[The Straw Hat Pirates, each member has fought at least one agent from Baroque Studios,】

【And immediately started a bloody battle with them,】

【Usopp and Chopper face off against Mr. 4, who can wield a giant steel bat, and Ms. Christmas, who has eaten the mole fruit.】

【Mr4 is not only extremely powerful, but also has a gun that can eat the Dog-Dog Fruit.】

【An exploding baseball can be launched from it】

【Everyone got into a tough fight right from the start.】

【Their fighting style is very special.】

【First, the gun that ate the Dog-Dog Fruit continuously fired exploding baseballs.】

【The dust and smoke raised by baseballs will not only cause large-scale explosion damage,】

【And it can block their sight,】

【This way the Mole Man can grab the enemy's feet underground】

【With them moving rapidly across the ground,】

【Use the enemy's body to hit the earth wall and rock,】

【Causes huge damage to enemies】

【Moreover, the huge iron rod wielded by Mr.4 can also be coordinated with the high-speed movement of the Mole Man.】

【Hitting the opponent in the face with a heavy metal bat,】

【Just one hit can cause serious damage】

【Usopp had originally planned to give up.】

【But the Mole Man started popping champagne at halftime.】

【She even laughed at Luffy's dream unscrupulously】

【She thought that third-rate pirates like Luffy would never be able to survive the Grand Line.】

【It's even more impossible to become the Pirate King】

【Luffy's dream is to know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth】

【Usopp hates it most when others insult his companions' dreams.】

【So he and Chopper teamed up to launch a counterattack.】

【First, use a lot of smoke to block everyone's sight.】

【Then, Chopper used his wrestling strength to lift the Mole Man buried in the soil directly into the air.】

【Then Usopp, who was standing by, called out the names of their moves.】

【Mr4 subconsciously swung the baseball bat】

【The violent collision directly knocked the Mole Man away.】

【Usopp then used Chopper's antlers as a giant slingshot.】

【Throw out your hammer.】

【Mr4 was hit by a hammer and suffered severe injuries in the abdomen.】

【His body suddenly flew out.】

【At the same time, he smashed the gun that ate the Dog-Dog Fruit.】

【The gun fired a baseball subconsciously.】

【The three were immediately caught in the explosion.】

【Chopper & Usopp V.S. Mr4&Mole Man】

【Chopper and Usopp win】

【Sanji faced von Clay】

【Both sides have strong strength.】

【Von Clay possesses the human-demon boxing skills.】

【Sanji has excellent kicking skills trained by Barefoot Takufu.】

【The two sides fought hard】

【Finally, when the two sides competed in kicking skills,】

【Sanji is still more skilled.】

【The fight ended with a cowboy kick.】

【He himself had several broken ribs and was seriously injured.】

【Nami and Zoro met Mr.1 and Ms.】

【One of them is a user of the power of thorn fruit.】

【One is the user of the Quick Slash Fruit】

【Mr1 was originally a vicious person.】

【After eating the Quick Slash Fruit, he became a man with blades all over his body.】

【Since then, there have been few rivals.】

【He wanted to meet the swordsman who had killed hundreds of men on Whiskey Mountain.】

【So he competed with Sauron】

【At the beginning, Mr1 had the upper hand.】

【After all, every part of his body can be transformed into a blade.】

【The powerful strength displayed was so great that even Sauron suffered a great loss.】

【And finally, in the process of fighting with him】

【Zoro felt the breath of all things】

【This is the primary manifestation of observation Haki】

【When the situation was almost certain to be killed,】

【Zoro uses a steel-cutting attack!】

【Itto-ryu Iai, the song of the dead lion】

【The arrogant Mr. 1 was knocked down by this blow.】

【Nami's opponent is the powerful Ms.】

【She is a thorn person with thorns all over her body.】

【As the navigator of the Straw Hat Sea, Nami】

【Its combat capability is not outstanding.】

【Fortunately, before this departure,】

【Usopp specially created the Weather Stick, his exclusive weapon, for Nami.】

【Three different sticks are combined together.】

【Can use a variety of moves,】

【A stick can blow hot air bubbles,】

【One can blow out cold bubbles,】

【One that can blow out electrical bubbles,】

【The various moves formed by these three combinations】

【The weather stick became Nami's only hope.】

【Nami first used three different bubbles】

【A small thundercloud condensed above Ms Erzhi's head.】

【Causes great lightning damage to the opponent】

【Then he used the mirage to create his own phantom clone to avoid the opponent's attack.】

【Finally, Nami used the tornado weather created by the constantly rotating weather stick.】

【Defeated the previously unattainable Ms Two Finger with one strike, completing Nami's first kill】


JOJO dimension.

Josuke and Koichi came to Italy.

Enjoying the passionate exotic scenery, everyone just walked out of the airport and met some taxi drivers soliciting passengers.

If according to the original plot, Koichi went to Italy alone. The first taxi driver he met was actually Giorno.

At that time, he had awakened his stand ability-Golden Experience, so he successfully cheated the luggage from Koichi's hands, but at this moment, it was still a few months before Giorno awakened his ability.

At this moment, he was still a street gangster, but because he didn't have so much power, his intention to do things was relatively low-key.

"Let's not take a taxi.

It feels like the people in this place are quite xenophobic.

If we get ripped off, it will be a waste of money."

Koichi had Jotaro to reimburse him.

Josuke could only spend the gold coins he got from the old man.

So without knowing how long it would take to find someone in Italy, they tried to reduce unnecessary expenses as much as possible.

Unfortunately, they had just walked out of the airport and not far away, they ran into a group of slick thugs.

One of them was carrying a shovel, and there was a faint tear on one side of his eye.

""Where are you going? Foreigners!"

The thug holding the shovel stepped forward and began to ask Josuke.

Josuke didn't want to cause trouble, so he gently pushed the other person away and continued to move forward.

It was a pity that they chose the wrong target.

The guy with tears in his eyes was not an ordinary thug at all, but a local gangster.

And that eye of his was the one he had stabbed with a gang member before.

The other party had stabbed a dagger into his eye, but Luca didn't stop at all, until he beat the other party to the point that he couldn't move, and then his eye was injured, so he kept crying.

Seeing Josuke pushing him, he immediately became angry, and he raised the shovel to hit Josuke hard on the back of the head.

But he hadn't taken a few steps.

Suddenly, he felt that his wrist suddenly weighed a thousand pounds, and it dropped to the ground all of a sudden, and his whole body fell to the ground.

" Act three freeze."

Before Josuke used his Crazy Diamond,

Koichi used his Stand ability, Echo Act 3, to multiply the gravity on the opponent.

Luca had to lie on the ground because of the huge pressure.

"We just arrived in Italy and don't want to get into trouble, so please take care of yourself."

Koichi learned Italian from Kishibe Ropan, which came in handy.

Josuke didn't understand what the other party was saying at all.

He shrugged and continued to walk towards the hotel.

Just as the two of them easily dealt with the tearful Luca.

A black-haired boy hiding in the corner witnessed all this, and he vaguely saw two blurry figures beside the two Japanese. And the roots of his black hair gradually turned golden. (As for why Josuke didn't do it, it was because Mr. Araki was not very good at drawing team battles.)

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