Water Margin Immortal Path

Chapter 001: Time traveled, my brother’s name is Wu Dalang

In the eighth year of Jiayou's reign, Emperor Renzong died, and Emperor Shenzong succeeded to the throne. The country was named Xining. In the third year of Xining, Wang Anshi worshiped the phase change method and implemented the New Deal in order to enrich the country and strengthen the army. In this year, the country was in chaos, and monsters often appeared in the countryside. Su Shi, a great scholar, wrote a letter to remonstrate, using the monsters to insinuate Wang Anshi's chaos in the government, and was reprimanded by Shenzong.

Su Shi returned home and expressed his annoyance to his servants. The clerk's surname was Gao Mingqiu. He wrote good articles and was highly appreciated by Su Shi. He thought that if Wang Anshi did not fall, it would be difficult for Su Shi to get ahead, and it would be even harder for him to get ahead. So he asked Su Shi for a letter and went to meet the Prince Consort, the Commander-in-Chief, and got acquainted with King Duan. After King Duan succeeded to the throne, Gao Qiu also became famous.

Let's say that just this year, a strange thing happened in Qinghe County, Hebei Province, which caused the villagers to talk about it vividly. It was late at night that day, and thousands of purple thunders fell from the sky, killing countless livestock. One of the thunder and lightning fell on the head of the Wu family's child.

The strangest thing is that the boy was hit by a thunderbolt and did not die. He just became a little stupid and suddenly ran into the street, shouting: "Time traveled, time traveled!" The neighbors were stunned. None of them knew what he meant, so they spent a lot of effort to catch him, tie him up, and hand him over to his brother's custody.

On the second day, the shouts of killing pigs were heard again in the small yard of the Wu family. The neighbors hurriedly ran over and saw the young man riding on his brother, waving his fists and hitting him on the head and face, and kept mouthing. Said: "Who is the elder brother and who is the younger brother?"

The Wu family brother shouted: "Don't fight, don't fight! You are the elder brother and I am the younger brother..."

"Then I'm not Wu Dalang? Why am I not Wu Erlang? I'll beat you to death..."

The neighbors hurriedly stepped forward, separated the two brothers, and joked: "Dalang, you have been living in vain for several years, and you can't even beat your younger brother!"

Wu Dalang smiled and said: "This guy is so strong, how can I be better than him?" He said to the young man who was as strong as a calf: "Second brother, you have been making trouble for a long time. Today our cooking cakes are sold again." It’s not possible.”

The young man glared: "You still dare to call me second brother?"

Wu Dalang quickly smiled and said: "You are my younger brother, so naturally I have to call you second brother. Could it be that you want to be the eldest brother?"

"I won't be the big brother, I will be poisoned to death..."

The young man squatted in the corner, drawing circles, and murmured: "The folk customs in the Northern Song Dynasty are so strange. My elder brother actually called me younger brother, second brother, which made me think I was Wu Dalang... Could it be said that I have time traveled to Wu Song? Let me tell you." I think about it, how did I die... It seems that someone cut off my hand when I followed Song Jiang in the expedition against Fangla, and then I died in a monk's temple... I can't remember who cut off my hand? Science students really have no advantage..."

When the neighbors saw him, they whispered to Wu Dalang: "Go and ask a doctor. I'm afraid Erlang has been possessed by a demon."

Wu Dalang ran out quickly and invited Dr. Li from the county. Doctor Li drove everyone out and diagnosed for a long time. He couldn't find anything wrong. He pondered for a moment and said, "Erlang, what is one plus one?"

After a while, everyone saw Dr. Li rushing out of the yard with his face covered, running away in tears. No one knew what had happened.

Wu Dalang walked into the courtyard uneasily and asked: "Second, second brother, what's wrong with Dr. Li?"

"He gave me an arithmetic problem, and then I also gave him a calculus problem. He couldn't figure it out, so he cried." The young man murmured: "It's terrible to be uneducated..."

"Second brother, are you really not crazy?"

"I'm not crazy. After all, I am also a science major. Don't think of me as a fragile liberal arts student."

"Second brother, you are indeed possessed by a demon, and you are talking crazy things again!"

"Believe it or not, I'll beat you up?"

Since Dr. Li's diagnosis and treatment failed, Wu Song has become more and more abnormal, at least in Wu Dalang's eyes. This brother kept talking about "glass making, steel making, TNT explosives" and other inexplicable things all day long. After a few days, he became depressed again and drew shirtless circles in the yard.

"It's really terrible to be uneducated. If I had known that I would have studied seriously when I was in school, now I can't remember those formulas!"

Wu Dalang looked at him worriedly, and suddenly saw something behind him, and couldn't help but wonder: "Second brother, when did you get a tattoo of a tiger on your back?"

Wu Song, let's call him Wu Song, anyway, he was so confused in his previous life that he simply abandoned his previous identity and lived a new life. —— He touched his back and said, "Where is the tattoo?"

Wu Dalang hurriedly went to the house to get a bronze mirror, and looked at his back. Wu Song looked back and saw that there was indeed a tiger tattooed on his back, with a white forehead and hanging eyes, looking like it was descending from a mountain to eat people. It was extremely ferocious.

To the left and right of the tiger picture, there were two lines of small characters. Wu Song took a long time to identify them.

"Just like a tiger lying on a deserted hill, its minions are lurking and endure it!"

When Wu Dalang heard him read this sentence, he felt a cold murderous intention coming out of his bones. He couldn't help but shuddered and said quickly: "Second brother, this picture is ominous. You'd better find someone to wash it away quickly!"

Wu Song remained silent. If his memory was good, these two sentences should be anti-poetry written by Song Jiang. How could they appear on his back?

He couldn't help but be stunned. He had inexplicably traveled to this world, which seemed to have a lot of weirdness, especially the sentence behind it, which violated the laws of history. Could it be said that at this moment, history has changed?

Wu Song didn't know that at the moment he traveled through time, the monster factor in the body of the most ferocious god among the one hundred and eight demons had begun to awaken. The unfixed history was, at that moment, full of endless variables, and a vast and turbulent world of immortals unfolded for him.

"I can't do anything like glass-making, steel-making, or TNT explosives. It seems I will have to live an honest life from now on."

Wu Song sighed, and suddenly thought of something: Why do we have to make steel and explosives to promote the industrial revolution?

Time travel itself is the strangest thing, so strange that technology cannot explain it at all. As a time-traveling soul, you should learn to reflect on why you came to this world, and what force brought you to this world?

This kind of thing can only be explained by the illusory gods, and in the world of Water Margin, there are many gods and immortals, such as Ruyunlong Gongsun Sheng, Shenxing Taibao Dai Zong, as well as the mysterious Luo Zhenren and Zhang Tianshi , and even Gao Lian who serves as the prefect of a certain state. These people can call the wind and rain, which one is not a magical method?

And the strangest thing is that some of these guys who should be immortals actually serve in the imperial court!

It seems that I have really been poisoned by those time-travel novels. Those time-travel guys do not seek immortality, but instead engage in construction and fight for hegemony in a big way. They are really stupid!

"Brother, let me ask you something." Wu Song thought about all this and asked Wu Dalang: "Do we have gods in the Song Dynasty?"

Wu Dalang grinned and said: "Yes, why not? The most famous immortal in our Song Dynasty is Chen Tuan, the ancestor who won Huashan in a game of chess. When Emperor Taizu was still serving as a soldier, he met Chen Tuan Ancestor, Taizu is known as the best player in the world, but he still lost to Ancestor Chen Tuan, so he was allowed to own Huashan. It is said that Ancestor Chen Tuan is still sleeping in the mountains today! Think about it, from the Tang Dynasty to the present day! Isn’t the current character a god?”

Wu Song wondered: "Since there are immortals, why don't people visit them and ask for immortality?"

Wu Dalang sighed: "It's easier said than done? These gods are all about chance. Even from the Tang Dynasty to the present, emperors from more than ten dynasties have summoned him to ask about the way to ascension, but the ancestors have refused, let alone us ordinary people?"

He glanced at Wu Song and his expression changed: "You don't want to become a monk, do you? Tell you, don't even think about it! If a god wants to take you in, he will naturally come to him. If he doesn't want to take you in, you won't even kneel to death in front of him. Take care of you!”

Wu Songqian laughed twice and said: "How can this happen? Don't think about it." Even so, his mind couldn't help but start thinking about asking for immortality. The best way is to make friends with Ru Yunlong Gongsun Sheng. Through him, he became a disciple of Zhen Luo.

But, where is Gongsun Sheng now? Wu Song had no idea about the geography of the Song Dynasty, and when he first read Water Margin, he didn't remember Gongsun Sheng's birthplace.

"It seems that I have to wait until I grow up and go to Shuibo Liang Mountain to ask him."

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