind your back!"

Zhu Yongqing shuddered and glanced at Jiuwenlong Shijin next to him. He said resolutely: "Even if she has lotus blossoms in her mouth, she will never let me betray my benefactor!" After that, he pulled out an arrow feather and said: "Zhu Biao, there is such a kindness between you and me. There is such an arrow!" A sound. Break into two pieces!

Shi Jin, Xu Huai and others then turned from anger to joy. Jiu Wenlong smiled and said: "If you don't hesitate, how can I kill you? Brother, don't blame me, don't blame me!"

Zhu Biao and Hu Sanniang stopped persuading and said, "On the battlefield in the future, you and I will live and die, so as not to smear the Zhu family!"

Liu Huiniang also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Zhu Yongqing: "I heard that you have an engaged woman in the bandit army, named Chen Liqing, who is the daughter of Chen Daozi. Chen Liqing was bewitched by the bandits and killed several of my generals. I wish you a better brother. , you can persuade her to abandon the secret and turn to the light, I will never pursue it, and I will even say a few words of kindness to her in front of Uncle Chen. "

After hearing this, Jiu Wenlong stared at Zhu Yongqing with suspicion, glanced at Dong Ping and others, and several people surrounded him again.

Zhu Yongqing was shocked. He had been engaged to Chen Liqing since he was a child, but he had never met her. When he asked his father-in-law on the mountain, Chen Xizhen hesitated and said that Liqing was a girl and it was not convenient for him to meet people. At this moment, I heard that Chen Liqing had taken refuge with the martial thief. In order to practice the evil skill of harvesting yin and replenishing yang, the martial thief fell into the hands of Chen Liqing. You can imagine the consequences!

"Hui Niang, who is Liqing? I am her husband. I am trying to persuade her to surrender. She will surely come happily!"

Liu Huiniang wanted him to completely break away from the warrior bandits and said with a smile: "I heard that sister Liqing has been blessed with a pair of magical eyes since she was a child, and her archery skills are unparalleled in the world. You can shoot an arrow at the woman next to the warrior bandits. If anyone can stop it, Then you will know who sister Liqing is."

After hearing this, Zhu Yongqing took hold of the bow in his hand, shook his head and said: "This bow has only the power of one stone and cannot shoot to the opposite side." Liu Huiniang ordered her to bring up a reinforced compound bow, and saw that the bow was made of pure steel and was full of weird things. The texture is like tadpoles swimming one by one. It is a compound bow with secret rune formation added. The bow alone weighs thirty kilograms.

Liu Huiniang took out another barrel of arrows. The arrows were black and had been quenched with dove poison. Seeing the blood sealing her throat, she smiled and said, "Look at Brother Yongqing's archery skills!"

Zhu Yongqing raised the bow and said: "It's so heavy!" He strung the arrow and pulled it hard with his right arm, and praised: "It's so heavy!" He stretched the compound bow to a full moon. When his fingers relaxed, the arrow chased the wind and the moon. Pan Fei shot out, and in the blink of an eye he crossed the distance of an arrow and arrived in front of Gongshu Yanran!

Gongshu Yanran and Wu Song both had expressions on their faces, but at this moment, they only heard the sound of a string, and another arrow flew out without any warning. It collided with the poisonous arrow with a clang and fell into the dust!

Zhu Yongqing hurriedly looked at the archer and saw only five female generals. He didn't know who they were, so he drew his bow and shot again. At this time, he saw that the poisonous arrow had not flown halfway, and was shot down by the leading female general.

Zhu Yongqing was overjoyed, threw down his compound bow, and shouted: "Sister Liqing, I am your husband..." Before he could say the word "husband", he saw the female general and the four girls next to her bending their bows and shooting arrows, and they all shot toward When he shot, Zhu Yongqing quickly lowered his head and lay down under the battlements. Unexpectedly, an arrow shot too fast and took away a piece of his scalp. The hair bun and scalp were shot without a trace.

Zhu Yongqing was shocked and angry. He stuck out his head and shouted to Chen Liqing: "You murdered your husband. This little bitch really became the concubine of a martial thief!" Chen Liqing scratched her head in confusion and said to Guihua and others: "What murder of your husband?" ? "

Osmanthus smiled and said: "That man is an unobstructed man. He talks in a vague way. If you are serious, you have lost your mind!" She raised her short bow and pointed at Liu Huiniang and said: "That woman is the military advisor of Qingzhou City. She is so powerful. The four of us sisters were given to her by Xu Huai in an attempt to assassinate Gongshu Military Advisor."

Mint said: "If we can kill her, Qingzhou will be at peace!"

Buddha's Hand and Rose laughed together and said, "It would be better if we could kill our old master!"

Chen Liqing glanced at Liu Huiniang and said with a smile: "I'm worried that I won't be able to accomplish anything." She immediately picked up an arrow, pulled the strengthened iron-armed bow round and shot it!

Chen Liqing's arrow was faster and harder than Zhu Yongqing's. With a roar, she came to Liu Huiniang. However, the arrow failed to kill Liu Huiniang. A huge steel giant suddenly rose in front of Liu Huiniang. The arrow It only hit the giant's chest and penetrated half a foot, leaving only one arrow feather.

When the generals saw each other, they all turned pale when they saw each other, but when they heard the drums beating loudly from the thieves, countless officers and soldiers shouted in unison: "General Chen's magic arrow!"

Liu Huiniang stood up and said with a smile: "Liqing, I am your cousin, do you want to kill me too?" But Chen Liqing didn't say a word, and quickly shot two arrows, one in front was slow, and one in the back was slow. It was fast, but its accuracy was terrible, and it actually flew above the inner city tower.

The arrow at the back caught up with the tail feather in front, and the two arrows collided. The first arrow immediately spared the machine man and shot towards Liu Huiniang with a whoosh. The giant stretched out his hand and grabbed the arrow in his hand, but his arm was caught. The force on the arrow moved one foot.

Liu Huiniang looked at the tip of the arrow that almost penetrated her eyeball, and a drop of cold sweat slowly flowed from her forehead.

The arrow from behind turned downwards and suddenly shot into Xu Huai's forehead!

Xu Huai was hit by an arrow on his head, but his expression remained unchanged as he pulled out the arrow without a trace of blood.

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